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Unsuccessful sequel


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Assasin's creed 2 and brotherhood.


A true quantum leap over AC-1...




...into manure...


The first game was mediocre, the second was easily the worst game I bought in 2011, and brotherhoood... ugh, god, that ranks among the worst game's I've EVER bought. They could so easily have made this into a series worthy of it's endless legions on fangirls, but what we ended up with was a truely aweful, truly blatant cashin, which simply added to existing flaws, and a game which I wasn't able to finish due to a crippling CTD error on both console and PC that is still not patch corrected in the half year I've had the game.


i LOVED AC2. i never finished AC1, i think i got to the second set of cities or something, idr, it sucked was WAY to repetitive. but AC2 was amazing! i borrowed it from a friend and got sucked right in, got 100% trophies (PS3). kinda shocked you didnt like it, the general consensus of it was that it was a huge leap in the right direction over AC1...have yet to try Brotherhood, but im excited for it.



Half Life 2 Episode 3. Such a terrible game compared to its predecessors.



Oh wait..


ive never played half life, but ive always heard good things. did you not like any of them?

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I'm going to have to disagree with Vindekarr with AC2 as it did fix many of the problems AC1 had, such as reducing the chance of counter kills or having your counters countered back at you, new enemy types instead of just a bunch of copy-and-paste grunts, lieutenants, and captains, and their assassinations not going noticed. Also, the locations were nicely designed. Oh yeah, and Ezio can swim. :D


Brotherhood? Well, there's a lot of problems that were addressed too late with this game, and problems introduced that didn't do much to the game. Crossbows should have been in AC2, and even planned in AC1 as seen in the intro movie, but it was completely skipped over and you instead had a not-so-stealthy pistol upgrade. Mounted soldiers would've been nice at an earlier time in sparse locations, but now it's a bit annoying when they ride in during a fight. Benches still don't make sense as a hiding spot. The depiction of 15-16th Century Rome is somewhat terrible - How do you forget to add notable structures and ruins like the Temple of Venus at the end of the Forum?? The entire representation of that area was poorly designed - Do a Google Maps comparison, a little reading up on those sites, and you'll just see how much is missing thanks to an improper scale-down. The "lower class" buildings are badly placed and aesthetically disorganized as well; making a house out of ruined structures I can understand, but not taking the time to organize those buildings logically makes it an aesthetic eyesore.


(Vindekarr, I think you have the worst experiences with games more than anyone else that I know... Either that or you just expect too much from a game.)

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Spoiler :devil: :devil: :devil:



I would say the worst sequal would have to be Crysis 2, i mean if it was the Aliens from the first games taking over New York it'll be frozen to death, and the only ones left standing would be those soldiers in suits.


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Half Life 2 Episode 3. Such a terrible game compared to its predecessors.



Oh wait..

I don't know why no one believes that Gabe Newell personally delivered me the copy of episode 3 on his Segway.

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Thats actualy lore incorrect Thor.


The Sphere was their mothership-and the cryosphere in it was unique to that, with the mothership crushed and sitting at the bottom of the Pillipine sea, no sphere. Secondly, I think the multiplayer was a massive step forward in playability and fun factor, and one of the few games where a newby with campaign experience can step in on a near to equal footing with a five year "pro"

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I love and hate Alpha Protocol


I love it because of the RPG elements injected in the game, choices alters how factions and NPCs react to you, and the NPCs vary from insane to cute but almost everyone is interesting.


I hate it because of the horrible combat mechanics. Ugh. The Cheesy ending, the protagonist has the personality of a cardboard box. And finally, most of the armor you equip looks horrible.

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