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Heads up: New Nexus site design soon


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I logged in to the "sample Nexus" and did a bit of navigating.


The visual differences and things being in different places on the pages will certainly take quite a bit of getting used to. I'm not wild about the new look; for some reason that I have no examples ready to illustrate, it just looks like a big advert to me.


However, all the functionality I am accustomed to is still there, so I really have no complaint other than the aesthetics.


Thanks for the advanced warning; if I had one day been met with the new look unexpectedly, I likely would have thought that I was on the wrong site.

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The personal profile page looks a bit iffy in FireFox (6.0) (all plugins disable for the test site), the 'About me' section is shrunk to a narrow column. Also, on Firefox there is a small gap at the edge of the dark gray background near the right side of the kudos counter box. In FireFox, it is actually a clickable area. See screenshot (it is marked by the "Info" tag).





The personal profile is working fine in IE, Chrome and Safari (I do not have Opera).



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Did the comment tracking feature get sacrificed to the daedra? Just when I was getting used to that too :P
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as a user of nexus 5 years + a change is nice, i like the new design and all still the same functionality however im finding images taking a long time to load in the mods section i used chrome and explorer and the same issue is there but in the old design site the images come up fine :S


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At first glance it looks OK... my only nitpick is that I prefer the shade of orange we had on TESNexus, this one looks a bit too vivid. Just personal preference.


Keep up the good work Robin :)

Edited by }{ellKnight
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Did the comment tracking feature get sacrificed to the daedra? Just when I was getting used to that too


It's accessible from your member area, or here.


So, about no images showing up for me, i added 2 images to one of my files, and those 2 appear in the new nexus, but none of the others...


I forgot to mention that any new images uploaded to files (from about 20th of July onwards) will not show up on the test site. They'll obviously work when the site goes live.


The personal profile page looks a bit iffy in FireFox (6.0) (all plugins disable for the test site)


Rant incoming: Fire Fox have been real...knobs...in the past couple of years, releasing 3 new full versions in that time was just stupid and I know a lot of web developers who really, really dislike Mozilla now for all the crap they've tried to pull. They used to be loved for their open source and willingness to cooperate with web developers, now they're starting to get too big for their boots and trying to dictate the direction of development. Tossers to be fair. They've lost out a lot to Chrome recently. /rant


Thanks for the heads-up, if you find more pages I'll add them to the to-do list to be fixed for the final version.




The feedback has been good, especially the bug reports.

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