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Skyrim and Steam


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Yeah, it does sound terrible. Apple's all about control, and the cloud too. I'm a PC guy because apple wants controls to much, and I don't like it. As far as gaming goes, I'm guessing that either EA, or Ubisoft will be the first to convert. As both publishers are colossal *bleeps*.
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Yes, it was confirmed, I think. I don't remember where I saw it though.
It's been stated that it is, but I want to see a link. I don't mind there being a steam version, just as long as there is a non-steam as well.


There is no official confirmation about Steam. None. Anyone who is claiming otherwise is lying.


As close as we are to the release date now, I'm honestly hoping that means we won't get shafted with needing it. We knew well before this point with F:NV which allowed for informed purchasing and pre-order. I used that information to decide against funding the scam known as Steam.


To whoever said disc checks are far worse than Steam, not even close to true. A disc check can't be thwarted by Steam being down or by Valve going bankrupt or by you not having an internet connection.


I'll take disc checks every time over ANY form of online DRM. I'll take company in-house online DRM over GFWL, and I'll take GFWL over Steam, and unless there's an extremely compelling reason to take Steam, I'll simply opt not to purchase the game at all. I've already passed over at least two recent games, and one older one they offered for FREE simply because it required that I use something I want nothing to do with.

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Isn't it a bit harsh not to buy a game because of Steam?

I don't get what the problem with Steam is, could someone please explain that to me?

I've been using it for years, my friends too, I didn't have a lot of problems.


To make it clear, I'm not supporting it, I just think it's acceptable.

I'll take a non steam game anytime, but without DRM or a one time online check. CD check is bad, you can loose your DVD always or it gets scratched and you can't play anymore.

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Never lost a game disc once. I still have all of the ones in their boxes along with the other stuff. If you aren't lazy and actually take care of things you buy, losing a disc is a very rare thing.


No, it's not harsh to not buy a game because of Steam. It's a consumer choice, and one I will happily make over and over. I know I'm in the minority, but from what I can see lately that minority is growing larger by the day. Maybe one day we'll be the majority and voting with our wallets will wake the publishers up to the fact that we don't want some uninvolved 3rd party dictating the terms by which we get to play our legally purchased games.


DRM is a reality. We won't be seeing it gone anytime soon. So with that in mind, I'll take non-internet based disc checking every single time. I see no reason to be shafted by Valve should I end up on their shitlist for openly opposing their monopolistic tactics.

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I didn't loose a disc too, but it could still happen, I'm clumsy...


I kinda agree. Steam shouldn't be needed to play games, but it's not such a pain in the back for me to start hating it.

Still I would like if Steam would be a store and a optional program, not a necessary one.

And now I realized that I won't be able to play a lot of my games if I loose my Steam account. And the thing that 1 euro is the same as 1 dollar on steam doesn't make things better.

If there's going to be a rebellion against steam count me in.


DRM is bad, even if it's disk check.

The thing that we, the loyal customers, have to be chained by DRM and the pirates are free to do whatever they want makes me sick.


I'm always supporting companies that release games without any kind of DRM.



It's not been confirmed, that's the point here.

We don't know if Skyrim will require Steam, if it will have any kind of DRM, or if it won't.

Edited by Iv000
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I dont see why people have a problem with Steam. If you don't have a good internet connection, go to walmart and buy the game standalone. It is already confirmed that there will be a gfwl version. Sheesh. Overreact much?


Link please. I haven't seen this confirmation.

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I dont see why people have a problem with Steam. If you don't have a good internet connection, go to walmart and buy the game standalone. It is already confirmed that there will be a gfwl version. Sheesh. Overreact much?


Why be so condescending? I know modders who are pulling their hair out due to what the combination of Steam enforced updates and a craptastic in the first place New Vegas GECK are doing to make modding difficult. It is no use saying that Steam doesn't cause modding issues because it does. One reason not to like it.


And I do have a good internet connection. I just do not like how Steam mucks around with how and where I install my games THAT I HAVE BOUGHT! And that if the net goes you are in the ordure (yes, everyone's netz go at times...)

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I think it's interesting how people are asking someone to explain what it is about Steam that we don't like, yet once we've explained it they skip past it and ask for it to be explained again.


Both gaming and modding should be enjoyable activities which we can partake in at our leisure at times of our own choosing. But as our control over these activities steadily diminishes of course our dislike of the processes taking away our options is going to steadily grow. It's not a difficult concept to comprehend.

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I think it's interesting how people are asking someone to explain what it is about Steam that we don't like, yet once we've explained it they skip past it and ask for it to be explained again.


^ This.


The reasons why steam is bad (most likely incomplete)

-Requires to update the game before actually letting you play it (it took over 2 weeks before I could play Fallout New Vegas)

-It requires the internet

-It has poor interface

-It loads slow

-It updates the game automatically unless you turn it off (which is bad when the patch makes mods incompatible)

-It uses up a whole 26,000K of RAM

-The icon doesn't even look like real steam (okay, this one is a joke)

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