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Would you rather?


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The movie, because I'm just 16 and couldn't take the responsibility of having a full time job.


Would you rather take of all of your clothes and dance live in TV or erase your memory - I mean everything?

I've done stupider things for fame :biggrin:, so dancing

Would you rather have 5 billion dollars and one man always trying to kill you who will be revived every time he is dead, or be poor for the rest of your life, but get 50 more years to live then normal.

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Hawaii. Is New Zealand even a good vacation spot?


Would you rather be burnt at the stake (on a windy day, it might take a while) or go by drowning?

Drowning. Wouldn't hurt as much.

Would you rather have no internet connection or no video games ?

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No internet connection. I've lived for about 5 months without internet connection, and it's not that bad. ;)


@Diecaster, hell yeah. Search for some images on google, and you'll see what I mean.


Would you rather a hot milo or a cold milo?

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