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The Snow Arena


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*The brilliant light illuminates the shield dome over Peregrine's fortress as the holographic images of the defensive perimeter flicker and die. As the last edge of the explosion passes over the shield, it too fades away to darkness. Beneath it, Peregrine's true forces are revealed.

Deep underground, an officer makes his report. "All shields holding at 90%+ strength and climbing. All batteries standing by to fire on your order." To that, Peregrine only has one word: "Fire."

As Acrid stands helplessly in the sea surrounding the base, the automated defense guns open fire. A wall of 20mm snowballs rips into the Acrid and everything around him, and the shreds of Acrid's body are scattered across the landscape.

As Acrid dies, his base meets a similar fate. Tiny gaps open in the shield and the massed artillery beneath fires a concentrated salvo at the fortress. Soon what little remains is burried beneath a mountain of snow, leaving no trace of its former existence.*

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*Acrid begins rannting as if Pergrines listing*


*What need do you have for that kingdom, your mighty tower see's over all my knigdom and all my nuclear weapons are at your disposal*


*Acrid's tatered remains hide behind a snow drift, with his last ounce of power yells "Roland HELP!!!!"*

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*Ancalagon hits the Krikket ball, and in an instant, Antartica, and for some bizzare reason a small urban city in Northern California by the name of Cameron Park are wiped off the face of the Earth and into oblivion.


*Floating in purgatory Ancalagon is heard to say:


"Eh, so this is purgatory? Hermph, its OK...not too great...but not too bad...the weather is OK...not too cold...but not too hot..."

*And so it goes on indefinateley, unless some really nice person uses a transdimensional snow portal o'fried chicken to get Ancalagon out of Purgatory, but suddenly hsi cell phon which survived the holocaustic blast rings He picks up


" Erm, Hello?"

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