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New redesign implemented


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I can see where you're coming from with the new design, I'm not a fan but change isn't always welcome at first. I reacted the same way when the Bethsesda forums changed their design.


Anyway, I'm not a fan of this new design, for a couple of reasons.


First, it feels overblown and cluttered compared to the old design which was very uniform, very simple and straight to the point. This new design seems to me more about looking good than being functional. I am a designer myself, I place a huge importance on how something looks, but form can never go before function, and I believe this new design does just that.


Second. It really does not look as good as the old one did to me. Most importantly, this does not look like the nexus, it simply doesn't. There is next to no visual indication that this is a site for Fallout New Vegas beyond the name, the result is a site that looks sterile and lacks personality.


I'll probably get used to it eventually, but my first impression is this: I don't like it, if I was to be objective I would say the old design is much more functional, looks better and has some semblance of indentity. This new design does not.

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Unverified user images are displayed when I view my files.




can anyone see an image of some chick getting bent over in the user images section? if so then I haven't verified that on my file


Yes, they are visible, are you sure they are unverified? Ghouly is having fun there, I can see that.

Yes. Unverified. you can see that there should only be 1 image in that tab. there is a number there. But once you click the tab to bring up the user uploaded image, there are 2.

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EDIT: This is all I get, and it's the same for all my mods.


That browser looks suspiciously like IE7, Emma :(


What version of IE is it?



It is IE8. As I said, I am running Windows XP :wub: and unfortunately IE9 doesn't support it:


The system requirements for Internet Explorer 9 are Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista Service Pack 2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2 with the Platform Update.[9] Windows XP and earlier are not supported.


So, what you are saying is that I either have to abandone XP, which I love, or Internet Explorer, which I find is working soooo much better for me than other browsers (yes, I do have work-related real-life reasons for this), or Nexus, which is my favorite TES-site? :(


Is there any chance that Nexus will find workarounds (i.e. not finished the design yet) or is this how things will remain?


I've been using IE-Tester to backwards check the sites with IE8 (as you can't have IE8 and IE9 installed simultaneously) and it's working absolutely fine for me, Emma :(


Is anyone else on IE8 experiencing this issue? Is anyone on IE8 not experiencing this/any issues?


Could this be a plugin issue? Especially check for anything blocking javascript as the new sites are very heavy javascript users (programs like adblockers, anti-virus, firewalls, internet suites etc, can all affect this).



Well, it seems this user has the same difficulties as I with IE8 + XP.


No, there shouldn't be anything blocking javascripts here .

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You're going to have to do a bit of troubleshooting on your end I'm afraid, Emma. I've spoken to a few other IE8 users who aren't having any issues, and I've got vanilla IE8 setup on my laptop running it fine too :psyduck:
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don't like it... old design fit my screen, no matter what resolution i set.. what's the point of a wide screen monitor if everything is crammed in the middle?


navigation isn't as nice, harder to find stuff.

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So no chance we will get the old design back? I guess that is a shame.


The site is not as intuitive as before, it seems like a step backwards. I really hope we do not have to wait four years for this to be improved upon to make it as user friendly and functional as before.

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