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I'll be honest here. I purposely didn't correct him when he explained how he thought this mod installation data would help people because (A) Modding installation is extremely game specific, and (B) We have our own mod manager program for Torchlight that we'd like our users to use. Our program is maintained by our community, so the modders who actually know how the game works keep it maintained and it is set up so that we don't lose any ad views from people using it.


I've offered to talk to Kreisher again, but now I also have to see what all this means about "we won't delete your account or the data we've collected about you once you've registered the account." (from one of their CMs) If that's as bad as it sounds then that would be strike three in my book.

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Is it not true that as long as people are signed in as Tesnexus member's they are allowed to download mod's?


Dark0ne if you know all the people who are signed up as members here that are partner's with, or are, the Gmod staff, it would be a good idea to block them from downloading any modder's mod's, small one's and large mod's, also include blocking them from gathering picture's from within Tesnexus by making it so they cannot do so with their membership status.

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Is it not true that as long as people are signed in as Tesnexus member's they are allowed to download mod's?


Dark0ne if you know all the people who are signed up as members here that are partner's with, or are, the Gmod staff, it would be a good idea to block them from downloading any modder's mod's, small one's and large mod's, also include blocking them from gathering picture's from within Tesnexus by making it so they cannot do so with their membership status.

it would have little effect since you can download most mods without being logged in.


The issue with direct linking has been fixed.


The issue where they still don't seem to get how they should have gotten permission before uploading, linking, gathering descriptions on, mentioning, or even using an authors name as not only a matter of courtesy, but also one of legality and IP rights however remains unresolved.



Interesting, and somewhat ironic bit on his blog

Gmail just stopped me form sending an email with out an attachment – by invading my privacy and reading my email…. They noticed that I had typed “see attached” but didn’t attach a doc.


This is a brilliant move on Google’s part. If they truly intend to be the gatekeeper of all info they will need to build trust / goodwill and convince us that it’s in our best interest. This is a good step in that direction.


@ Kreisher

I'm not going to agonize the point... But maybe it's time for you to have a long sit down with a cold adult beverage opposite a mirror and take a look back on the matter from shoes that are not your own.

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I live close to Seattle but I would hesitate to work with them unless they showed a serious commitment to change what is wrong with their TOS and policies. I think that they have enough feedback to get started on that and if they are serious and want to run a legit site, they will get started doing some changes and quit stealing our work....if not, we can look at more aggressive ways of getting them to comply with not stealing our identities and work.\



ROFL! Vagrant lolol! The sad thing is he doesn't seem to see what he is doing is FAR worse to us then what google did to him.....

they will need to build trust / goodwill and convince us that it’s in our best interest

The irony! I guess he needs to take his own advice.....well after he gets over his outrage from the program that looks for words like "attached" and an actual attached file lol.


I posted this on the Gmod Presses YouTube channel....

My name is XTR3M368. Please remove all my mods from your site, along with anything from my partner, InBleedingRapture and Rapture-X, which is our combined mods. Your business practices violate my terms of use. Please remove any "accounts" you have created without my permission to "claim" that are linked to any of the above Nexus usernames. I don't appreciate that borderline identity theft. I refuse to log in to check so you can post at the Nexus for confirmation. If not, My sister works for the state updating the Washington State website. I am sure I could talk her into contacting the attorney general Rob McKenna to look into your site and its practice of hosting other people's work without permission.
Edited by XTR3M368
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Is it not true that as long as people are signed in as Tesnexus member's they are allowed to download mod's?


Dark0ne if you know all the people who are signed up as members here that are partner's with, or are, the Gmod staff, it would be a good idea to block them from downloading any modder's mod's, small one's and large mod's, also include blocking them from gathering picture's from within Tesnexus by making it so they cannot do so with their membership status.

it would have little effect since you can download most mods without being logged in.


The issue with direct linking has been fixed.


The issue where they still don't seem to get how they should have gotten permission before uploading, linking, gathering descriptions on, mentioning, or even using an authors name as not only a matter of courtesy, but also one of legality and IP rights however remains unresolved.



Interesting, and somewhat ironic bit on his blog

Gmail just stopped me form sending an email with out an attachment – by invading my privacy and reading my email…. They noticed that I had typed “see attached” but didn’t attach a doc.


This is a brilliant move on Google’s part. If they truly intend to be the gatekeeper of all info they will need to build trust / goodwill and convince us that it’s in our best interest. This is a good step in that direction.


@ Kreisher

I'm not going to agonize the point... But maybe it's time for you to have a long sit down with a cold adult beverage opposite a mirror and take a look back on the matter from shoes that are not your own.




Fact : Non-subscriber's cannot download all mod's. A subscription was required of me to allow me to download those over 200KB desirable large mod's.

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Fact : Non-subscriber's cannot download all mod's. A subscription was required of me to allow me to download those over 200KB desirable large mod's.

The programmed cutoff for file sizes for non-members is 4mb though I think... Any other issues, like connections timing out or download speed however is usually something ISP related.


You don't need a premium account to download files larger than 4mb, you just get access to premium servers which have less load so can give higher rates... making issues with ISP and file transfers less of an issue.

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Fact : Non-subscriber's cannot download all mod's. A subscription was required of me to allow me to download those over 200KB desirable large mod's.

The programmed cutoff for file sizes for non-members is 4mb though I think... Any other issues, like connections timing out or download speed however is usually something ISP related.


You don't need a premium account to download files larger than 4mb, you just get access to premium servers which have less load so can give higher rates... making issues with ISP and file transfers less of an issue.


The times have changed again Vagrant0. The information you gave me is likely more accurate and may well be. It makes me look like it is my mistake for saying 200KB. As that number used to be set on some sites because of old 56 KBps modem's and such and although I am a DSL modem owner many of my acquaintances and friend's still do not have above 56KBps while I can download at 1.3 Mbps on a good day.


Thank you for updating, to be accurate that is not 4mb...that would be 4 Megabit's more precisely typed 4Mb...not 4MB either which is MegaByte's, like 56MBps is to 1.5 Mbps.


I know people don't like to have to continuously upgrade their brain's a lot, because it mean's they tend to loose their connection with the group they are groveling with. I know because I have real scar's on my face and body because certain types of people don't want an education that separates their mind's from their ethereal god like plane and brings they closer to the mortal physical one.


I was no different, but I have learned that mental pain is a sign of getting new knowledge and head aches are often mistaken for growing smarter when they are usually a sign the writer's brain is dehydrated from the party they went to last week and the one they will suffer from this week after the parties end.


Thanks for info. But, like all newb's i have found that trusting a brother or sister when playing around with games and information is a tricky business, that if, appropriately done the game can aide a younger sibling in getting good grades in school, or, leave them to the dunce cap in the corner all their life.


I prefer the earlier state.

So like my benefactor's I will take your information and go see for myself what changes have occurred while I was playing in the somnabulism garden of schemer's dreamer's, while avoiding scam artist's and phisher's. I will return when I am done and begin again, dreaming about becoming rich, famous, a warrior, a God, a fast car driver, or a big hero's. While you and others continue to mistype and mis state all the detail correctly because you have had two headache's this week's causing everyone to become aware that places with mod's from member's here posted at other sites are being used by confidence men who know the IT industry is filled with weaker and weaker mind's that they can loot, cheat, and steal from.


Thank you for posting the latest info to this area.

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say what? I feel like I just asked someone what 2+2 equals and had them answer "yes".......


OK, back on topic...

Do you guys running the Nexus feel like this Gmod problem will take care of itself now that they can't leech off of the Nexus family of sites? or should we get more proactive?

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I think we should be in a "wait and see what they do next stage", rather than antagonising them and giving them free publicity.


I think that's pretty much what I have determined for now. Not to say I haven't been reading up a bit about them from various sources though.

Edited by Sepherose
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