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Ashton Silo choices? (SPOILER)


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You say that New Vegas gives no motivations to do the main quest.


I saw Fallout 3 gives no motivation to do the main quest.


Perhaps we should just agree to disagree because this isnt getting anywhere and im very close to calling you cowardice...


You consider saving your family to be cowardise? I would do anything for family, and I am quite confused at the idea that it makes me a coward. But if that is how you feel, then I guess I understand how you find Fallout 3 lacking in motivation .... but I am sort of weirded out by that to be honest. I must be misunderstand you I think.

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Either model likes to piss people off or he just doesnt realize when he does it lol. Give him the benefit of the doubt I suppose, your only family, your father, the one who always stood by you from the day you were born, and had the answer for everything youve known and learned your entire life suddenly ups and leaves, and his closest friend is killed because of it, guards are trying to kill you as well. Your world is suddenly and irrevocably tossed upside down. Now your out in a world you were told from the day you could walk, that was impossible, that there was nothing beyond the vault, nothing but death. You find out (or should if you snoop around when your escaping.) That there is a settlement outside, and its not far away, you can just see it in the distance, a place with people, people that wont likely be trying to kill you! So of course you set out for megaton.


When your there they talk of how your the 2nd one to come from the vault recentlly, you hear about how your not from the vault, how your father brought you there and you two hid away in it until this day when he suddenly without warning up and left. You now know theres more to the world than the vault, and whatever is out there, your father is there too. Your still alone, you have no one you know, these people are strange, act differantly than the ones in the vault. They look at you like some country bumpkin who doesnt know up from cucumber. So you feel more and more isolated.


Now why the hell wouldnt you go on after your father? You cant go back, they will kill you, if they even let you in. You could stay in Megaton, but your an outsider, even if you diffuse the bomb, your little more than a town attraction. Some foolish kid from a hole in the ground who doesnt know s*** about the real world. The only one who knows you, who cares about you is out there, in a dangerious world, alone, just like you.


Sounds like motivation enough to go hunt ole paps down. Im sure you can find some connection you had in reallity to someone that would make you stop and think the same in that situation; "If so-and-so was out there alone in a deadly world, the only one who truly knows me, id risk life, limb, and mutation to get to them!" A girlfriend, wife, kid, sibling, friend or something.



I think because of the major differances in FO3 and FO1 a lot of the old FO gamers were denied a chance to really appreciate the game, you need to stop trying to pick it apart and compare it to FO1 and just jump into your character, enjoy the game, feel the story, the interactions and see how great it really is. If you let your own wish for a carbon copy of FO1 get in the way you wont really come to enjoy much of FO3, or half of FNV from what ive seen.

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Fo3 was the First fallout game i ever played just so you know. I never even heard of Fallout until i saw a Fallout 3 commercial.


In my opinion, leaving me to die in the Vault without any word constitutes that he doesnt give a damn about me. By leaving the Vault he shook up a hornets nest and quite simply destroyed the supposed safe heaven he wanted you to live in. See James loves that water machine more then he loves you. Proof? He left you behind for it.



Also cowardice was directed at your actions in NV not F3. In F3 id call that co-dependent even suicidal.

Edited by ModelV
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Fo3 was the First fallout game i ever played just so you know. I never even heard of Fallout until i saw a Fallout 3 commercial.


In my opinion, leaving me to die in the Vault without any word constitutes that he doesnt give a damn about me. By leaving the Vault he shook up a hornets nest and quite simply destroyed the supposed safe heaven he wanted you to live in. See James loves that water machine more then he loves you. Proof? He left you behind for it.



Also cowardice was directed at your actions in NV not F3. In F3 id call that co-dependent even suicidal.



Think your missing a few key points here.


He was trying to leave in such a way as not to be caught. As his plan went he would just "disappear" with only Jonas(sp), the overseer, and you via jonas knowing what happened. You would live out your life happily and safe in the vault, maybe marry Amata or what not. The fact that the overseer flipped out after he left and tried to have you killed, thus letting word of James' escape leak out to the rest of the vault was not known to him. In short he thought your life was safe and secure in the vault and that if you ever did leave the vault it would be after he had project purity running and the world was becoming a more stable place for life.


He was selfish in stopping the project to find shelter for his son/daughter, and waiting for you to grow up to become a man/woman of your own. His unselfish acts are in completing the purifier to better humanity in the east. To give up a simple happy life as a vault doctor, respected by most, and secure in his position, to venture out into the wasteland and try to make the entire world better for it.

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The overseer let him in more or less in the first place, if not by opening the vault than by letting him stay after he entered. He resented him for the complications his existance made. So James probably figured the Overseer would be glad to be rid of him, and write it off as a accident or something that got him killed and unreclaimable in some remote part of the vault.
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In fallout lore, the vaults actually house about 1000 people (as is needed for the survival of a species), not the 50-or-so we've seen and executed in FO3... dying in a remote part of the vault was always a possibility. But this thread has really been derailed suck-cesspool-y now.
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  • 11 months later...

I would say that considering Ulysses' words that there ARE no innocents in the divide. Only Tunnellers, Marked Men, and Deathclaws. The tunnellers you should never feel bad for killing namely because they'd kill you if they had the chance. Marked men are insane, twisted, pale imitations of what they used to be. Deathclaws, the bane of many a quarry worker in the mojave.


While sure, it's fully POSSIBLE that launching the ICBM could have blown up something a lot more important, like the Hoover Dam. The courier had no way of knowing what was about to happen seeing as the last time we triggered that it didn't actually launch the ICBM back in Hopeville. I'm definetly not the only one who goes "Oh s***." when the ICBM launches. And If i'd have been capable of moving at the time I was trying to pull my laser detonator out to blow it early.

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