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obvious plot gap is really horrifically obvious now.


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So I just had a thought, when you go at the end of Lonesome Road you can deactivate the nukes, Nuke the long 15, or Caesars encampment/supply line forgest exactly which. Anyways you can also nuke both. But why can you not nuke New Vegas itself? Or Hoover Dam? If I want to play a truly neutral good character, Destroying the Dam would be the best option of all. As well as New Vegas.


And heres why!


1) The NCR advancement only came to the Mojave after scouts confirmed of the existance of the functioning Dam, they came for the near endless energy supply it is and the massive amounts of resources that could be moved acrossed it to further their advance east if so be it.


2) The legion only came because it not only represents the old world tech they wish to remove, but a vast crossing to further their movement west.


3) House can only run New Vegas because of the Dams power, and as such can only build his empire around New Vegas with its functionality and control intact.


So if you destroy the Dam, by direct result you destroy New Vegas, or at least turn the NCR/House focus to Helios One, which you can also destroy if you wish. Not to mention you disable the only effective crossing on the river for either NCR and Legion, which would result in a stalemate with neither side able to garner a serious foodhold on the others shores. (considering NCR forces would then be diverted from reinforcing the Dam to patrolling the river. and thus find and elimnate Caesars small encampment on the western bank.)


Why the hell would you not give that option which could be yet another way to end the game entirely?

Beyond people were crossing the Colorado long before the dam was built (that's part of the reason why there is a Los Vegas) what's new for this game? Killing Ceaser off doesn't cause an issues for The Legion, even though it's clearly his personal pet project.

Edited by RJLbwb
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Tens of thousands of people depend on the dam for their water and their livelihood, many would be killed by fallout and floods downstream, many more by thirst afterwards. It would be a terrible option, unless you were playing a character who just wanted to watch the world burn!


And I believe the nukes were targeted by Ulysses, not by you. You don;t have the time to recalibrate the targeting, only to cancel the launch sequences.

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  • 6 months later...

in real life it was Cesare, who had his troops build a floating bridge across a vital and very deep river, then marched his legions over it, under fire from enemy archers and engines the whole time. if an army wants across a river, they will cross. Besides there are so many fords and bridges up and down the Colorado river the legion and the NCR could use if they stopped trying to hold or take the dam.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To the OP: Why that?

Why did ED-E magically copy himself and then head in a direction decidedly away from Navarro?


Why were the nukes in the Divide so fail-deadly that all it took was some random device to cook them off?


Because Chris Avellone wanted to nuke the wasteland again and Sawyer wisely told him he couldn't, but he threw Avellone a bone so he could nuke the wasteland, create plot holes so big a super mutant behemoth could charge through, commit rampant comma abuse and completely neglect subject nouns to his heart's content.

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Tens of thousands of people depend on the dam for their water and their livelihood, many would be killed by fallout and floods downstream, many more by thirst afterwards. It would be a terrible option, unless you were playing a character who just wanted to watch the world burn!



so for that option you have to have joined the Toaster faction. Small appliances tremble in fear everywhere.

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Tens of thousands of people depend on the dam for their water and their livelihood, many would be killed by fallout and floods downstream, many more by thirst afterwards. It would be a terrible option, unless you were playing a character who just wanted to watch the world burn!



so for that option you have to have joined the Toaster faction. Small appliances tremble in fear everywhere.




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Tens of thousands of people depend on the dam for their water and their livelihood, many would be killed by fallout and floods downstream, many more by thirst afterwards. It would be a terrible option, unless you were playing a character who just wanted to watch the world burn!



so for that option you have to have joined the Toaster faction. Small appliances tremble in fear everywhere.






Its bathtub time for the evil toaster :P

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  • 2 months later...

Nuking the dam is probably the most psycho/sociopathic and nihilistic idea I've seen yet. It solves nothing but creates far more suffering than ever imaginable. The world is barely recovering and the OP thinks by nuking the dam he'll spare thousands of lives? Sounds like the OP has spent too much time with the fiends to me...

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