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Skyrim Nexus launches


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is skyrim going to be abandoned after a year like oblivion was, i hated that the shivering ilse was the only real expansion pack for oblivion and that it was a rushed design. i loved morrowind but i only enjoyed oblivion at all because of mods. and that ended after a year. skyrim looks amazing i hope it is as good as it looks or better. but the graphics are the same as oblivion almost from what ive seen. i want this game to become better than oblivion was. morrowind beat oblivion in ratings all over the web. lets hope skyrim don't share oblivion's fate.
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But it's getting extremly annoying by the fact a lot of people here seem to be extreme Japanese fans or whatever. Because there's way way to much boobies.


Boobies is never wrong. Oblivion might have been rather pale in the warrior sense and an gritty enviroment for men and (not to be an a**hole) real women.

But it's way overboard and it makes one wonder if some modders here are just nymphs or virgins for life.


It would be extremly helpfull if there was an filter to filter out all moronic, Manga inspired or fetish mods.


I wanna see mods for Men and Real women. That fits skyrim. Not some overcolored and bright dragonball thing or whatever.


Yes I could use the adult filter, but there's still a lot of crap left over that is just manga manga manga rolled all over again.


Make an filter named Manga-inspired. Each and every mod who contain Manga material (Bleach swords for example).

Or Manga bodies and meshes whatever. All of them must tick in an extra category named Manga-inspired.


And then I could just tick it off and I could filter away all manga mods whatever. SO I could see mods that actually would fit skyrim.

If I search for clothing or anything such for Oblivion today. I just see it spamming with clothing for manga fans or whatever.


What's wrong with manga? Not all of them have half naked women, really western comics can be just as bad! They'll just never admit it...


I can get what your complaining about, as myself, as well female, I don't like it when men, we'll I assume it is men, have mods or characters with unrealistic size breasts and no understanding of human, or mainly female body structure/anatomy. I don't mind skimpy outfits that much, as long as they are reasonable!


I can see the manga complaint falling more to races than clothing, I have to admit that races with manga shaped faces, I mean manga is great when it's not 3D-ified.

Really, you would have a better argument for things that are modern entering Skyrim since that would not fit at all with the game! Japanese things, like kimonos or katanas for example sort of fits since the Blades in Oblivion had a a lot of japanese styled stuff.


The only thing, I think modders should learn when designing female clothing/armour, the different between these three words;

Beautiful - Someone who can be physically attractive, but has a good personality as well, Beauty is never associated with with people that are ugly on the inside, if that makes sense...

Sexy - Easy, someone who is sexually attractive

Cute - Innocence people! Why do you thing it's a word used for babies & children! When someone is cute, they have a innocent look/personality, often Child-Like!






So can have an tag for Somewhat realistic mods within the TES sense?

Ie no oversized boobs and such. You get what I mean.




The main problem is that if I search for something on Oblivion among 30-70 pages all I see is contant:


Sexy sexy sexy mods.

Extremly unrealistic mods and even fetish ones.

Non-creative mods/imports "stolen" directly from an manga.

Penises and vaginas.

And other twisted "in every way I can imagine" mods that are completly none-lore friendly.


Truly I should be able to have the adult filter on without having to wade across the distant lands filles with Eyecandy bodies

Hence I think having an way to filter What actually fits into TES lore and what does not would be awesome. Not as an category, but as some sort of filter or tag or whatever. Sure someone might find such stuff intresting but some might actually wanna stay an bit realistic in size and lore friendly.



As that Yong from TGN said, I fear it won't take long before some sick virgin decides to make f***ing animations for your wife... And then it would be great if I could filter such things out.

Edited by gird3r
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from what i just read, skyrim will actually look better than oblivion, much more lifelike and it will have playable vampires which is defenitly for me. i have windows 8 developer preview and oblivion is installing on it now. plus i have windows 7 ultimate edition, my cpu is a quad core and i have 6 gig of ram and a 1gig graphics card. i max oblivion out on my pc and trick it out with mods and it runs smooth. skyrim should look even more amazing with mods. i cant wait to boot up skyrim with my windows 8 machine.
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from what i just read, skyrim will actually look better than oblivion, much more lifelike and it will have playable vampires which is defenitly for me. i have windows 8 developer preview and oblivion is installing on it now. plus i have windows 7 ultimate edition, my cpu is a quad core and i have 6 gig of ram and a 1gig graphics card. i max oblivion out on my pc and trick it out with mods and it runs smooth. skyrim should look even more amazing with mods. i cant wait to boot up skyrim with my windows 8 machine.


Any sane person would stay away from it.


Even if you do not run linux at all. No i'm dead serious uninstall win 8 and stay with win 7 if you so much crave eyecandy.

If you want to run it. Sure go ahead. But don't cry tears to the IT-derpartment when you can't run dit and dat or boot another operating system (if you would need to do so someday). All you do by running win 8 is supporting thier unjustified quest at taking your freedom to use your computer as you see fit.


All that UEFI does, is giving Microsoft yet another way to add onto it's unfair policies to attempt to try to control the PC market to 100%.

And people who think microsoft are not trying to mess with your booting. Think again for an sec. There's an huge ammount of retailers who would not even care to add the said keys "required" to boot for example Linux distributions.


UEFI is s***.


Even my friends who use windows daily has enough braincells to understand that Win 8 is going to be an huge pile of s***. Yes even worse than vista. What Win 8 does with perfomance, it makes up for it with Microsoft trying to lock down people onto one single plattform with no regard to freedom of chooise.


Do the world a favour. Do not use win 8. That's pretty much summing it up.

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  • 2 months later...



Just got Skyrim and came to Tess to view mods and when I try to download I get an error "Internet Explorer can't view imiges" . All other downloads work fine. Oblivion IV and dragon age mods download fine.


Any help? I'm most likely in the wrong forum for this question!



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  • 5 years later...

Don't worry, you're not late, I'm just early.


In just over 5 weeks The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will be released in North America. Traditionally I have waited until around the time of launch to release a Nexus site for Fallout 3, New Vegas, Dragon Age and The Witcher. However, I seem to be waking up every day to emails asking me if I'm going to release a site for Skyrim or whether I'm going to integrate Skyrim in to TESNexus, so I'm putting the flag in the ground today and putting the doubts (and hopefully, the questions!) to rest. Skyrim shall have its own Nexus site, and we shall name it Skyrim Nexus.


Naturally, interest in Skyrim is huge right now and that's only going to increase as we near the launch of the game. We already have over 20,000 posts in our Skyrim forum section and it's growing every day, so come join in with the rest of us.


Skyrim Nexus right now has been locked to the front page and some really good feature article written by some of the news crew here along with Zaldiir, who has been running and updating our 5,000+ post strong Skyrim information sticky thread on the forums. If you're in the dark about Skyrim or want to make sure you're up-to-date on what we know and what you should see then look no further than our featured articles:

Naturally we're going to be keeping you up-to-date with the latest Skyrim news and information on the front-page of the site, and when the game launches on the 11th of November I'll open up the Skyrim mods section and Image Share straight away ready for use. Until then I'll keep it locked to prevent people creating placeholders for their My Little Pony mods (which, by the way, I can't wait to play).


5 weeks folks. I'll be playing Rage to pass the time, but something tells me it's still going to go very, very slowly.


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