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Future of EU...


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It makes completely no sense for me to chime in here at all, for all that's been said inside here about the EU does not at all compute with the facts I'm seeing on my side of the channel. It's like I'm listening to people locked up behind a huge wall of silence and blindness here with not a bloody idea of what's really going on outside of it anymore. But that's been the case right from the start of the topic, and is unlikely to ever change throughout.


But there's one thing that really nags me right now. Could you UK people please tell your government to now also leave the EU in the end? I mean, the EU council already told them "if you truly want to leave, then at least make it swift, to prevent inconsistencies and confusion". Yet every single day it's reported again in the news, the only people apparently "not" wanting the UK to leave inside the EU, is its own government now. All this backpedaling and slowing it down makes it really difficult to actually see you go.


I wish you all the best, both in recovering and not being too shocked when realizing all the things you blamed the EU for were not their doing at all to begin with, and now that your guys won't have that easy a scapegoat anymore for all their own mistakes, they'll also find a suitable replacement quickly enough, for you'll need it.


P.S.: Feel free to ignore, like you apparently did everything else on the other side of the channel so far. I'm no longer following here.

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It makes completely no sense for me to chime in here at all, for all that's been said inside here about the EU does not at all compute with the facts I'm seeing on my side of the channel. It's like I'm listening to people locked up behind a huge wall of silence and blindness here with not a bloody idea of what's really going on outside of it anymore. But that's been the case right from the start of the topic, and is unlikely to ever change throughout.


But there's one thing that really nags me right now. Could you UK people please tell your government to now also leave the EU in the end? I mean, the EU council already told them "if you truly want to leave, then at least make it swift, to prevent inconsistencies and confusion". Yet every single day it's reported again in the news, the only people apparently "not" wanting the UK to leave inside the EU, is its own government now. All this backpedaling and slowing it down makes it really difficult to actually see you go.


I wish you all the best, both in recovering and not being too shocked when realizing all the things you blamed the EU for were not their doing at all to begin with, and now that your guys won't have that easy a scapegoat anymore for all their own mistakes, they'll also find a suitable replacement quickly enough, for you'll need it.


P.S.: Feel free to ignore, like you apparently did everything else on the other side of the channel so far. I'm no longer following here.

I'm sorry we members and the whole of Britain has stepped into your sunshine. I'm sure you have all the true facts and everybody else is just full of mindless drivel. You have a nice day and I hope you get over your nastyfest.

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It makes completely no sense for me to chime in here at all, for all that's been said inside here about the EU does not at all compute with the facts I'm seeing on my side of the channel. It's like I'm listening to people locked up behind a huge wall of silence and blindness here with not a bloody idea of what's really going on outside of it anymore. But that's been the case right from the start of the topic, and is unlikely to ever change throughout.


But there's one thing that really nags me right now. Could you UK people please tell your government to now also leave the EU in the end? I mean, the EU council already told them "if you truly want to leave, then at least make it swift, to prevent inconsistencies and confusion". Yet every single day it's reported again in the news, the only people apparently "not" wanting the UK to leave inside the EU, is its own government now. All this backpedaling and slowing it down makes it really difficult to actually see you go.


I wish you all the best, both in recovering and not being too shocked when realizing all the things you blamed the EU for were not their doing at all to begin with, and now that your guys won't have that easy a scapegoat anymore for all their own mistakes, they'll also find a suitable replacement quickly enough, for you'll need it.


P.S.: Feel free to ignore, like you apparently did everything else on the other side of the channel so far. I'm no longer following here.


The Prime Minister has resigned, there is a procedure to find a replacement that takes time, there is no point in beginning any negotiations before the right people are all in place. Juncker, Schulz and the rest of those unelected wannabe dictators can shout and scream all they like but they'll have to wait, we've danced to their tune for long enough, now we don't have to.

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It makes completely no sense for me to chime in here at all, for all that's been said inside here about the EU does not at all compute with the facts I'm seeing on my side of the channel. It's like I'm listening to people locked up behind a huge wall of silence and blindness here with not a bloody idea of what's really going on outside of it anymore. But that's been the case right from the start of the topic, and is unlikely to ever change throughout.


But there's one thing that really nags me right now. Could you UK people please tell your government to now also leave the EU in the end? I mean, the EU council already told them "if you truly want to leave, then at least make it swift, to prevent inconsistencies and confusion". Yet every single day it's reported again in the news, the only people apparently "not" wanting the UK to leave inside the EU, is its own government now. All this backpedaling and slowing it down makes it really difficult to actually see you go.


I wish you all the best, both in recovering and not being too shocked when realizing all the things you blamed the EU for were not their doing at all to begin with, and now that your guys won't have that easy a scapegoat anymore for all their own mistakes, they'll also find a suitable replacement quickly enough, for you'll need it.


P.S.: Feel free to ignore, like you apparently did everything else on the other side of the channel so far. I'm no longer following here.

It seems that German feelings have been hurt. (no offense meant)


I'm not going to pretend to understand technical issues between Britain and EU, for myself this was purely an emotional thing. I was very pleased and not too surprised that there were enough English people with the courage to vote leave. But as the son of Scottish immigrants to Canada I'm a little bit disappointed that there weren't as many Scots with that same courage.


There will be some rough seas ahead, but nothing Britain can't handle. There is a whole world out there beyond the EU with many opportunities for trade. A lot has changed since 1973, great distances are no longer the barrier to trade they once were. Some things of course have not changed, the Commonwealth is still out there and maybe someday it will be important again. I think I would like that.

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Is it your opinion Drake, that the EU is fine as it is?


It is no secret that I am very critical of 'our' government. In fact I have even been awarded a couple of tin foil hats for observations/suggestions that later seem to appear more or less on the mark. The UK is far from perfect, but I have been around Europe, spent half my life living there, and nowhere is perfect.


I also know many people from various parts of the continent, my grandmother was a German war child refugee. There are some deep seated issues that need to be discussed among all the EU nations and their people. The graphs showing how the vote is split among different kinds of demographics is clearly showing a political disconnect. Talk to people as I have the chance to, I would argue that these issues and sentiments would not be too dissimilar in other parts of Europe. However there seems to be the need to shut down any 'contagion' and this is going to have the reverse effect, I fear.


Now, we may not get a response it seems, and perhaps this highlights part of the problem... I really don't want the EU to break up, but this dialogue needs to happen or 'god help us'.

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I had to ROFL at Drake's bellyaching about ''realizing all the things you blamed the EU for were not their doing at all to begin with'', because it took even this thick English peasant a mere ten seconds to come up with British industries trashed by EU policies.


- As a result of the common fisheries policy, our trawler fleet has to tie up and is not allowed to earn a living most of the year, unless they have really large vessels capable of getting to the Grand Banks off Newfoundland. Because the British were never actually the naughty child of Europe as all you Europhiles like to tell it, we solemnly obeyed the rules whilst the Spanish plunder our waters with illegal small mesh nets and destroy the fish stocks. Oh to be at the harbourside in Brixham or Newlyn now when one of the Spanish boats tries to dock...those Devon and Cornwall boys are so pissed that they sailed up the Thames the other week, only to be abused by Saint Bob Geldof. I daresay they taught him a new word or two.


- In spite of the farming subsidies, the CAP and EU competition rules have cut a swathe through our farming industry. Not so long ago we could have been self sufficient in, for example, dairy products, but were forced to allow unrestricted imports of European product. And then there was the foot and mouth epidemic, in which I was involved as a member of the hunting community who had the distasteful task of assisting with the cull. One evening a Ministry vet who was in the pub with us was holding forth about how "they've got it all over Western Europe but call it staggers (a less serious animal disease) so as to avoid movement restrictions and a mass cull like the one we've been doing today." We hadn't had foot and mouth for years and then farmers got the fad for these continental breeds and all of a sudden back it was. Coincidence?


- The EU have stood by and done nothing whilst our steel and engineering has gone to hell in a handcart,often at the hands of our erstwhile partners in the EU (Bombardier for example). Well nothing until the plants have closed and the staff are on the dole and then they come in with regeneration projects to make them look magnanimous, but where the jobs created are just as likely to go to free movement of labour EU citizens as to the redundant Brits. The North Midlands where I live has had a particularly bad experience, and surprise surprise, voted 71% leave in my area.

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I had to ROFL at Drake's bellyaching about ''realizing all the things you blamed the EU for were not their doing at all to begin with'', because it took even this thick English peasant a mere ten seconds to come up with British industries trashed by EU policies.


- As a result of the common fisheries policy, our trawler fleet has to tie up and is not allowed to earn a living most of the year, unless they have really large vessels capable of getting to the Grand Banks off Newfoundland. Because the British were never actually the naughty child of Europe as all you Europhiles like to tell it, we solemnly obeyed the rules whilst the Spanish plunder our waters with illegal small mesh nets and destroy the fish stocks. Oh to be at the harbourside in Brixham or Newlyn now when one of the Spanish boats tries to dock...those Devon and Cornwall boys are so pissed that they sailed up the Thames the other week, only to be abused by Saint Bob Geldof. I daresay they taught him a new word or two.


- In spite of the farming subsidies, the CAP and EU competition rules have cut a swathe through our farming industry. Not so long ago we could have been self sufficient in, for example, dairy products, but were forced to allow unrestricted imports of European product. And then there was the foot and mouth epidemic, in which I was involved as a member of the hunting community who had the distasteful task of assisting with the cull. One evening a Ministry vet who was in the pub with us was holding forth about how "they've got it all over Western Europe but call it staggers (a less serious animal disease) so as to avoid movement restrictions and a mass cull like the one we've been doing today." We hadn't had foot and mouth for years and then farmers got the fad for these continental breeds and all of a sudden back it was. Coincidence?


- The EU have stood by and done nothing whilst our steel and engineering has gone to hell in a handcart,often at the hands of our erstwhile partners in the EU (Bombardier for example). Well nothing until the plants have closed and the staff are on the dole and then they come in with regeneration projects to make them look magnanimous, but where the jobs created are just as likely to go to free movement of labour EU citizens as to the redundant Brits. The North Midlands where I live has had a particularly bad experience, and surprise surprise, voted 71% leave in my area.

What do you think the likelihood of a second Brexit vote is? I see all the folks that were on the losing side complaining, and claiming a second vote (that presumably votes to stay in the EU) would 'prove that democracy works', or some such nonsense..... So, what do they plan? Keep calling for new votes, until they get the result they want, and call it "a victory for democracy"??? That seems really hypocritical to me.

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The UK government are in large part accountable for the problems of this country. Sorry if people cannot cope with that fact but you need a reality check.

Yeah by hell the EU has issues but so do all the individual countries. Passing the blame around is a political game, don't play it. Many people seem to think they can vote on a limited scope of decisions now and again expecting all to be rosy. Does 'democracy' make the 'other side's wrong? Not in a half and half split it doesn't, if ever. If it does then it becomes as meaningless as any other regime.

People need to wake the hell up and smell the coffee and stop getting on a high horse. The problems are complex and challenging, calling a second vote may not change things but neither will blowing off the discussion and then being first in line to complain when the novelty wears off and there is something else to complain about.

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I had to ROFL at Drake's bellyaching about ''realizing all the things you blamed the EU for were not their doing at all to begin with'', because it took even this thick English peasant a mere ten seconds to come up with British industries trashed by EU policies.


- As a result of the common fisheries policy, our trawler fleet has to tie up and is not allowed to earn a living most of the year, unless they have really large vessels capable of getting to the Grand Banks off Newfoundland. Because the British were never actually the naughty child of Europe as all you Europhiles like to tell it, we solemnly obeyed the rules whilst the Spanish plunder our waters with illegal small mesh nets and destroy the fish stocks. Oh to be at the harbourside in Brixham or Newlyn now when one of the Spanish boats tries to dock...those Devon and Cornwall boys are so pissed that they sailed up the Thames the other week, only to be abused by Saint Bob Geldof. I daresay they taught him a new word or two.


- In spite of the farming subsidies, the CAP and EU competition rules have cut a swathe through our farming industry. Not so long ago we could have been self sufficient in, for example, dairy products, but were forced to allow unrestricted imports of European product. And then there was the foot and mouth epidemic, in which I was involved as a member of the hunting community who had the distasteful task of assisting with the cull. One evening a Ministry vet who was in the pub with us was holding forth about how "they've got it all over Western Europe but call it staggers (a less serious animal disease) so as to avoid movement restrictions and a mass cull like the one we've been doing today." We hadn't had foot and mouth for years and then farmers got the fad for these continental breeds and all of a sudden back it was. Coincidence?


- The EU have stood by and done nothing whilst our steel and engineering has gone to hell in a handcart,often at the hands of our erstwhile partners in the EU (Bombardier for example). Well nothing until the plants have closed and the staff are on the dole and then they come in with regeneration projects to make them look magnanimous, but where the jobs created are just as likely to go to free movement of labour EU citizens as to the redundant Brits. The North Midlands where I live has had a particularly bad experience, and surprise surprise, voted 71% leave in my area.

What do you think the likelihood of a second Brexit vote is? I see all the folks that were on the losing side complaining, and claiming a second vote (that presumably votes to stay in the EU) would 'prove that democracy works', or some such nonsense..... So, what do they plan? Keep calling for new votes, until they get the result they want, and call it "a victory for democracy"??? That seems really hypocritical to me.


I think this statement by this Dragon speaks volumes and I think everybody in England should listen to how you guys are being treated. It is a spotlight on the true feelings towards you as a nation and a people that may have been there all along. I think you should listen to all the haters out there who are up in arms and sneering at you guys for enjoying your human right to self determination and see if you actually want to be partners with those types of people. If they sneer and spit at you now, how do you know they hadn't been doing that all along. What do you think will be the pound of flesh they would demand of you to return? Would they respect you as a people?


Character is something that really comes to light when things are not going all that well and if this is their character, do you really want to be associated with such people?

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I had to ROFL at Drake's bellyaching about ''realizing all the things you blamed the EU for were not their doing at all to begin with'', because it took even this thick English peasant a mere ten seconds to come up with British industries trashed by EU policies.


- As a result of the common fisheries policy, our trawler fleet has to tie up and is not allowed to earn a living most of the year, unless they have really large vessels capable of getting to the Grand Banks off Newfoundland. Because the British were never actually the naughty child of Europe as all you Europhiles like to tell it, we solemnly obeyed the rules whilst the Spanish plunder our waters with illegal small mesh nets and destroy the fish stocks. Oh to be at the harbourside in Brixham or Newlyn now when one of the Spanish boats tries to dock...those Devon and Cornwall boys are so pissed that they sailed up the Thames the other week, only to be abused by Saint Bob Geldof. I daresay they taught him a new word or two.


- In spite of the farming subsidies, the CAP and EU competition rules have cut a swathe through our farming industry. Not so long ago we could have been self sufficient in, for example, dairy products, but were forced to allow unrestricted imports of European product. And then there was the foot and mouth epidemic, in which I was involved as a member of the hunting community who had the distasteful task of assisting with the cull. One evening a Ministry vet who was in the pub with us was holding forth about how "they've got it all over Western Europe but call it staggers (a less serious animal disease) so as to avoid movement restrictions and a mass cull like the one we've been doing today." We hadn't had foot and mouth for years and then farmers got the fad for these continental breeds and all of a sudden back it was. Coincidence?


- The EU have stood by and done nothing whilst our steel and engineering has gone to hell in a handcart,often at the hands of our erstwhile partners in the EU (Bombardier for example). Well nothing until the plants have closed and the staff are on the dole and then they come in with regeneration projects to make them look magnanimous, but where the jobs created are just as likely to go to free movement of labour EU citizens as to the redundant Brits. The North Midlands where I live has had a particularly bad experience, and surprise surprise, voted 71% leave in my area.


What do you think the likelihood of a second Brexit vote is? I see all the folks that were on the losing side complaining, and claiming a second vote (that presumably votes to stay in the EU) would 'prove that democracy works', or some such nonsense..... So, what do they plan? Keep calling for new votes, until they get the result they want, and call it "a victory for democracy"??? That seems really hypocritical to me.

I think this statement by this Dragon speaks volumes and I think everybody in England should listen to how you guys are being treated. It is a spotlight on the true feelings towards you as a nation and a people that may have been there all along. I think you should listen to all the haters out there who are up in arms and sneering at you guys for enjoying your human right to self determination and see if you actually want to be partners with those types of people. If they sneer and spit at you now, how do you know they hadn't been doing that all along. What do you think will be the pound of flesh they would demand of you to return? Would they respect you as a people?


Character is something that really comes to light when things are not going all that well and if this is their character, do you really want to be associated with such people?

Have you even been engaged and involved with referendum campaign here? This kind of behaviour happens all over the country and across the political spectrum. Dividing people as 'us and 'them' is not going to solve anything at all.


It is not like everyone on one 'side' are some sort of shining knights of the dawn... that is the kind of arrogance the vote was supposedly in opposition to.

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