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Future of EU...


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You couldn't make what happened this morning up, Corbyn holds a press conference to set out what he's going to do about anti-semitism in the party, he then compares Israel to ISIS before one of his supporters uses a common anti-semitic slur against a Jewish Labour MP who then stormed out.

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The appropriation of words is definitely a problem in a feudalistic environment. The word 'semitic' is such a word that gets bandied around as a euphamism for all sorts of things while the history and origins of things gets brushed aside in favour of sound-bites. There is always more to it than there first appears, especially in this "post-truth" era of politics.


i.e. it's more a case of 'semantics' than anything else :tongue:

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Antisemitism has become an interesting term.... It's definition has changed from what basically amounted to "anti-jewish" to today's version, that pretty much boils down to "anything that even so much as implies that Israel might do something wrong.......

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Antisemitism has become an interesting term.... It's definition has changed from what basically amounted to "anti-jewish" to today's version, that pretty much boils down to "anything that even so much as implies that Israel might do something wrong.......


The same thing applies to many other terms in our illustrious vocabulary.


Ah, spin!

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The problem with hate is it feeds upon itself and procreates with an alarming rate, especially in those who claim to be fighting it..


“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” - Nietzsche
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You know guys, it's very curious read I have here, but I can't state how brutally outrageous it seems from time to time. I don't how to put it right, but it feels like your criticism of your own governments (EU/UK/US) as a bit off the board. I mean, yes, those politicians aren't all rainbows and sunshine, but considering more than half of the worlds' dream is to live in there, and they are even ready to die for a chance of this. Good, solid economics, not every citizen is billionare, sure, but you have good jobs and good salaries, your governments care for people at some extent, they aren't only busy stealing from you, like literally... all the time! I wonder, what should 3rd world and less wealthy country people say about their leaders in that case?...


On topic, still interested in how Britain fares after exit, not in relation to EU itself, but from within.

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Antisemitism has become an interesting term.... It's definition has changed from what basically amounted to "anti-jewish" to today's version, that pretty much boils down to "anything that even so much as implies that Israel might do something wrong.......


http://www.antisem.eu/projects/eumc-working-definition-of-antisemitism/ it's quite well defined and the left in the UK has an alarming number of anti-Semites in it, this is especially true of members of the cult of Corbyn.

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There is definitely a plan even when it looks like there isn't one. The idea of rich and poor sharing society is also noble, if varying in degrees of 'success'. Generally though is to not be overly optimistic, and that is quintessentially part of the culture anyway.

Being an international facing place it is inevitable that world events and mood will be characterised (or caricatured) here. I just hope we have a strong leader able to get things in order while not losing many of the good things we do have.


But this just might be overly optimistic... :confused:

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