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If mod authors are intentionally refusing to release their mods to console players just because (and not because it would take too much time to port it or anything), then that's kind of a douche move on their part. But what these "pirates" don't seem to get is that it's entirely their right to be douchey about their mods. It's a pretty childish and idiotic line of thinking to assume that just because you don't like what somebody does with their property that you get to just copy that property. And even worse is the "They're not losing any money over it" argument. Because somebody gives away their hard work for free instead of charging for it, they have less rights over said work? Takes a special kind of person to think that being charitable should be rewarded with a complete lack of respect for your personal wishes. I've personally only released two very basic retextures so far and even those simple mods took me hours to create. Literally the only thing mod authors -can- ask for and -want- to ask for is some respect for their work. If somebody doesn't charge you for their hours of work and only asks some basic respect and you don't give it to them... Pretty low.


I'm on the fence if an aggressive tactic like this will help. I still have a pretty high opinion of Bethesda as far as big companies go (Note: that's a very relative statement), so I'm not entirely sure that something calmer like a petition wouldn't have any effect on them. But they're still a big company and most of the time, the only arguments they really care about are financial ones. And I don't think they'll risk public outcry and losing a lot of customers by outright starting a fight with the modding community and/or Nexus.

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If mod authors are intentionally refusing to release their mods to console players just because (and not because it would take too much time to port it or anything), then that's kind of a douche move on their part. But what these "pirates" don't seem to get is that it's entirely their right to be douchey about their mods. It's a pretty childish and idiotic line of thinking to assume that just because you don't like what somebody does with their property that you get to just copy that property. And even worse is the "They're not losing any money over it" argument. Because somebody gives away their hard work for free instead of charging for it, they have less rights over said work? Takes a special kind of person to think that being charitable should be rewarded with a complete lack of respect for your personal wishes. I've personally only released two very basic retextures so far and even those simple mods took me hours to create. Literally the only thing mod authors -can- ask for and -want- to ask for is some respect for their work. If somebody doesn't charge you for their hours of work and only asks some basic respect and you don't give it to them... Pretty low.


I'm on the fence if an aggressive tactic like this will help. I still have a pretty high opinion of Bethesda as far as big companies go (Note: that's a very relative statement), so I'm not entirely sure that something calmer like a petition wouldn't have any effect on them. But they're still a big company and most of the time, the only arguments they really care about are financial ones. And I don't think they'll risk public outcry and losing a lot of customers by outright starting a fight with the modding community and/or Nexus.


I can agree with that, but i agree also with the statement that we MUST do something, i won't shut up to an injustice just because people wants less trouble...

This s**t it's trouble by itself, something that can do bethesda don't let us mod the next TES game 4 example, or just turn off the CK or just mess up this community built in all of those errors that they're doing over and over again.

Edited by KataPUMB
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Zenimax believes (as corporate policy where corporate rules are, by definition, above the laws of nations- see the thinking of Apple, Microsoft, Google for examples of the same) that it OWNS the rights to all mods made for Beth games, and thus has zero issue with wholesale stealing of mods to populate Beth.net.


Legally Zenimax is as wrong as Microsoft, when it claims you cannot sell that copy of Windows you bought. But who is going to pay to hold Zenimax's feet to the fire in court?


Bethesda can't afford to be as nasty as Zenimax, but Beth will simply play dumb- like Google did for years over the mass infringement of IP rights on Youtube. Thus the ONLY weapon we have is massive co-ordinated vocal attacks against Bethesda. You kids, 'educated' as you have been by a public school system designed to PACIFY the ordinary person, will drone "oh, no- you mustn't do THAT- you aren't allowed to be 'mean' to a corporation- that's probably 'illegal, and almost certainly 'counterproductive'' '. Sadly such people are like the 'sheep' from Orwell's 'Animal Farm'- bleating out the voices of the morally correct activists.


We won when Beth tried paid mods for Skyrim (long after it was possible to control such an idea). Victory is possible with FO4 mods as well. But Zenimax doesn't care- Beth.net is built for the games that come AFTER FO4- the ones that will use the new iDTech engine.


Future Beth game modding will involve mods on Beth.net ONLY. The Nexus and other web resources will be out of the loop. The new modding system will play much nicer with consoles, be much easier to monetise, and require that every mod has an IP signature involving an IP block owned and controlled by Zenimax. If your mods CONTAINS Beth IP, Zenimax has the legal right to control its distribution 100%.


It is a LIE to state that the tools you use (EULA or not) control distribution of the output data. But ensure that every mod needs Zenimax-owned IP blocks to function, and Bingo- no more Nexus.


My main point is even the 'winning' move of ensuring Bethesda hears the concerted outrage of wronged modders plays into Zenimax's hand - gaining us one final battle victory, but reinforcing the tools Beth intends to use to win the war. Beth will claim that making modding an exclusive of Beth.net, with the draconian censorship of that outlet, is the ONLY way to 'address' the 'concerns' of modders. Google did the same when it 'cleaned' up Youtube.


The walled garden of Apple's app store is the vision of the future most major software developers aspire to. Microsoft has spent tens of billions of dollars trying to kill the freedom of traditional Windows development with Win8/Win10 initiative in the same name.


For open-world gaming, the only ultimate solution is for 'modders' to create the game as well as the mods- technically possible now so many AAA game engines are essentially free. But the co-operation required to craft a game as sophisticated as Skyrim or Fallout 4 would be unlike anything yet witnessed. But I would remind everyone that the sum total of all mods for Skyrim easily exceeds the development efforts of the original game (in EVERY regard) by a very long chalk.


A free, open, ever extensible fantasy game and a free, open, ever extensible post-apocalyptic game. Maybe Nexus should think about sponsoring and helping co-ordinate such efforts before Beth closes the door on open modding (for their future games) forever.

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So the mod author has to make an official DMCA complaint? seriously?

ahh, the lawyers and PHBs got involved.


sounds like the script extender is going to be the way to go.


heh, I'd really like to see an open, extensible world (skyrim and fo type) done, but for steamos.

(I'm thinking Moe and 2 fingers in their eyes with this)


Now I'm getting annoyed with them.

<takes deep breath...>


edit: actually, rather than script extender, just put XXX material in. EIther they check the mods, or they'll get other people complaining.

(religious, lawyers, etc)


or do both.


oh yeah, the various forums are going to go berserk over this.

Edited by skubblebubble
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