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Do you own any firearms?


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I have a shotgun and hunting rifle, .22 cal. Off the top of my head, I don't know the shotgun's since I've only fired it once or twice besides a few practice shots. When I go hunting I bring it if a bear or mountain lion or something gets too close. A bear came at me one time so I just dropped the rifle and ran a bit before getting the shotgun ready. I went and got it when it was sniffing the rifle. That was a while back, like 10-12 years ago though. I will admit the bear scared me a little.


I also have that shotgun mounted above my bed. Along with my black katana :P Basically, it's a bad idea to come in my house unwelcomed. I have a 9mm pistol too that I use to shoot at a shooting range.

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No. I did have 7 rifles at one point, mostly .22 but one was .308 and the last one was .50 BMG.


I got rid of them since I got a job several years ago and couldn't maintain them or anything, so I just sold them. I might get a 9mm pistol in the future because of the armed break-ins that've happened around here, though.


But I used them for target practice, I've never gone hunting. I might also make a coil rifle or something as an experiment.

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I used to carry an M249 with 2000 rounds (on me) with a M9 on my thigh and running either a M2 .50 cal or a M240B in the turret of the humvee. (But when we deployed, they took away my C4. What a horrible thing to do to a Combat Engineer! lol)


How the hell were you carrying 2000 rounds?! The standard box size for my countries army is 200, so by those numbers you would have been carrying a whopping 10 boxes of rounds. Which kinda means you'd be too loaded to stand, let alone walk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to carry an M249 with 2000 rounds (on me) with a M9 on my thigh and running either a M2 .50 cal or a M240B in the turret of the humvee. (But when we deployed, they took away my C4. What a horrible thing to do to a Combat Engineer! lol)


How the hell were you carrying 2000 rounds?! The standard box size for my countries army is 200, so by those numbers you would have been carrying a whopping 10 boxes of rounds. Which kinda means you'd be too loaded to stand, let alone walk.

I don't think it's very likely a gunner on a Humvee would also be the one with a squad automatic weapon.

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