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On console mods, theft and Bethesda.net


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In response to post #39477815. #39477935, #39477995, #39478485, #39479710, #39480175 are all replies on the same post.

Canderis wrote: what about the mass amounts of mods you guys just reuploaded from filefront? I certainly didn't give my permission for mine to be uploaded here.
jim_uk wrote: There's a contact email at the bottom on this news article where you can get in touch with them about it http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/news/12810/?
jackty89 wrote: I think they did it for mod preservation , as filefront is closing down, if there is a real problem contact them, i'm pretty sure the nexus team is willing to help you
The Vampire Dante wrote:
Then (as Jim_UK suggested) send us a list of linked files that belong to you and we'll remove them.
Cirrak wrote: That's a really lousy thing to say. You would have preferred all of those mods to have been lost? I still play Bridge Commander, Kotor 1 and 2, Jedi Academy, etc, and the vast majority of those mods would have been lost for good.
t3hWAR10CK wrote: If filefront is shutting down then your mods will be gone forever. Quite frankly I am shocked to the core to hear that people would allow their own hard work simply tank like that. I know people who did that and ended up seriously regretting it later.

No matter the opinion you can't deny the irony in this

"That list is by no means exhaustive, and there’s lots of other justifiable reasons for not wanting to share their mods on other sites. At the end of the day, we, the mod users, have absolutely no rights whatsoever in demanding mod authors do or do not do something with their mods. Nor do we have any right to take a mod and upload it somewhere else, just because other people want it."

I get why it was done, I'm personally fine with it, but in the end, many mod authors still have their mods, they weren't loosing anything, or had updated already uploaded elsewhere while the ones re-uploaded were old buggy versions of it, as i said i don't mind it myself, but isn't it a little self-righteous to think just because it was to preserve lots of mod files it isn't somehow the same thing? Why did they save the mods exactly? "just because other people want it"

"Why should mod authors care about others taking their work? Surely they release mods so that as many people as possible can enjoy them?


This part of the post fits exactly what all of you are saying... *facepalm*

(Again, i'm criticizing the irony and hypocrisy of the matter more than the act itself, after all i "want" those mods too, but perhaps things weren't handled as well as they could have)
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"My mods will not be available on Bethesda.net for console users."


i would suggest rewording this. it can be taken as "oh that guy isnt going to do it so screw it i will"


perhaps "will not and may not be made available on bethesda.net"

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In response to post #39477705. #39477825, #39478135, #39479435, #39481700, #39482540 are all replies on the same post.

The Matrix Prime wrote: Really?

Dislike against "console mods" is a thing? Like a real thing? Not something made up like "Homophobia" or "Islamicphobia" or something? I mean, I've never felt anything but sorry for people who had no other option but to use the console - mods are the reason I stopped playing on the X-Box (other then occasionally) and play games on the computer instead. If consoles can use mods too - which is big news - then it only means the community grows even larger. Isn't that a good thing?

Why would the idea of "console modding" annoy anybody? I still have trouble believing that it's a real thing - at least the way the Dark0ne describes. If you don't use a console, then what real difference to you is it going to make? And if you do, wouldn't it be a good thing? I mean the atrocious (read British) spelling on Nexus annoys me far more then the concept of "console modding" and I download from Nexus nearly every week (use to be everyday before work-life increased).

As to mod theft, it's a very ugly thing for someone to do, but I don't really see how "console modding" really affects that one way or the other. If people are going to steal, they are going to do regardless of consoles being able to mod. And while "stealing" someone's mod - which I understand is really stealing the credit for creating said mod - is certainly wrong, it's not like anyone is getting paid for it - so I can understand why Bethsaida wouldn't care much. I mean, when people over in Asia were downloading mods and SELLING them on disks in stores, I could understand the outrage - but in this case, a few sleazy types are just fooling new gullible console users into thinking that the sleazebags made the mod when it was in fact someone else. A rather sleazy thing to do just to try to get your 15 minutes of fame, but it's not really hurting anyone. Eventually the console users will gain experience and these sleazy types will have to move on.

Don't get me wrong, I think its bad, but it's not exactly a crisis. I mean, if it means that much, the original authors (or someone) can PM every user that downloads a "stolen" mod and tell them who the actual credit belongs too.
jackty89 wrote: Yes hate against console mods a thing, i think the grudge for some people start because of , 1. Console exclusives 2. Console fanboy-ism shitting on PC and mods (aka mods are cheats) 3. The ungratefulness of console users etc etc but some people take these thing rather serious and that how "hate" can start manifesting itself
Ethreon wrote: Didn't know homophobia is made up. I think you need a touch of realism.
PonceMonster wrote: Agreed.
madpaddy wrote: homophobia is made up, islamophobia is made up ??? what the hell you talking about, nothing made up about either Tell those poor dead people in Orlando its all made up sheesh.
Nogrim313 wrote: homophobia isnt a real thing, i dont think their really are people who are just afraid of homosexual people, its just a nicer word to call them than bigot.

you dont call some one who is prejudice against black people a negrophobic.

As a mod author I can give you a good answer. Its the percentages. At this point of time I can handle the influx of comments on my mods. Downloads for them have slowed, I can live with that because I kind of dislike dealing with some of the posts I get. Now if I were to entertain the idea of converting my mods to X-B1 or PS4 the amount of posting on my mods is going to up 6 times what it is now. You may think I am daft, but the the PC only holds about 25 % of the Skyrim and Fallout 4 sales in total. I am sure the numbers are wrong but its close enough to press the point home. I like modding and I like to share my mods when they are good. Now if I port to the consoles I have to deal with a huge influx of bug reports or people asking me to do this or that, or telling me my mod is stupid, as was the latest comment on my biggest mod. So I will never be able to continue to mod because I will have to deal with all the posts and PM coming in and dealing with all wile having a real world job and life of my own, as such they are. I would end up doing what another really big mod author has done and simply shut off the comments and PM system for some peace of mind.

I considered pulling my mods down because I new last year at E3 when they announced mods for consoles on Fallout 4 I saw the writing on the wall and knew that Skyrim was going to get pulled into this. But than I took the another look at things and its so simple in my case. Only the core of my mod would work by itself on the consoles, it depends on to many other mods to ever work right in its full glory. So I have really nothing to worry about. If someone wants to port the core of my mod to the consoles, I will let them. But the rest of it is tangled into to many other mods and resources that it simply would never work right and getting all those mod and resource authors to agree for their part to get used, is just not likely to happen. My other mod is another story and I am not sure what I am going to do about it. I am presently working on another mod for Fallout 4, and it again is based on custom created content form other mod authors converted and ported with permission. It will probably never get a console port. I am not going to go through all the work, and I don't want to deal with a huge increase in reports. I also don't have any consoles. Call me a PC elitist if you want but I never looked at them as a real way for me personally to play games. And since I don't have consoles I can't test for them. So there you go.

So in general you are not thinking of the mod author's frame of mind and what it really takes to make, and continue to support a mod. If supporting a mod takes away from everything else than it is simply not worth it anymore. I am not even sure that some of the mod authors are even taking this in consideration, the huge increase they will get when porting a mod over to the consoles. Its a whole new ballpark and its going to cause some pain along the way. We will just have to see how things move forward from here. The article is a dam good one and it should be posted elsewhere so everyone can read and see it and really open their eyes to all of this. One can only hope it will.
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I'm a no-name modder who isn't regularly active in this community at all, nor have I released many mods since I registered in 2009. Having said that, apply the appropriate level of gravity to my opinions.


Beth.net is a goat rodeo (as we say here in Texas). The website and the enforcement of their own TOS are equally terrible. I fully believe this is in preparation for paid modding to make a glorious return, so most of their focus has been on that prize instead of serving the community, especially the modding community.


As Dark0ne said, many of us mod primarily for ourselves, and may choose at a later date to share with everyone else. This describes me perfectly. I play my modded games on PC during "me" time, and vanilla games on console during "us" time with the wife. I will be modding FO4 for me and mine, but with the direction Beth.net is headed in I highly doubt I'll contribute at all. That may change in the future, but for now I have no plans to do so.


The PCMR vs Console Peasant crap is just that; crap. You can make valid points for or against either, but the real or perceived animosity between the two sides is similar to tribalism for the sake of tribalism. Unfortunately at the moment it's most ridiculous from the console community, and I feel that it's mostly because they're likely to be younger, and certainly because they're not from an existing modding community.


They don't understand our customs, so I tend to cut them some slack. With exception of course to the few who are blatantly stealing others work, or those vocally defending them. I hope at some point during this rodeo, they get the horns.

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The part that bothers me the most about all this is that the modding community thought that they had made their point when they argued over the many issues posed with making mods pay to play, and now they are using console players to make money off of modders work anyway - by advertising this special edition to new console players who will finally get to play Skyrim with mods and cash out for a new version. I am a console player turned PC player because of the amazing PC mods I found here on Nexus, and I feel like this change of events is a slap in the face to the PC community, and to players in general.


"Want skyrim to not look like s#*!? Here's some subpar enb-ish graphic enhancements for you, and oh - download everyone's mods for free and get the mods that make the real difference to the game! Just for you console ps4/xbox players - buy the special version now! Only 79.99!"


The lions share of the 'remastering' will already have been done by the mod authors themselves. including essential bugfixes, and none of that new cashflow will ever be going to anyone else but to Bethesda. They could care less who the mod authors are; in the end, they just want new cashflow for Skyrim, and they've found a way without having to compensate mod authors for anything.

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In response to post #39477705. #39477825, #39478135, #39479435, #39481700, #39482540, #39483080 are all replies on the same post.

The Matrix Prime wrote: Really?

Dislike against "console mods" is a thing? Like a real thing? Not something made up like "Homophobia" or "Islamicphobia" or something? I mean, I've never felt anything but sorry for people who had no other option but to use the console - mods are the reason I stopped playing on the X-Box (other then occasionally) and play games on the computer instead. If consoles can use mods too - which is big news - then it only means the community grows even larger. Isn't that a good thing?

Why would the idea of "console modding" annoy anybody? I still have trouble believing that it's a real thing - at least the way the Dark0ne describes. If you don't use a console, then what real difference to you is it going to make? And if you do, wouldn't it be a good thing? I mean the atrocious (read British) spelling on Nexus annoys me far more then the concept of "console modding" and I download from Nexus nearly every week (use to be everyday before work-life increased).

As to mod theft, it's a very ugly thing for someone to do, but I don't really see how "console modding" really affects that one way or the other. If people are going to steal, they are going to do regardless of consoles being able to mod. And while "stealing" someone's mod - which I understand is really stealing the credit for creating said mod - is certainly wrong, it's not like anyone is getting paid for it - so I can understand why Bethsaida wouldn't care much. I mean, when people over in Asia were downloading mods and SELLING them on disks in stores, I could understand the outrage - but in this case, a few sleazy types are just fooling new gullible console users into thinking that the sleazebags made the mod when it was in fact someone else. A rather sleazy thing to do just to try to get your 15 minutes of fame, but it's not really hurting anyone. Eventually the console users will gain experience and these sleazy types will have to move on.

Don't get me wrong, I think its bad, but it's not exactly a crisis. I mean, if it means that much, the original authors (or someone) can PM every user that downloads a "stolen" mod and tell them who the actual credit belongs too.
jackty89 wrote: Yes hate against console mods a thing, i think the grudge for some people start because of , 1. Console exclusives 2. Console fanboy-ism shitting on PC and mods (aka mods are cheats) 3. The ungratefulness of console users etc etc but some people take these thing rather serious and that how "hate" can start manifesting itself
Ethreon wrote: Didn't know homophobia is made up. I think you need a touch of realism.
PonceMonster wrote: Agreed.
madpaddy wrote: homophobia is made up, islamophobia is made up ??? what the hell you talking about, nothing made up about either Tell those poor dead people in Orlando its all made up sheesh.
Nogrim313 wrote: homophobia isnt a real thing, i dont think their really are people who are just afraid of homosexual people, its just a nicer word to call them than bigot.

you dont call some one who is prejudice against black people a negrophobic.
Impulseman45 wrote: As a mod author I can give you a good answer. Its the percentages. At this point of time I can handle the influx of comments on my mods. Downloads for them have slowed, I can live with that because I kind of dislike dealing with some of the posts I get. Now if I were to entertain the idea of converting my mods to X-B1 or PS4 the amount of posting on my mods is going to up 6 times what it is now. You may think I am daft, but the the PC only holds about 25 % of the Skyrim and Fallout 4 sales in total. I am sure the numbers are wrong but its close enough to press the point home. I like modding and I like to share my mods when they are good. Now if I port to the consoles I have to deal with a huge influx of bug reports or people asking me to do this or that, or telling me my mod is stupid, as was the latest comment on my biggest mod. So I will never be able to continue to mod because I will have to deal with all the posts and PM coming in and dealing with all wile having a real world job and life of my own, as such they are. I would end up doing what another really big mod author has done and simply shut off the comments and PM system for some peace of mind.

I considered pulling my mods down because I new last year at E3 when they announced mods for consoles on Fallout 4 I saw the writing on the wall and knew that Skyrim was going to get pulled into this. But than I took the another look at things and its so simple in my case. Only the core of my mod would work by itself on the consoles, it depends on to many other mods to ever work right in its full glory. So I have really nothing to worry about. If someone wants to port the core of my mod to the consoles, I will let them. But the rest of it is tangled into to many other mods and resources that it simply would never work right and getting all those mod and resource authors to agree for their part to get used, is just not likely to happen. My other mod is another story and I am not sure what I am going to do about it. I am presently working on another mod for Fallout 4, and it again is based on custom created content form other mod authors converted and ported with permission. It will probably never get a console port. I am not going to go through all the work, and I don't want to deal with a huge increase in reports. I also don't have any consoles. Call me a PC elitist if you want but I never looked at them as a real way for me personally to play games. And since I don't have consoles I can't test for them. So there you go.

So in general you are not thinking of the mod author's frame of mind and what it really takes to make, and continue to support a mod. If supporting a mod takes away from everything else than it is simply not worth it anymore. I am not even sure that some of the mod authors are even taking this in consideration, the huge increase they will get when porting a mod over to the consoles. Its a whole new ballpark and its going to cause some pain along the way. We will just have to see how things move forward from here. The article is a dam good one and it should be posted elsewhere so everyone can read and see it and really open their eyes to all of this. One can only hope it will.

Islamophobia and homophobia are "made up"? Are you high right now?

Keeping a bit more on track, yes, sadly, many people take the PC Master Race joke too far and have nothing better than to vent their anger out on people who use a different device to play video games. It's stupid, that's what it is. Edited by Garfunklestein
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I love Beth games more than any other ones now because of Mods, modding and the ability to use a tool like the creation kit to create my own little tweaks . I love the Nexus as it allows me access to thousands of wonderful creations others were kind enough to decide to share with me. I pay money to Beth for its games and I have paid money to Nexus to be a premium member. I have also been generating a list of modders to whom I plan on making donations to. I know most of them do it out of love and not for money, but that is how I can best display my appreciation to them.

"For the love of the game".....

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Within hours of the trailer release for the new enhanced skyrim I saw a popular modder in the Skyrim community getting high and mighty and saying something along the lines of "Great, now all the pathetic console peasants will be flooding my pages demanding mod ports to consoles."

Let me just say that anyone who uses the term "Console Peasant" seriously and without joking intent is automatically a douchenozzel in my mind. This particular creator is usually a *censored*, she's arrogant and clearly thinks herself better than everyone but I STILL expected more from her.

Personally I am excited for console users to get mods. I am a PC girl all the way but my husband is a console gamer. We have similar taste in games and often play them together, at the same time on our differing platforms. It's a fun way to bond as we discover new things and get to be excited together about it. To me he's not a console peasant, he's just another gamer.

My dearest hope is that mods for consoles will be a turning point in this stupid separation between console and PC gamers. Finally a way for us to meet in the middle and people to start just enjoying that we have a hobby in common.

Which brings me to mod theft and the biggest problems with it.

Yeah, stealing mods sucks, it's a horrible thing to take something someone else has worked on extensively and release it as your own. While many modders are handling this issue with arrogance and punishing the whole community for a few asshats there are those who are seeing the larger issue with this: Console gamers aren't used to modding.

What does this mean? Anyone who has extensively modded games for years knows that sometimes crap goes wrong. Sometimes a mod breaks your game or is incompatible with another mod. Sometimes you as the user have to go in and figure out what's up because a mod author is not responsible for figuring out every possible configuration and incompatibility of their mod. Console users can't do that. They have no access to the internal systems. No way to open a mod up and look, no way to manually delete it or fix it. No way to go in and completely remove every part of a mod if a mod author leaves the community and the mod doesn't get updated.

And if they could, would they know how? Now my husband is terrible with computers. He really is. I build them for a living but that man can kill one in 30 minutes if left alone with it. I know that's not typical for console gamers but on the whole most of them have less knowledge of the technology behind their consoles than PC users have about their machines. This is going to cause problems as well when inevitably mods break.

This, more even than morality, is the problem with mod theft. Making a mod stable enough to work on consoles is not as simple as ticking a checkbox in the CK. Mod authors, at least the good ones, will want to optimize their mods and actually build them to be stable for console users. There needs to be a quality control threshold here. No more shoddily built mods coded by amateurs. I can fix those on my PC but on a console? A console user will have to deal with the consequences and will be unable to fix it. There has to be a screening process in place for the protection of save games across the board so to speak.

In the end this whole situation is new, strange, and for me at least exciting. There are a lot of kinks that are going to need work and it might take a while. If everyone just pulls their heads out of their asses and starts trying to work together we might actually get somewhere towards a more peaceful gaming community.

And as for creators like the one I mentioned at the beginning of this novel of a comment? Well screw them. She may think she's the cream of the Skyrim crop just because she's released popular mods but at the end of the day she's just another person behind a screen who ports assets she didn't create into a bit of software she didn't create to put into a game she didn't create. If she wants to look down on people for their choice of gaming platform she's going to need some serious stilts because from where I'm standing it looks like better people, better authors, and a better mentality will hopefully be on the rise.




Good grief, well said. Nice to hear a calm, rational voice amongst all the biggering and argueing this thread is quickly turning into.

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In response to post #39482295. #39482420, #39482535 are all replies on the same post.

Gurofiend24 wrote: When my cousin told me about the skyrim remastered thing, I told him I was excited for him because he always wanted to mod but he had a shitty computer. I have a gaming rig and have enjoyed it for a long time, but I didn't get mad and say, UGH PC IS SO MUCH BETTER, YOU'RE PS4 MODS WILL BE s#*! BECAUSE PC CAN GIVE MY EYES ORGASMS. TELL MY AUNTY I SAID f*#@ OFF TOO BECAUSE HER LAPTOP USED SOLELY FOR WORK IS s#*! COMPARED TO MINE.

I just said, "Awesome cuz, Imma refer you some mods cuz i been around the block." I still have my f*#@ing modded game, and now he will have his and we're both happy. I feel like elitists are just lonely assholes that don't have any real friends or family that they care about or care for them. And thus they cling to their parent paid for (talking about elitists not regular people) expensive computers and cling to it for dear life and put others without a computer down to give their lives meaning and to seem better than the smelly turds they are.

I think we should just hold hands sing kumbaya and get to know some of the cool people who will tickle that small compassion tumor inside and ban together and focus on the real problem. If we can do that a become a "Community", and fight all the wrongs like capcoms street fighter 5 release and all the s#*! the gaming companies have been doing to us, taking advantage of us in the form of Dlcs and in-game payments for basic s#*!, we can create a better future.

But here we are blaming and yelling at each other. And I'm sure nothing will change and we will all continue to be s#*! people.

So all in all, this entire post is a joke. This post is like my teardrops in the shower. A liquid like so many others flowing down every fat fold of my body before eventually being sucked down the drain called humanity.
Nogrim313 wrote: well it nice of you to make it so painfully obvious that you didn't actually read any of it.
Gurofiend24 wrote: Well it nice yo to make obvious you actually read of what I wrote.

You had me at Kumbaya, Brother/Sister, same thing I said for my co-workers who play Fallout 4 too, I don't want to just make great mods, but mods everyone can have and enjoy (Same I said for Computer Programs, wishing that I could use Mobile, Windows & Mac all at once...now there is Youwave).

I didn't read the whole post, but I think people do make money or at least avoid debt -paying for Bandwidth & Space- for running sites like this through ads so Stealing Mods leads to less Visits and Less Visits leads to loss in Ad Revenue.

Also did the person who created this site even get any revenue cause if Skyrim alone has 100k in Mods and possibly all mods combine together on this site is like 5TB + Traffic + Download Speed (I get 1-3MB...other sites its like 500KB) + Extra Stuff must cost a lot.

Also Sites nowadays don't give content away with ad block is enabled also its why I think this website keeps count of Downloads like Google Play and Unique Downloads & Endorsements, its probably done so Advertisers know that the site is good to advertise on and there not getting dupped. Edited by Lukong1515
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In response to post #39477705. #39477825, #39478135, #39479435, #39481700, #39482540, #39483080, #39483320 are all replies on the same post.

The Matrix Prime wrote: Really?

Dislike against "console mods" is a thing? Like a real thing? Not something made up like "Homophobia" or "Islamicphobia" or something? I mean, I've never felt anything but sorry for people who had no other option but to use the console - mods are the reason I stopped playing on the X-Box (other then occasionally) and play games on the computer instead. If consoles can use mods too - which is big news - then it only means the community grows even larger. Isn't that a good thing?

Why would the idea of "console modding" annoy anybody? I still have trouble believing that it's a real thing - at least the way the Dark0ne describes. If you don't use a console, then what real difference to you is it going to make? And if you do, wouldn't it be a good thing? I mean the atrocious (read British) spelling on Nexus annoys me far more then the concept of "console modding" and I download from Nexus nearly every week (use to be everyday before work-life increased).

As to mod theft, it's a very ugly thing for someone to do, but I don't really see how "console modding" really affects that one way or the other. If people are going to steal, they are going to do regardless of consoles being able to mod. And while "stealing" someone's mod - which I understand is really stealing the credit for creating said mod - is certainly wrong, it's not like anyone is getting paid for it - so I can understand why Bethsaida wouldn't care much. I mean, when people over in Asia were downloading mods and SELLING them on disks in stores, I could understand the outrage - but in this case, a few sleazy types are just fooling new gullible console users into thinking that the sleazebags made the mod when it was in fact someone else. A rather sleazy thing to do just to try to get your 15 minutes of fame, but it's not really hurting anyone. Eventually the console users will gain experience and these sleazy types will have to move on.

Don't get me wrong, I think its bad, but it's not exactly a crisis. I mean, if it means that much, the original authors (or someone) can PM every user that downloads a "stolen" mod and tell them who the actual credit belongs too.
jackty89 wrote: Yes hate against console mods a thing, i think the grudge for some people start because of , 1. Console exclusives 2. Console fanboy-ism shitting on PC and mods (aka mods are cheats) 3. The ungratefulness of console users etc etc but some people take these thing rather serious and that how "hate" can start manifesting itself
Ethreon wrote: Didn't know homophobia is made up. I think you need a touch of realism.
PonceMonster wrote: Agreed.
madpaddy wrote: homophobia is made up, islamophobia is made up ??? what the hell you talking about, nothing made up about either Tell those poor dead people in Orlando its all made up sheesh.
Nogrim313 wrote: homophobia isnt a real thing, i dont think their really are people who are just afraid of homosexual people, its just a nicer word to call them than bigot.

you dont call some one who is prejudice against black people a negrophobic.
Impulseman45 wrote: As a mod author I can give you a good answer. Its the percentages. At this point of time I can handle the influx of comments on my mods. Downloads for them have slowed, I can live with that because I kind of dislike dealing with some of the posts I get. Now if I were to entertain the idea of converting my mods to X-B1 or PS4 the amount of posting on my mods is going to up 6 times what it is now. You may think I am daft, but the the PC only holds about 25 % of the Skyrim and Fallout 4 sales in total. I am sure the numbers are wrong but its close enough to press the point home. I like modding and I like to share my mods when they are good. Now if I port to the consoles I have to deal with a huge influx of bug reports or people asking me to do this or that, or telling me my mod is stupid, as was the latest comment on my biggest mod. So I will never be able to continue to mod because I will have to deal with all the posts and PM coming in and dealing with all wile having a real world job and life of my own, as such they are. I would end up doing what another really big mod author has done and simply shut off the comments and PM system for some peace of mind.

I considered pulling my mods down because I new last year at E3 when they announced mods for consoles on Fallout 4 I saw the writing on the wall and knew that Skyrim was going to get pulled into this. But than I took the another look at things and its so simple in my case. Only the core of my mod would work by itself on the consoles, it depends on to many other mods to ever work right in its full glory. So I have really nothing to worry about. If someone wants to port the core of my mod to the consoles, I will let them. But the rest of it is tangled into to many other mods and resources that it simply would never work right and getting all those mod and resource authors to agree for their part to get used, is just not likely to happen. My other mod is another story and I am not sure what I am going to do about it. I am presently working on another mod for Fallout 4, and it again is based on custom created content form other mod authors converted and ported with permission. It will probably never get a console port. I am not going to go through all the work, and I don't want to deal with a huge increase in reports. I also don't have any consoles. Call me a PC elitist if you want but I never looked at them as a real way for me personally to play games. And since I don't have consoles I can't test for them. So there you go.

So in general you are not thinking of the mod author's frame of mind and what it really takes to make, and continue to support a mod. If supporting a mod takes away from everything else than it is simply not worth it anymore. I am not even sure that some of the mod authors are even taking this in consideration, the huge increase they will get when porting a mod over to the consoles. Its a whole new ballpark and its going to cause some pain along the way. We will just have to see how things move forward from here. The article is a dam good one and it should be posted elsewhere so everyone can read and see it and really open their eyes to all of this. One can only hope it will.
Garfunklestein wrote: Islamophobia and homophobia are "made up"? Are you high right now?

Keeping a bit more on track, yes, sadly, many people take the PC Master Race joke too far and have nothing better than to vent their anger out on people who use a different device to play video games. It's stupid, that's what it is.

Yes, unfortunately there are a number of arrogant pigs who think console modding is death incarnate for this community. It's frankly disgusting, especially when some of them are taking it as far as booby trapping their mods to annoy console users or even to brick them. IMO, it's those people Dark0ne should be addressing and removing from the community.

Me, I happen to think that it's a net positive. Console users, for the first time, are going to get to experience mods. They'll get to keep their favorite titles like Skyrim and Fallout 4 fresh and interesting for years, just like we are now. I suspect that Bethesda doing this will spur other companies into allowing it too. Love them or hate them, they have a tendency to push into new territory like this better than others.

I also happen to think it could wind up revitalizing the PC gaming community in general as some of these console users are likely to say "hey, this might be fun, I'll go buy a PC so I can MAKE mods too". Which in the end benefits us all.

Now, that said, this mod theft crap needs to stop. Cause if it doesn't, there won't be any modders left to provide the mods which means nothing left for the thieves to steal, which means no more mods for ANYONE, not just console players. The best defense against thievery is to simply stop uploading mods.
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