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I refuse to link until I have too, that way we can see how long their grace period is, said grace period ONLY helping criminals btw, there is 0 upside for a grace period for legit MA's


f***ing stupid s*** c*** bethesda

It amuses me to read your posts while hearing them in Elmo's voice in my mind. =^[.]^=


Lol, I think he should talk like Elmo in all his videos from now on.

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I refuse to link until I have too, that way we can see how long their grace period is, said grace period ONLY helping criminals btw, there is 0 upside for a grace period for legit MA's


f***ing stupid s*** c*** bethesda

It amuses me to read your posts while hearing them in Elmo's voice in my mind. =^[.]^=


Lol, I think he should talk like Elmo in all his videos from now on.


I can do JarJar not sure about elmo, they pretty close

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People need to stop treating Todd Howard as a God, and start making him answer for this Shitt. He is part of this company.

Hold on, is the term "God Howard" actually used in a non-derogatory fashion by some people?

I always thought people called him "God Howard" because, you know, if there is a God, he clearly doesn't give a damn about what he created, and is laughing at how we are tearing each other to pieces, while he just gets worshiped blindly, and grows more powerful, despite having creating an utterly flawed product that he abandoned the second after it was built.


I'M the only God Howard I know (my first name really is Howard).

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zanity's right to worry, it's not like this sort of trend of behaviour hasn't been seen before, although I was curious about that UK/USA remark, it seemed a bit... odd
nexus seems to me like it's had a reasonable but not perfect (and when I say reasonable I'm meaning I don't see any particular problems, it's a high bar from me) method of dealing with stuff, while it's a bit protectionist that's fine

why? because you cannot have cooperation between individuals if there aren't individuals, forcibly unifying groups of disparate types of people leads to *problems* galore, the kinds that aren't solvable with direct logical thinking step by step in a mechanistic (machining something so it's smoother) kind of way
the kinds of problems those behaviours create are quantum problems, in that sort of "if you look at it it changes" kind of way where just trying to measure up what's going on changes what's going on
and that's never a good thing

which brings us to what zanity generally talks about which is the transfer of the commons into private ownership hands
well in this case, ownership and commons are less legalistic and more by practice (nexus/bethesda.net), but the relevant factors are still there to worry about a bit even if it's not inevitable or something like that, personally I'm very wary of it and I suspect zanity's absolutely spot on, but I'm willing to wait and see until I get a newtype flash, my spidey senses tingle, or something like that, and they haven't quite yet

the transfer is into a bethesda curated rather than fan curated hands, whereas the commons were better curated in history than the private lands (the tragedy of the commons is often used as an example but reality is the opposite to this concept it's actually the tragedy of the unaccountable private owner) - a collective of mutually reliant people on something being unswayed by individual partisan politics at its core even if its responsive to them is much much much superior to something that can just almost entirely ignore major factions of that group (not majority, just major factions) for everyone involved except potentially those that want to skim off the work of that collective - now there's a part where this sort of breaks down slightly because after all bethesda releases the modding tools to begin with etc, but as a counter the mods are a selling point of the games and have been for a while actually - so skimming still works, in this case rather than oppressing the proletariat as a one-way street it's more of a symbiotic relationship, that might turn into mere oppressing the proletariat through divide and rule imperium methodologies (bribing the PC master race aristocracy/mod creators while relegating console and the now also PC peasants to the enclosed pasture where content control is enforced and you can't have all the fun stuff because it has to be rated PC13 or something)

I mean just look at the difference of what you can do here and over there, and you'll get what I mean for what'll be lost should that happen, although in this case I'm speaking of everything being forced into the enclosed pasture, whereas if it's merely that the best authors happen to go to it then that's probably okay, although I suspect the community thing will degrade or at least change in nature, I just want to stress the negativity in regards to *everything, being forced* into the enclosed pasture

I noticed there's not too much kink in regards to fallout 4 compared to fallout 3, while I kind of hate the stuff from an aesthetic angle personally, the lack of it feels a bit bland, and that's a signal to me, you know how it is, sometimes the lamestream is in fact, lame compared to what something was when it was a cult classic

by the way, a little history lesson, hoi polloi, plebeian, slave, peasant, proletariat are basically different iterations of a continuing theme in human existence, it's not just an insult, it's a classification that generally refers to people who have little to no control over the majority of the system they live in, and this is accepted as a norm to that system
and as for those villains stealing mods currently, the term villein (villager) lends itself as an ancestor to the term, wherein villagers of those classes were considered dirty, criminal, immoral, ratty
the situation begets the general changes to behaviour, the riots in the UK where they were stealing TV's etc, the arguments against volunteer armies, relying on general drafts etc (bit out of the way I know but it's important - it's about mercenaries vs citizen armies) all relate to this, a healthy collective of people with healthy attitudes is reliant on certain structures and those are liable to be changed - for the worse to a large extent if someone can get away with quick and dirty greasy easy get rich quick methods through a chain of degradation

healthy groupings are a societal construct, it takes effort to maintain and manage them, they can get outmaneuvered, and when people take them for granted they collapse to a cycle of strife/feuds, I mean the term plebeian is roman, and how did rome collapse in the end anyways? internal strife, BUT. that all was the turnaround AFTER a central power base and authority wrested control from the senate, and the principiate was created, which led to the empire
and prior to that there were warning signs a well, before the successful one there were a number of unsuccessful attempts prior throughout the roman republic's days

Edited by tartarsauce2
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