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Lol, you didn't even read it completely. It allows you to use assets if you have them and allow the mod to work without them, but not use them. It doesn't let you steal them. Let's say you have a robot companion in your mod or something that requires the Automatron DLC. From what this mod is saying, it should allow you to disable the companion for people that don't have Automatron. Thus, you can use the assets of Automatron for people that have it without requiring it for people that don't have it. The OP could have structured the post better, but it's not illegal and actually good.


Edit: ninja'd by a better post.


yeah, I MIS read it. just posted on bethnet. need to edit here next.



EDIT2: if you guys could snip the part where I showed my backside, I'd appreciate it.

/hangs head in embarrassment



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Beth's free-for-all is quite intentional, and actually is a fine business strategy in the dying days of the current gen of consoles. It apes, of course, the early days of Google's ownership of Youtube.


In the longer term, when Beth.net is fully LOCKED DOWN, with efficient and highly draconian censorship, being the ONLY place where mods for future iDTech-based open-world Beth games can be hosted, most will look back with a somewhat different POV. Of course, by then Beth will offer mod authors PAYMENT for their mods- so a whole new generation of modders will be like all those money-making vbloggers on today's Youtube.


In the meantime, while interest continues in Beth games built on the ancient engine, especially in the light of the release of special-ed Skyrim, console mod 'pirates' will turn to other ways of distributing mods than beth.net- so the locking down of beth.net will make the problem WORSE not better. The one lesson from computer tech is "people will find a way". And give people a REAL challenge, and the way they find will be really robust indeed.


What I see is a lot of sheep rushing to join a mob with pitchforks and burning torches. As with all mobs, the cause- good or bad- doesn't matter.


Yet the real issue is the tragic state of FO4 modding in general, and the likely fact that it'll never come close to the modding of Skyrim. Energy that should go into making FO4 mods far better is expended on cheap-n-nasty quickly knocked out gimmick mods, and bashing console players for wanting these mods.


The death of the INSANELY FAMOUS ressurection mod here really brings home the true issue. By promoting no SANE grown-up open-source licence, the Nexus ensures that poltics, not productivity, rules here. If the Nexus was grown-up, derived mods like 'ressurection' would exist 'legally' by simply inhereting the open-source licence from the source mods. But that would be too easy, sensible and 'AMERICAN'. Instead, we have to have this 'BRITISH' approach to development- with all of its vicious tabloid thinking.

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Hi on a side note here whats going to happen to the thousands of skyrim mods once the consoles get their hands on skyrim,something to think about

Well, at least in Skyrim's case, many good mods already require skse/skyui for mod configuration menu purposes. So that will help curtail theft a little bit when the remaster is released.

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Too bad the adult mod site isn't further along in development.


You could DRM your mods with stuff to make invulnerable death claws graphically rape people to death whenever they load a saved game if it detects it on a platform you the mod author has not made it ready & released it on.



Short of that however you can still DRM your stuff though cant you ?

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I find this joker Kim2's comment to DDP particularly repulsive: "Just quit the modding community." Like HE'S ever created anything, let alone something anybody would even want to steal, which brings me to the next point, which is, if DDP quits, who ya gonna rip off? Un-ruttin'-believeable. =0[.]o=

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Hi on a side note here whats going to happen to the thousands of skyrim mods once the consoles get their hands on skyrim,something to think about

Not really, Bethesda will have implemented the whole "you need to link your steam account with a legit copy of the game to upload a mod" before the release of SSE

Edited by CiderMuffin
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The death of the INSANELY FAMOUS ressurection mod here really brings home the true issue. By promoting no SANE grown-up open-source licence, the Nexus ensures that poltics, not productivity, rules here. If the Nexus was grown-up, derived mods like 'ressurection' would exist 'legally' by simply inhereting the open-source licence from the source mods. But that would be too easy, sensible and 'AMERICAN'. Instead, we have to have this 'BRITISH' approach to development- with all of its vicious tabloid thinking.



Paha...ok kid, what have you been smoking today?

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Hi on a side note here whats going to happen to the thousands of skyrim mods once the consoles get their hands on skyrim,something to think about

Not really, Bethesda will have implemented the whole "you need to link your steam account with a legit copy of the game to upload a mod" before the release of SSE



Would you really be surprised if they left that out of the Skyrim site at launch? These are the same guys that forgot a search bar at first. A search bar.

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