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The death of the INSANELY FAMOUS ressurection mod here really brings home the true issue. By promoting no SANE grown-up open-source licence, the Nexus ensures that poltics, not productivity, rules here. If the Nexus was grown-up, derived mods like 'ressurection' would exist 'legally' by simply inhereting the open-source licence from the source mods. But that would be too easy, sensible and 'AMERICAN'. Instead, we have to have this 'BRITISH' approach to development- with all of its vicious tabloid thinking.

zanity, would you like some cheese with your whine?

Edited by RattleAndGrind
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I think modders should start uploading savegame-ruining "pirated versions" of their own mods. If there's a chance pirated mods ruin saves, they're going to be less popular.

Because then you'd be just as bad

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I think modders should start uploading savegame-ruining "pirated versions" of their own mods. If there's a chance pirated mods ruin saves, they're going to be less popular.

Because then you'd be just as bad



Why? I don't mean disguise the mod as a non-pirated version. I mean say "I'm a pirate! AAARGH!" If you get your savegame ruined by using a mod thay claims to be pirated... no sympathy here.

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The death of the INSANELY FAMOUS ressurection mod here really brings home the true issue. By promoting no SANE grown-up open-source licence, the Nexus ensures that poltics, not productivity, rules here. If the Nexus was grown-up, derived mods like 'ressurection' would exist 'legally' by simply inhereting the open-source licence from the source mods. But that would be too easy, sensible and 'AMERICAN'. Instead, we have to have this 'BRITISH' approach to development- with all of its vicious tabloid thinking.



Paha...ok kid, what have you been smoking today?


Oh good, I'm not the only one that thinks he's on something >.>

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Beth's free-for-all is quite intentional, and actually is a fine business strategy in the dying days of the current gen of consoles. It apes, of course, the early days of Google's ownership of Youtube.


In the longer term, when Beth.net is fully LOCKED DOWN, with efficient and highly draconian censorship, being the ONLY place where mods for future iDTech-based open-world Beth games can be hosted, most will look back with a somewhat different POV. Of course, by then Beth will offer mod authors PAYMENT for their mods- so a whole new generation of modders will be like all those money-making vbloggers on today's Youtube.


In the meantime, while interest continues in Beth games built on the ancient engine, especially in the light of the release of special-ed Skyrim, console mod 'pirates' will turn to other ways of distributing mods than beth.net- so the locking down of beth.net will make the problem WORSE not better. The one lesson from computer tech is "people will find a way". And give people a REAL challenge, and the way they find will be really robust indeed.


What I see is a lot of sheep rushing to join a mob with pitchforks and burning torches. As with all mobs, the cause- good or bad- doesn't matter.


Yet the real issue is the tragic state of FO4 modding in general, and the likely fact that it'll never come close to the modding of Skyrim. Energy that should go into making FO4 mods far better is expended on cheap-n-nasty quickly knocked out gimmick mods, and bashing console players for wanting these mods.


The death of the INSANELY FAMOUS ressurection mod here really brings home the true issue. By promoting no SANE grown-up open-source licence, the Nexus ensures that poltics, not productivity, rules here. If the Nexus was grown-up, derived mods like 'ressurection' would exist 'legally' by simply inhereting the open-source licence from the source mods. But that would be too easy, sensible and 'AMERICAN'. Instead, we have to have this 'BRITISH' approach to development- with all of its vicious tabloid thinking.


Zanity: The Nexus Edition of Tinker Tom.


Also, man, even as somebody willing to be fairly forgiving of the console crowd I find the the content of that screencap pretty detestable. I guess they're really sticking it to "the man."


The man being a bunch of unpaid hobbyists.


Raw, raw, fight the power. Or something.

Edited by NorthWolf
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It's the idea of this some how being about what country I'm from, as though America is the land of the free and the home of...open source software and freely sharing assets among its people without litigation? Pahaha, whaaaaaat!? The country with the second most number of patents, a 15% rise in the number of patent infringement suits last year alone in the US and lets not forget, the home of Apple and Microsoft. As though the UK doesn't produce any open source software of its own. Some how country, of all things, was brought in to this? Pants on head stupid.


By all means call me out on the fact we don't "promote" licenses for mods, though I'd argue there's a giant text box for a mod author to write whatever they want in their permissions, as well as this thing called an "archive" which we ask all our mod authors to wrap their mods in, within which authors can include this thing called a "README" file and, guess what, a "LICENSE" file if the author so wishes.


But yeah, this is totally about some kid's perspective of 'murica compared to the UK.


The mind boggles. Just pathetic.

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It's the idea of this some how being about what country I'm from, as though America is the land of the free and the home of...open source software and freely sharing assets among its people without litigation? Pahaha, whaaaaaat!? The country with the second most number of patents, a 15% rise in the number of patent infringement suits last year alone in the US and lets not forget, the home of Apple and Microsoft. As though the UK doesn't produce any open source software of its own. Some how country, of all things, was brought in to this? Pants on head stupid.


By all means call me out on the fact we don't "promote" licenses for mods, though I'd argue there's a giant text box for a mod author to write whatever they want in their permissions, as well as this thing called an "archive" which we ask all our mod authors to wrap their mods in, within which authors can include this thing called a "README" file and, guess what, a "LICENSE" file if the author so wishes.


But yeah, this is totally about some kid's perspective of 'murica compared to the UK.


The mind boggles. Just pathetic.

Robin, you understand that even I look at zanity and shake my head and wish he wasn't on my side... You quoting him and responding gives him some measure of validity, like Hinesey winesey tweeting a response to me bricking xboxes and the punishment for doing so made it seem like it was real and panicked people. :P


Literally.. worst person to ever be out in front of a company I swear to god.

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