kevindad1 Posted June 22, 2016 Share Posted June 22, 2016 In response to post #39675940. #39677215, #39679030 are all replies on the same post. Reveal hidden contents Quote Kregen wrote: why do'nt beth just hire youguys to run thier modding center and forums, you at least know what you are doing and instill confidance into the comunity. Quote kevindad1 wrote: Does Bethesda know that Nexus exists? Quote Benjamin0329 wrote: They know it exists.Well I don't see the point in the website if Nexus exists. They could have just teamed up with this site and there would be no problems with modding. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruhadre Posted June 22, 2016 Share Posted June 22, 2016 In response to post #39665590. #39665740, #39665835, #39665905, #39673125, #39673695, #39679360, #39680290, #39680800 are all replies on the same post. Reveal hidden contents Quote GBNeto wrote: can someone tell me if the creaton kit is already available? cause there are a lot of mod pages that haven´t been updated and still say that they are waiting for the creation kit. not only that but i have never seen a mod with a hotkey before and with the creation kit that should already be possible right? can someone explain the situation as it is because im very confused and everywere i look there is conflicting information. thanks! Quote masternetra wrote: Yes, it's been available for a while. Quote MTNFREAKINGDEW69 wrote: The CK came out back in like, April. You can download it from the bethesda net launcher, you also need to own Fallout 4 on Steam. Any mod pages that say they "Don't have the CK yet" just means that they haven't updated their mod in a long time. Or they just haven't switched to the CK yet. Quote LethalThreat wrote: .... Yes the Creation Kit has been available for Fallout 4 for like, a good few months now? If you're looking to download it you have to download the launcher first and then you can download the Creation Kit within the launcher.EDIT: Oops posted at the same time as the one above. Quote Jinxxed0 wrote: what sucks is that the creation kit for Fo4 is locked behind a useless program that you have to download, bethesda's launcher. so you can no longer keep track of how many hours you use it like with steam Quote kevindad1 wrote: Why would someone want to keep track of how long they use the CK? Seems like a weird complaint to me. (No offense) Quote trinityfang wrote: to see how long they have wasted their time screwing up and to then learn from their mistakespractice makes perfect Quote darkconsole wrote: becuase my steam numbers are cooler than yours. no really. something like 3500 hours in skyrim ck for me. bow before me. i think i've spent more time in it than anyone at bethesda has >_> Quote kevindad1 wrote: Lol.If you have to keep track of time to be aware of how much you are screwing up, then you probably shouldn't be releasing mods yet -_-Speaking as a modder, I get mad at myself if I mess up AT ALL. Much less keep track of how much of my own time I'm wasting >_> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crimsonhawk87 Posted June 22, 2016 Share Posted June 22, 2016 (edited) In response to post #39675940. #39677215, #39679030, #39680875 are all replies on the same post. Reveal hidden contents Quote Kregen wrote: why do'nt beth just hire youguys to run thier modding center and forums, you at least know what you are doing and instill confidance into the comunity. Quote kevindad1 wrote: Does Bethesda know that Nexus exists? Quote Benjamin0329 wrote: They know it exists. Quote kevindad1 wrote: Well I don't see the point in the website if Nexus exists. They could have just teamed up with this site and there would be no problems with modding.Err, we've all been saying the same thing for months fact, the only ones who do not agree with us are Bethesda and a handful of console users (not all mind you, I'd venture to say not even a majority, but a few like the wild west show that is Dead horse, beaten. Edited June 22, 2016 by Crimsonhawk87 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1stReaper Posted June 23, 2016 Share Posted June 23, 2016 (edited) In response to post #39675940. #39677215, #39679030, #39680875, #39683735 are all replies on the same post. Reveal hidden contents Quote Kregen wrote: why do'nt beth just hire youguys to run thier modding center and forums, you at least know what you are doing and instill confidance into the comunity. Quote kevindad1 wrote: Does Bethesda know that Nexus exists? Quote Benjamin0329 wrote: They know it exists. Quote kevindad1 wrote: Well I don't see the point in the website if Nexus exists. They could have just teamed up with this site and there would be no problems with modding. Quote Crimsonhawk87 wrote: Err, we've all been saying the same thing for months fact, the only ones who do not agree with us are Bethesda and a handful of console users (not all mind you, I'd venture to say not even a majority, but a few like the wild west show that is Dead horse, beaten.@Kregenif beth hired Dark0ne and the teamyou can be damn sure beth would fire todd howard and give them his job =/ actually surprized howard STILL his job considering the fact that they 1st try to stick paid for mods into action, 2nd rise the price tag off the season passand <3rd strike>... stateing "nukaworld is the last dlc"... making the rised pricetag a complete rip off...if howard worked for me i'd have thrown him out the second the 3rd strike get laid down =/...@Dark0neCheers for helping the modding community as much as you guys and girls have :),lets hope that things continue to pick up, and repair the wounds from the recent event with the mod thieves taking stuff that dont belong to them =/... it sucks as we're still recovering the trust lost because of the paid for mods =/....Keep up the awesome work :)<edit>@crimsonhawk87,mmm my guess is if beth teamed up with Dark0ne, they would lose out because on the nexus they wouldn't have control of what happens with the mods.. and thank f**king god... if they did it'd be the end of the modding community =/... (if paid for mods have anything to say about it) Edited June 23, 2016 by 1stReaper Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crashpilot Posted June 23, 2016 Share Posted June 23, 2016 (edited) Nexus is solving Bethesda's problems, again!You guys should geta share of their profits!!!! Edited June 23, 2016 by crashpilot Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1stReaper Posted June 23, 2016 Share Posted June 23, 2016 (edited) In response to post #39684690. Reveal hidden contents Quote crashpilot wrote: Nexus is solving Bethesda's problems, again!You guys should geta share of their profits!!!!lolthey should have their job, never their profits =/....the nexus and the modding community far as i can remember has been fixing beth's ..... f**k ups since when skyrim came first came out on the pc =/thank god i switched to pc over console i think i came to pc versions of skyrim and then fo3, new vegas and fo4 give or take a few months after dragonborn came out... (shrugs) its been that long i cant remember :P...o wait i remember now...i switched into pc gaming when i first saw baldurs gates enhanced editions release news :Dnot regarting coming to pc gaming yet :)good thing about the pc - if theres an issues theres modders patches and console commands <3 Edited June 23, 2016 by 1stReaper Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shhfiftyfive Posted June 23, 2016 Share Posted June 23, 2016 In response to post #39665590. #39665740, #39665835, #39665905, #39673125, #39673695, #39679360, #39680290, #39680800, #39682055 are all replies on the same post. Reveal hidden contents Quote GBNeto wrote: can someone tell me if the creaton kit is already available? cause there are a lot of mod pages that haven´t been updated and still say that they are waiting for the creation kit. not only that but i have never seen a mod with a hotkey before and with the creation kit that should already be possible right? can someone explain the situation as it is because im very confused and everywere i look there is conflicting information. thanks! Quote masternetra wrote: Yes, it's been available for a while. Quote MTNFREAKINGDEW69 wrote: The CK came out back in like, April. You can download it from the bethesda net launcher, you also need to own Fallout 4 on Steam. Any mod pages that say they "Don't have the CK yet" just means that they haven't updated their mod in a long time. Or they just haven't switched to the CK yet. Quote LethalThreat wrote: .... Yes the Creation Kit has been available for Fallout 4 for like, a good few months now? If you're looking to download it you have to download the launcher first and then you can download the Creation Kit within the launcher.EDIT: Oops posted at the same time as the one above. Quote Jinxxed0 wrote: what sucks is that the creation kit for Fo4 is locked behind a useless program that you have to download, bethesda's launcher. so you can no longer keep track of how many hours you use it like with steam Quote kevindad1 wrote: Why would someone want to keep track of how long they use the CK? Seems like a weird complaint to me. (No offense) Quote trinityfang wrote: to see how long they have wasted their time screwing up and to then learn from their mistakespractice makes perfect Quote darkconsole wrote: becuase my steam numbers are cooler than yours. no really. something like 3500 hours in skyrim ck for me. bow before me. i think i've spent more time in it than anyone at bethesda has >_> Quote kevindad1 wrote: Lol. Quote Ruhadre wrote: If you have to keep track of time to be aware of how much you are screwing up, then you probably shouldn't be releasing mods yet -_-Speaking as a modder, I get mad at myself if I mess up AT ALL. Much less keep track of how much of my own time I'm wasting >_>when browsing mods, make sure you read the top corner that tells you the last time they updated their description page. then also go to the comments section and read the date of the latest post. many mods have been inactive in these respects since about january 2016, which predates the ck release. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chaptermaster21 Posted June 23, 2016 Share Posted June 23, 2016 Once again you guys give us the best! I know its been said before, but i wish the nexus and the modding community ran bethesda because you guys keep on fixing all their stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aragingmonk Posted June 23, 2016 Share Posted June 23, 2016 In response to post #39675940. #39677215, #39679030, #39680875, #39683735, #39684460 are all replies on the same post. Reveal hidden contents Quote Kregen wrote: why do'nt beth just hire youguys to run thier modding center and forums, you at least know what you are doing and instill confidance into the comunity. Quote kevindad1 wrote: Does Bethesda know that Nexus exists? Quote Benjamin0329 wrote: They know it exists. Quote kevindad1 wrote: Well I don't see the point in the website if Nexus exists. They could have just teamed up with this site and there would be no problems with modding. Quote Crimsonhawk87 wrote: Err, we've all been saying the same thing for months fact, the only ones who do not agree with us are Bethesda and a handful of console users (not all mind you, I'd venture to say not even a majority, but a few like the wild west show that is Dead horse, beaten. Quote 1stReaper wrote: @Kregenif beth hired Dark0ne and the teamyou can be damn sure beth would fire todd howard and give them his job =/ actually surprized howard STILL his job considering the fact that they 1st try to stick paid for mods into action, 2nd rise the price tag off the season passand <3rd strike>... stateing "nukaworld is the last dlc"... making the rised pricetag a complete rip off...if howard worked for me i'd have thrown him out the second the 3rd strike get laid down =/...@Dark0neCheers for helping the modding community as much as you guys and girls have :),lets hope that things continue to pick up, and repair the wounds from the recent event with the mod thieves taking stuff that dont belong to them =/... it sucks as we're still recovering the trust lost because of the paid for mods =/....Keep up the awesome work :)<edit>@crimsonhawk87,mmm my guess is if beth teamed up with Dark0ne, they would lose out because on the nexus they wouldn't have control of what happens with the mods.. and thank f**king god... if they did it'd be the end of the modding community =/... (if paid for mods have anything to say about it)"Well I don't see the point in the website if Nexus exists. They could have just teamed up with this site and there would be no problems with modding."Bethesda will end up charging for mods in the future, when they get this worked out. If they control the creation kit they can eventually state in the rules that you have to put the mod on their site. Then they will charge for it.ESO = Failure went free to play. Doom = Failure had to release free demo and extend it. cannot say much about FO4 because I did not buy it, but have read the fiasco over charging too much for season pass and poor dlc content.They should concentrate on making a decent game that we do not have to fix instead of raping peoples wallet. Almost as bad as EA! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AoEnwyr Posted June 23, 2016 Share Posted June 23, 2016 In response to post #39667145. Reveal hidden contents Quote Stewb wrote: If there's a section for the creation kit, will there be somewhere for PS-4 and XBox users? I recently put my FO4 mod on the console for the console users and got someone asking me if I needed a play-tester for my mods since I didn't own a PS-4 or Xbox. Wouldn't that help console modding if there was somewhere for console users to offer to help p.c modders who don't own the console to test them? It may help alleviate the worries of those modders if there was somewhere to get decent feedback from the console players :DThis is a good way to foster harmonious relationships and hopefully break through some of the us vs them nonsense that has been going on as well. Great idea :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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