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Fallout 4: delusion or great game?


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Ok folks, i'm opening this topic, because i want to made a serious question: is Fallout 4 a delusion or a great game for you?

Since Bethesda announced Nuka World is the last DLC and probably we are getting the goty soon (probably this autumn/winter or easter 2017), people still get angry and deluded by the lack of contents how was in Fallout 3 and in Fallout New Vegas made by obsidian.

But please, no flames, just let's made a civil conversation about this.

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I think the pre-hype was seriously over the top to what the game actually is.


At first - when I got it on the later side - March 2016, I waited to make sure the pre-bugs were taken care of.

... FAILED - as I was hit with an install bug that was addressed by a player and solved it quickly. But it was annoying, but I should have known better.


In my first attempt to play through, I found I was indeed getting bored. Unlike FO-3 and N.V. this simply did NOT grab my attention and I found myself going back to Skyrim for a few days. Then I realized I needed to give it another try and did. It still did not grab me.


But I went through till I got to the point of the Institute and was going, "seriously", this is it?


I realized that hopefully the MOD Community would breathe some life into it.


But then came Far Harbor ... Robot DLC, was "okay", but even that was a tad 'lackluster' to say the least.


But Far Harbor did indeed 'grab me'! I was going, "why didn't they put this kind of effort into the base game?"


The Wasteland Workshop ... is well ... I've yet to really use it, in that anything in it is pretty much way seriously too bulky to want to build.


I'm hoping that Nuka World is as good as Far Harbor ... or this game will, in my opinion die much sooner than not.


Even if the Mod Community, that is doing a great job with coming up with ideas .... but I now know of 3 Mod Creators that STOPPED - because of people taking their mods without permission and posting it on Beth.


If this continues - the theft - the mod community will come to a bad end too and FO-4 will indeed die.

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According to steam I've played it for 592 hours. Whatever flaws I could criticize, and there are some, this game is something I very much enjoy.

618 hours here. Bought the game a few months ago when it was on sale for $40.17, then bought the season pass a day or two before the price spiked. So for a bit over $70, I'm damn happy with what I got.


Are there things I don't like - of course there are. However the things I enjoy outweigh the things I don't, so it's still a net win.

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I seriously avoided any and all Fallout 4 hype until I purchased the game impulsively well after its release date. So from the perspective of somebody who has literally no idea what the hype train was like, I found Fallout 4 enjoyable but badly flawed. Maybe more accurately: it took a lot of big steps forward compared to its predecessors, but I feel it stumbled badly on each of them. Some examples of what I mean:


The settlement system. I know this is a hot topic but I'm not trying to mindlessly bash it: as a creative outlet, it's fun. But without mods, I find it impossible to enjoy. It's a system that in its basest form doesn't feel functional enough to provide a creative outlet and at its core it's not a gameplay element. It's a sandbox builder mode for Fallout 4 that doesn't feel powerful enough to be fun for fun's sake and doesn't serve a strong purpose in gameplay in spite of being a central part of the game's narrative (depending on what you do, of course). If there was an actual involved city-builder-lite management system and some named NPCs that had questlines that move into your settlements I would feel x100 better, and honestly it doesn't feel like it would have been a huge leap to do so. But that's not what happened so I'm left more hoping that TES6 or F:NV2 takes the system and makes it more of a part of the game and less of a weak sandbox builder.


To reiterate considering a lot of the people like the settlement system: I'm not saying it's not fun. I have a bunch of mods for it. I like it. I think it has a lot of potential. I just don't feel like Bethesda really tapped in.


I also really feel like Bethesda actually took some time making interesting companions and quests. I really don't feel like much of the main story arc is very compelling but for once I felt like the side quests in a Bethesda game were interesting and involved, when in the past that was mostly reserved for rare exceptions (Oblivion's Dark Brotherhood was a real gem, etc.). There are some weak ones, yeah, but that's true of most RPGs. And I feel like some of the companions were bland but they had a lot more of a personality compared to previous entries in Bethesda's library. But that's kind of what makes me sad. The companions and side quests don't feel strong enough to make up for what I felt was a generally lacking central narrative, something that was much easier to ignore in previous entries because your character wasn't voiced and reminding you about it every so often.


And that's the worst part. I really liked the fact that Bethesda seemed to be taking a risk with the main quest. I really wanted to like the overall narrative (except for the part where I fought a deathclaw in power armor at level 4). But another case of "too flawed". I can appreciate the potential it had but not the end result.


But it's another one of those things where the community has me still playing the game way after those frustrations have become a sideshow. And I also would be lying if I said that even with those flaws I didn't feel like I got my money's worth (and I paid full price, even). It's a fun game that seems like it really could have been great by my standards and elevated what was an otherwise lackluster history of writing for Bethesda while adding on a whole new dimension to the game... but it feels like it needed more time in the oven.


TL;DR: Game's good and takes some big steps forward but stumbles in doing so and ends up falling short of great in my book.

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no flames

against site rules anyways.


the game is garbage. i don't feel i wasted my money on it as i did have about 20 hours of entertainment out of it, but i definitely do not think it is a good game when compared to previous installments. FO1 was a better game and it was bare bones and i completed that one in one sitting. (note i dont have a nostalgic love for the game as FO3 was my first Fallout game, FO2 was better then the first in my opinion)


now i want to make it clear that this excludes mods. with mods the game is about on par with Skyrim which by itself wasnt a great game without mods, but that is when compared to its predecessors. FO4 fails in many areas and i will list them bellow (note i am only basing this on the base game and excluding DLC since a game shouldnt rely to carry it, also i havent played two of them enough to fairly judge them):


1) gun play is terrible. while it is slightly better then predecessors in the franchised with the reduction of invisible walls blocking everything, everything in the mid to early late game feel bullet spongy which conflicts with the early and late game where the gun play tends to be quicker.


2) weapon variety is near nonexistent. the mod system replaced the variety instead of artificially increasing it.


3) the mod system is terrible. there is little viable reason to use the lower tier stuff. everything, including weapons, just out phases the previous weapon in use. there is little reason to use pipe and auto weapons as the damage they deal is never high enough to make it reasonable.


4) no ammo crafting... seriously this makes no sense when you consider everything else in the crafting field from FONV for the most part makes it with even some improvement.


5) i don't care about any non-companion NPC in the game and i know little about all of them. companions are different... actually i have to say they were setup pretty good, still bare bones and limited, but they were a step up from previous FO games.


6) armor is stupid as well. like guns there is no reason to use the lower tier stuff, seriously it's stupid... at least they look good though and have the layer system for a few of them... but seriously why cant i wear a business suit with combat armor!?


7) the map is too crowded and empty at the same time... seriously... the heck man? there are three fast travel points to Diamond City for crying out loud!


8) the settlements arent very well setup in some cases and you find them all through the Minute men.


9) all of the factions can go to hell. i dont have any love for any of them. i will say i havent put much time into the Institute side yet but what i have seen so far hasnt been much better, but as i havent put enough time in for them i will exclude the Synths from this point.

-the minute men just have you collect all the settlements then annoy you by having you go defend them. while i never had any issues with this i can say fighting a mob of super mutants with rocket launchers when i fast travel isnt fun.

-the bro hood are racist biggots who show up and start messing up the joint because... technology... yeah that's pretty much it.

-the Rail Road is mostly unlikable and i only liked the engineer guy for the first few visits due to him being funny, that changed though because everybody repeats themselves.


10) i cant kill 'em all. why cant i destroy and throw them all out? FONV allowed that. dont say that's the minutemen faction because that's not. the minute men are just a group of random people with guns who gave control over to some two hundred year old man they just met. also they are the good guys, this makes it hard to be the bad guy.


11) why do i care about getting my baby back? actually why is this game a repeat of FO3 in reverse? FO3 at least did it better, in the game you don't know what happened to your dad. he just disappeared and it felt like you were looking for him. in FO4 it is so blatantly obvious they practically tell you within the first 10 minutes of leaving the vault.


12) everything is small. the vaults are tiny and are in no way fun to explore. also they go against previous games cannon on population size with zero explanation.


13) the conversation/interaction system is garbage


14) the leveling system is stupid


15) same freakin engine as Morrowind! get a new one Bethesda! seriously, it is a good engine but you need to get something new.


i could go on but i wont bother you should get it by now.


now for somethings i think they did right:


1) gun modding. aside from poor implementation it is a good feature that i enjoy.


2) scavenging. again not very good implementation but not all to bad. i like how it makes all that useless junk useful for something other then hording in a corner.


3) layered armor. aside from poor implementation it is something im glad to see is coming back. but really why the heck cant i wear a business suit and armor!?


4) women can wear suits and men can wear dresses. bout time too. also read above point.


5) gun play is usually faster, i like this a lot. on top of that all of the guns feel like they have some kick in them... besides the worthless pipe weapons.


6) settlements. while i think it has issues i have to say i like it. for a first attempt it is pretty good.


7) power armor. i never liked power armor before, but this game made using the suits fun. while it has issues as well i think they are to minuscule to bother mentioning them.


8) while the game doesnt look... the best (seriously Beth get a freakin new engine! you can do great work but you insist on limiting yourselves!) it does look nice... actually this is also a negative point. the game looks nice, too nice in fact. it also has too many orange colors. i wish it had more grey and things didnt look as alive as they do.


9) lots of water... honestly i didnt think i would like that but i do. i really like the raider base out in the water that was and is a fun place to fight in.


10) companions. while they still arent great they did improve a lot from previous games and are actually intresting.


11) the leveling system... sort of. i actually think it is all right. i prefer the previous system far better but i can see this new one is still good system but for the wrong game.


12) there are some interesting places to explore... while not a lot of story for most of them i did like wandering around looking at stuff... well actually i liked wandering around and killing stuff in places. seriously rooftop warfare is a lot of fun and that 3 prong hallway in the Gunners headquarters is a blast to fight in.


13) Vats doesnt freeze the gameplay. i actually liked this, at first i wasnt sure about what i felt about it but i felt it was a good idea and actually keeps vats from slowing the fighting down and allows for you to wait for a good shot instead of leaving and reentering vats.


14) invisible walls arent everywhere.


15) you can enter just about every area you see on the map and can even leave it.


16) grenades are worth using



and last but not least, screw the area map! it can go burn in the upper levels of hell! (heat rises to all you chums who feel like correcting me!)




i will repeat myself when i say that i did enjoy playing this game and will continue to play it. i do not feel like i wasted my money on it and modding will make it better for me and will and has fixed the issues i have with it. i am only being critical because i love the Fallout franchise and want to see it get better. i have had fun playing every single game made before and after FO3 and i own them all... like seriously i own several copies of all the games excluding the first one.


i am happy people like the game and im sure people dont agree with all of my points but i want people to understand i dont hate the game... im just disappointed by it. also, SERIOUSLY WHY CAN'T I WEAR ARMOR OVER A BUSINESS SUIT!? I WILL NOT LET THIS GO DANG IT!

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Meh. The game's okay. Honestly, my biggest gripe with it is its poor technical state. Having your framerate tank when facehugging a wall because there are 1000 objects being rendered BEHIND the wall is plain unacceptable. We've got really dumb AI (both enemies and companions), loads of options having to be changed in INI files, and bunch of other stuff.


Now that I think about it, I do wish FO4 was more of an RPG than an action game. Don't get me wrong, I love the improved shooting system, but it didn't have to come at the expense of poorer RPG.


Finally, there is something lacking about this game compared to FO3 or NV. Something about... how immersed / invested I am in the game. It kind of feels like nothing I do in the commonwealth matters. But NV for example, it just felt... more like I was there? I don't know. I think it's quite hard for a game to achieve that so it may be unfair to expect FO4 to achieve it, but hey, NV managed it right?

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I came to the game never having played any Fallout game before and after a steep learning curve I am addicted to it. Is it perfect ? No, of course not but in a game so big and with so many different aspects it could never be perfect.

The only worthwhile DLC was Far Harbor.

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Well I really enjoy and like it. I don't love it at least not yet like I really did for FO3 and in a lesser degree FONV. Maybe after the Nuka World DLC and some more good land and side quest mods I might change my mind. Too much stuff directed to settlement building which just isn't my thing. I only do minimum settlement stuff and only if I need to do it because of a quest or something. Also I like playing as a loner. Hate having a companion with me at all and again only do so if required by a quest. I always have played the FO games as a loner explorer/scavenger and this game works pretty good in that regard. Also I like being a bad ass and kill things so again it works well for that. Also everybody gets all worked up over power armor. Again not my thing. I prefer just good simple basic armor. Power Armor is just too overboard for my taste. But hey to each their own. The final factor probably in why I like this game as much as I do is that I was born and raised in the Boston area so it is sort of neat playing a game where all of the locations are familiar to me. Excluding the Glowing Sea of course. :laugh:

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