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Boycott Beth.net


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Boycotting Beth.net as a PC user at the moment is easy. There is really no reason at the moment for me to want to go there.


I had to register an account with them to gain access to the Creation Kit - I originally downloaded Atomic Radio from there - ran into problems immediately upon an update being released, unsubcribed and was downloading the updates directly from 3DNPC.com until I realised it was on the Nexus and have been downloading from here since. (Cracking mod by the by and Tales from the Commonwealth on the same page adds lots of new characters & content too!)


I also logged in after reading Arthmoors comment last week on discovery of the changing settlers/radroaches in my case - to tell them to fix whatever they'd broken.


Unless I'm missing something, unless your a console user there is no reason to want to go there as things stand.


If there wasn't the issue of MODs being stolen there wouldn't really be an issue whatsoever. Those who for whatever reason preferred the interface on Beth.net could go there and those who prefer the Nexus would remain.


I suppose the one concern as both a user or a modder is they of course control the Creation Kit and how it is used. Various scenarios spring to mind that would involve them doing possibly unrepairable damage to the community at the same time as having enough modders tempted by paid mods that they and they alone would survive.


I don't believe that at the moment - only time will tell.

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Yeah can we not turn this thread into a "free market" style debate?


There is literally no real way to apply this logic, in any form, to the developing situation here.


There is no supply for mods for starters, there is also is no competition. Bethesda would, presumably, try to lock down a modding market through IP laws (whether or not they would be able to is another question altogether). So yeah comparing paid mods to the "free market" is reaching to say the least.


Back on topic I think the OP kind of has a point. Even supporters of beth.net in this thread have to agree the website design is an utter disgrace and bethesda has shown little to no interest in improving it. You essentially have three options that I can see, boycott or lawsuit in attempt to pressure bethesda into making some fixes or sit back and do nothing while authors get their work stolen and the modding scene gets less and less active as people leave.

Now with the hyperbolic again.

Bethesda had an office floor of paid developers develop the engine, the game, the tools for years. Of course own the market. No one is stopping you from coding a mod from scratch without using the tools, but it will take you 20+ years to make it on your own. Bethesda provided 100% of the tools for you to make mods, they paid for its development, so they get to have a say where and how you can make money of your mod.

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As PC gamers, we shouldn't have the slightest care about the console scene and whether or not they have access to mods.

I wanted to leave this whole thread well enough alone, but this line stuck out to me and, well...


... you're kinda a jerk, aren't you?

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Hate Bethesda. Hate Bethesda.net. Hate Nexus. Have Valve. Hate Steam. Hate pay for mods. Hate Free mods. Hate Sony. Hate Microsoft. Hate AMD. Hate Nvidia. Hate consoles. Hate Console gamers. Hate PC gamers.


I am confused. Please remind me who am I supposed to like?


Or just maybe some folks need to get over themselves and join the adults. Stop whining and bitching (can I say that?) and being part of the problem. Start being positive and contributing to the solutions of some of the problems, instead of attacking the people who are working diligently to fix the process and make things better.


Gees people. WTF?

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I am going to release my mods on the Nexus and on Bethesda.net.


I just want as many people as possible to play my stuff.

BINGO - If I had the talent so would I.

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Even though I don't use Bethesda.net myself I've got no problem with people putting their mods on Bethesda's website and certainly don't think people should boycott it.


I only don't use it myself because their colour-scheme literally gives me a headache and their UI is counter-intuitive. That makes it a pain for me to use their site so I just avoid it. I also personally like having one place which is my central platform where people can see updates and information about my mods, report bugs, etc. I just think that's convenient and since I prefer using the Nexus that's where I'd rather do it. These are just the personal reasons of what I'm comfortable with and by no means should other people do the same unless they've got the same issues.

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