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Two great ways to make Skyrim harder!


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I always found difficulty in this game to be a bit of a problem. Like on my mage (on master) you deplete your magicka trying to kill this npc, and you only reduce his health by like 10% and then you gotta run around for ages waiting for your magicka to go up (Since even with the restoration perk, archmage robes and morokei+recharge rings magicka still regens very slow for some reason) then you attack again, another 10% gone and so on. It's just not fun. But when you play on a lower difficulty it gets too easy.
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It's sad that we have to jump thru hoops to make the game challenging.


The real solution is a smarter AI! Insects might fight to the death but NPCs, Dragons, and other intelligent creatures should run away or at least fall back and recharge when overmatched. Also most everyone in Skyrim is clueless; NPCs are very slow to react when another gets hit, archers/mages don't use cover, dragons fight on the ground in tight spaces, ect ect ect........

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you want challenge search these out


http://skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1269 (PISE)

http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6176 (WarsInSkyrim2)

http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3829 (Deadly Dragons)


also find the start all skills at level bat file her eon nexus and start at level 1 skill for everything

get elys uncapper or another mod that allows you to tweak skill progression and drop those numbers by half

play on master with custom difficulty mod http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4981


do this and I guarantee you will be running away from enemies and using terrain and tactics to defeat your foes rather than eating munchies and clik festing

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Found my own way to make skyrim harder, if your against using the console or just cant be arsed to write or remeber the commands dont us the perks, started a fresh last night and am lvl 10 have used no perks and dif is on master. char im usin this time is an archer/illusionist/sneaker works well but obviously without the perks magic is pretty one off then bow again.


Some stuff is easy as weapon damage increases, skeevers that is all, but you dont want to e wandering into a bandit mob any time its death very quickly.

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ok i installed deadly dragons and suicidedly set it to hardcore.

it was ages til i met a dragon but when i did i hardly did any damage on him.

will try with normal difficulty now.

worst thing was the dragon was invisible. it was a black one.

i think this was problem with textures?

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok i installed deadly dragons and suicidedly set it to hardcore.

it was ages til i met a dragon but when i did i hardly did any damage on him.

will try with normal difficulty now.

worst thing was the dragon was invisible. it was a black one.

i think this was problem with textures?


seeing as it has been almost 2 weeks you have probably figured it out, but there is a second file you have to install with deadly dragons for some textures. i play on master game setting with normal mode on deadly dragons. even hard deadly dragon mode on master game difficulty was too much for me. now on normal, dragons are more challenging. there is also a file in the deadly dragons mod that makes some npcs more difficult. i havent had any problems killing any npcs yet but i did see a forsworn that must have had the ranger perk because he was running around full speed while shooting me with a bow. i think it must have been part of that optional dd mod.

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  • 3 months later...

or the best way is.. use a combination of Skyrim monster mod, Deadly dragons and Wars in skyrim IV...

i dont use the main file of Wars in skyrim IV... just the heroes and villans, Combat and Blood coins + lvled world... along with Deadly dragons and monster mod...


and if it werent for Better followers or UFO... the game would have been impossible... i am lvl 33 nord warrior 1h/shield wearing Witch's armor ( a tiny bit better than defauly ebony)... and i cant take out 2 Drauger deathlords at same time... so i am enjoying the game a lot with my party of 3 :)

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I'm not sure if it has been mentioned yet, but a very useful console command I have been using for ages is player.setav AttackDamageMult


When it got too easy for me i set it to 0.2, typing:


player.setav AttackDamageMult 0.2


Meanwhile I set it to 0.1 . But mind, I'm level 84. ;)


You can see your current ADM by typing player.getav AttackDamageMult


The simple effect is that your weapons do a lot less damage. This has, apart from making the game harder, a few nice side effects. Firstly, smithing becomes important again. Before I tried to avoid smithing, as not to become too powerful, but now I am always happy when I can scratch out a few more damage points out of my weapons. Secondly, while the base damage of the weapons is reduced, the enchantment damage stays the same. This means that to fight efficiantly you need a lot of soul gems, which cost gold. So you have a bigger incentive to go goody-hunting. (I recommend using cut-throat merchants on the highest difficulty by the way.) Thirdly, fights become not only harder but also more interesting, especially with PISE mod, when mages use healing spells and others drink potions. You often have to make use of different abilites, according to the situation, instead of just hacking down anyone in sight. And fights become more strategic. Not to mention the epic dragon fights (with Deadly Dragons of course :))


For the ultimate challenge, use the command in combination with the Custom Difficulty mod by Phitt on the hardest level.

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