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Do you plan to switch to Skryim remastered/special edition?


Are you planning to play Skyrim Remastered/Special Edition?  

179 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you be making the switch?

    • Yes, I'll be switching over
    • No, I'm planning to stick to the older version

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I'll be switching over, eventually. Like many above, I'll most likely wait until the SKSE team gets the new compatible version out, as well as at least half of the popular mods that require SKSE to function. In the meantime, I'm gonna mod up FO4 and jump in.


However, I just might boot it up "as-is" just to check out how it looks for awhile.

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I see you missed the part about (supposedly) it's a separate release, not an upgrade. Supposedly (according to the announcements/Q&A in April) you can have both installed in Steam simultaneously.



I didn't miss anything, the SSE will for many days and possibly months after release be a significant DOWNgrade for PC players that already have a fully modded game set up already. There are numerous critical mods that will take an unknown amount of time to be updated to the new version, until that happens there is very little reason to change over to the new release for me and many others.


See, I've already played Skyrim so there's really no rush where the story is concerned as I kinda know what is going to happen.

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This would be better answered with a timeline / capability focused response I think.


Time / Mods Updated || Upgrade response





Day ?? (3? 30? who knows?) / Mods updated = a few critical (to me) || HAHAHAHAHAHAHA No


Day ?? / Mods updated = many more, including most critical to me || Hmm, not yet but you've got my interest now and I'm watching closely.


Day ?? / Mods updated = all critical ones to me and no glaring issues with the SSE have been found || Yes, seems like it's time to upgrade now.


Upgrading on day 1 when no mods have been updated and the situation with any new issues is unknown seems like a fools errand to me. If you want to be a guinea pig, be my guest. Skyrim right now is mostly stable with all the community patching and bug fix efforts, jumping into what is basically a whole new game from a technical modding perspective for the tools, community knowledge base, and the mods themselves isn't really a smart idea for me. Others I'm sure will disagree and if they want to be the testers by all means let them. Unless there are some amazing and currently unknown perks for running the SSE vs the current version of the game I don't see myself upgrading right away.


^ this. Capital "T", this.

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To give some examples:

Skyrim Nov 2011, I started playing Jan 2014. It was a really good experience, there were tons of mods, the game engine is finished

DAI came out Nov 2014 and I started playing/modding straight away. It was a PITA, the game engine and patchers got updated all the time, breaking all mods.

Witcher3 May 2015, I did not start playing yet, but waited for the last DLC to come out. And bang with that DLC and recent patches all mods are broken. Needs more waiting...

Fallout4 Nov 2015, did one quick playthrough and checked out the mods/stability.


But this is just me. I do not buy anything early access, I do not beta test as cheap way out for the developers.


2 years seems reasonable :wink:


Fallout4 looks very questionable with this mix of Bethesda.net and local mod managers, who knows where they are going with this or will they disable local content altogether, everything tied to their system? I never used Steam Workshop (Steam is just a necessity to start the game for me) and have no experience with those systems.

I am pretty sure the Skyrim Remastered will use the same system for mod implementation.

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General consensus seems to be.....


wait until the mods are updated for it which is a big IF for some and WHEN for others..


Ill still be happily enjoying the current version with 400 mods in the meantime :smile:


I am really not a fan of bethesda doing this. Seems like a quick way for them to resell an extremely successful game with upgraded engine and mod capability to console players.


Doesnt really do much for PC players aside from give modders a better engine to work with.


Quick cash cow for bethesda.

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I am really not a fan of bethesda doing this. Seems like a quick way for them to resell an extremely successful game with upgraded engine and mod capability to console players.

Guess they are doing some other games did well like dark souls 2 and last of us.


With the fact that they said the next TES will take much longer since they are working on new ips, it does add up.



Doesnt really do much for PC players aside from give modders a better engine to work with.

It does make the game run better since it will make more use of your pc since it 64 bit.

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If you ask me, the poll should be changed to have a third answer such as "Not sure" or "It depends..."


Anyway, on topic. It really on depends on how easy it would take to port mods over. Although many of the typically smaller mods that don't require SKSE will be easy to port, from what I hear it would be simple for those that require SKSE or something of the like. If SKSE gets updated and somehow allows old mods to get through without them also needing to be updated, or even if I need to run them through a program, then yea I am totally going to upgrade to remastered. But, if it is not so simple, like every SKSE mod needing to be updated by the mod author or, worse yet, needing to be made from scratch, then maybe not. Don't forget that there are some big mods that are still in the works right now, and I doubt they will drop everything and start anew for Skyrim-RE.

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