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Guys who play girl characters


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As a woman, I typically play women. It's a personal preference thing, of course, for anyone, but I do love certain of my characters. In Skyrim, I have a six-foot tall Nord woman with flaming red hair who's a personal pet of mine, partly because she's based on a dear friend's character from the fictional series she's writing. In many games, the PC's skills aren't affected one way or the other by sex, so I play the sex most familiar to me. :happy:


In the Dragon Age games, I've played both sexes because there is a subtle different in the conversation and different romance options depending on your sex. I was surprised at how much difference there was when I first played a man.


Mostly, the sex I choose just has to do with whoever I see in my head. Ideas for new characters often come to me in the middle of a playthrough, which is one reason I have something like 12 playthroughs in progress for Dragon Age. Currently, I have four women in play in Skyrim, but a couple of men are knocking at my virtual door. I want a grizzled Nord veteran based loosely off the Viking king in King Arthur and a male Khajiit skilled in alchemy and dual-wielding.

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I like to be as immersed as possilbe in skyrim. So, therefore I play a male, because I am a male. = more immersion from my perspective. Also, I can't take it serious when a women is running around owning 250 lbs orc bandits with melee combat. Magic, or a bow sure, but no melee. I even edited all the femal npc encounters to reflect this.

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I'm a closet transgendered person that would love nothing more than to be a hot fantasy-type woman with a set of really huge....swords. There, is that the answer these topics are always fishing for?


For a serious answer, I play both. It depends on the goal I am setting at character creation. I do tend to select female more often and I think it is because they tend to have more effort put into the models and clothing than males. This Doesn't seem to be the case in Skyrim, but it's demonstrably true in quite a few other games.

+1, in a couple of games I found male models better done than female ones, therefore I chose male. In skyrim since both are nicely done it mainly depends on what I wanna roleplay, a battle sorceress ?, a male though warrior ?, a female ranger ?

though I think tough nords fit better as warriors than mages or stealthy types ...


in the end it's merely a question of taste ^^

I just have to like my character and be able to put myself in my character shoes

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The only reason I'm playing right now as a female Argonian is because I had originally started playing with my character as a male. I was intending to roleplay more strictly than I have before so I wasn't going to marry outside of my own species, but then I remembered how atrocious the voices the voices of all the female Argonians sound and I didn't want my character's spouse to sound like a chain smoker coughing up her intestines. Edited by LordSarcasm
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I'm a guy who plays female characters. I have a few reasons for doing so. First, variety of mods available. There are a lot more mods that effect female characters than male characters. Thus, there is greater ability for a unique, awesome-looking character. Second, it is a fantasy game. Fantasy, at least in my mind, should move quite some distance from reality. I am male in reality, so I play a female in fantasy. Removal of one more hint of reality. Third, rebellion. I always tend to attempt to play a game differently than what was intended. From the trailer, it seems Skyrim was meant to be played as a male Nord skilled in sword fighting. Thus, playing a female character breaks that (also, none of my characters have been Nord, and none have used sword+shield). Also, rebellion against stereotypes, since, typically, if someone started talking about a powerful dragonslayer, born with the soul of a dragon, running around the harsh climate of Skyrim, fighting armies of bandits and undead and everything else, capable of tearing apart foes with voice alone, most people would probably think of a male, assuming that a female would be incapable of such things. And fourth, variety of mods (yes I said this already, but this reason is slightly different). Since I am a male, if I created a male character, that character would need to be somewhat a reflection of myself (not literally, more like figuratively). Since I quite often take screenshots, and upload them to the Nexus, this would best be conveyed through appearance. Thus, I would want a particular type of armor. There are a few that come close to what I'm looking for, but they're just not quite it exactly. When that armor comes around, I will play a male character.

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