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Guys who play girl characters


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Those who say beauty is in the eye of the beholder have unheathly eyes that are no longer able to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy mates. Or, they're just attracted to people broken and warped like themselves.

In my country, we are used to things like fake money removed from reality and using clothes and make up to mask our real states of health and well being. We even have something called "fat pride".



Beauty ideals are subject to change over time. Otherwise you wouldn't find idols of the ancient mother goddesses really looking like "fat pride". You can savely assume that this was the ideal woman for our ancestors. It still is in some regions of the world.


So yes, instincts aside - beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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Let me lay it out for you:


You were asked if "hot girls" aren't believable or don't exist in your world. Your reply included this: "Most movie stars need the right make up and lighting to look anything like they do on film. I can only think of a few who look good in unfavourable conditions and these are the truly beautiful women." Considering most women who become movie stars (a visual medium relying on glamor) are at or near the top of the beauty/charisma food chain it sounds to me as if your standards are freakishly inflated.


I'm the one who said:


Beautiful women are everywhere, and the idea that they don't exist "except with the magic of photoshop and smoke and mirrors" is offensive and simply wrong and stupid.


Again, it is the idea that beautiful women don't exist without "magic" that is simply wrong and stupid.


Furthermore, my point is that there are beautiful women everywhere and unfortunately they are preyed upon by toxic others (men, women, media) who have something to gain such as control or profit by playing on their insecurities. If a movie star isn't good enough then how on earth is the girl next door ever going to measure up?


Worst of all, there is a faction of men who want us women to believe that wearing makeup is somehow cheating and we should be able to look beautiful without cosmetics etc. That is the most pathetic of all, if I feel like going without makeup that's my business and if I prefer to wear it that's also my business. It smacks of "the man trying to keep me down". Well applied makeup just flatters what we've already got, and we're not going to listen to detractors, but we will see them for the haters they really are.


There isn't a single woman on earth who was put here solely to live up to your standard of what is beautiful.


I agree and disagree, depends.

You put on make for others to see. So it's not just your own business is it? I'm guess you don't just do it at home around mirrors.

I don't see beauty as something merely subjective. Our eyes are a way of sensing important information about one another and that info is not just in the eye of the beholder. It's like looking at a flower and being able to see if it is a healthy flower. Smelling it too (same with perfume).

I'm not anti makeup or anti-flattery using clothes and such. But when all that stuff is removed, I'm anti any surprises that were hidden, as if I was fooled.

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Those who say beauty is in the eye of the beholder have unheathly eyes that are no longer able to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy mates. Or, they're just attracted to people broken and warped like themselves.

In my country, we are used to things like fake money removed from reality and using clothes and make up to mask our real states of health and well being. We even have something called "fat pride".



Beauty ideals are subject to change over time. Otherwise you wouldn't find idols of the ancient mother goddesses really looking like "fat pride". You can savely assume that this was the ideal woman for our ancestors. It still is in some regions of the world.


So yes, instincts aside - beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Disagree. Just because other groups in the past have also had fat pride doesn't mean ours is legit. It's often just a sign of a wealthy culture that has many luxuries and an abundance of food and a spoiled class.

Cross cultural studies have demonstrated that there are certain universal characteristics for sexual attraction and mate selection among our species. Deviation from these norms does happen in short times spans but doesn't last long. Not every can be rich and fat and live short lives without the society collapsing.

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Cross cultural studies have demonstrated that there are certain universal characteristics for sexual attraction and mate selection among our species. Deviation from these norms does happen in short times spans but doesn't last long. Not every can be rich and fat and live short lives without the society collapsing.


Of course there are, but the raw instincts boil down to healthy and fit for reproduction. Everything else is cultural and individual.

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It was generous and courteous of you to take the effort to clarify your meaning and be understood, and I appreciate it very much.


Thank you for reading my long post. I have many female friends and rest assured that they would never let me get away with some misogynistic bull. I'll try to express myself more precisely in the future. :happy:


"Men claim that Mao [Qiang] and Lady Li were beautiful, but if fish saw them they would dive to the bottom of the stream; if birds saw them they would fly away, and if deer saw them they would break into a run. Of these four, who knows how to fix the standard of beauty in the world? (2, tr. Watson 1968:46)"


Philosopy of Zhuangzi, translated by Burton Watson.


That's a beautiful quote.


Make up and gloss is a trick, deception. It tries to mimic natural health.

Beauty in terms of sexual attraction is about health and fitness for selecting mates.

Those who say beauty is in the eye of the beholder have unheathly eyes that are no longer able to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy mates. Or, they're just attracted to people broken and warped like themselves.

In my country, we are used to things like fake money removed from reality and using clothes and make up to mask our real states of health and well being. We even have something called "fat pride".


The "eye of the beholder" thing is not necessarily about being attracted to unealthy people. I mean sometimes what is technically a defect can be attractive like a mole or a beauty spot . Some guys find girls who squint attractive (I'm not making that up). Other guys prefer chubby women and there is nothing wrong with that. After all being skinny doesn't mean that you are healthier and being big doesn't mean that you are sick (not talking about obesity here).


In the end who you are attracted to is totally up to you. Some people like girls, some like guys and others like both. There is nothing wrong with any of that. We shouldn't let society tell us what we should like or what we should find attractive.

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easily, mainly after the subject having changed from the thread's title toward ideals of beauty :)


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


There are plenty of actresses out there that people declare are absolutely stunning drop-dead gorgeous, such as Angelina Jolie....she does nothing for me,

because I don't find her her attractive at all, Halle Berry is much better looking than her, and I think Lauren Bacall is attractive.


Now, that's how they look in MY eye, I'm not going to try and convince anyone differently because we all see things differently which is why the saying originated in the first place.

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There are plenty of actresses out there that people declare are absolutely stunning drop-dead gorgeous, such as Angelina Jolie....she does nothing for me,

because I don't find her her attractive at all, Halle Berry is much better looking than her, and I think Lauren Bacall is attractive.



Jolie does a lot for me.


But it's true, it's in the eye of the beholder. When I stumble upon platin blonde silicon valley with botox dressing I want to reach for the nearest bucket. Same goes for all the artificial products of the so called beauty industry.


And then there are these undoubtedly goodlooking women with subzero charisma. Like a statue if you know what I mean.

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