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Site redesign - sneak peek - part 1


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In response to post #41278850.

urielz wrote: Looks great so far.

Is anything being done to improve communication between users/authors? Specifically, will users have the ability to know when someone replies to comments or quotes? I think this is a major issue with the site right now.

I'm actually kind of glad it's like this. It does wonders to keep unnecessary flame-wars that spark up in comments section from going on too long. (See YouTube comments lol)

But I can also see the benefits, so perhaps make it a setting that can be turned on/off. Or a setting that makes it so you only get notifications when a mod author from the mod you downloaded replies to your post? Idk
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Perhaps more options can be given to mod authors as to what happens when a user clicks the big thumbnail for the mod. Simple mods that don't have any dependencies besides the game itself could forward directly to NMM and get handled rather seamlessly (think texture replacers, new craftable armors, etc), but more complex mods with dependencies should probably forward to the mod's description page. Giving the mod author some control over this action would be ideal.


If the random feature could be expanded into a weighted random feature, that'd be really awesome. Something akin to how youtube suggests videos - drawing from the user's metadata based on what types of mods the user tracks and/or endorses, then make suggestions similar to those mods based on keywords/categories/etc. Give mod authors the ability to meta-link their mods to other recommended or complementary mods so they show up as results in this system and then you've really got something.

Edited by sevencardz
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I really like the new layout. It'd be nice to be able to customize what you can see, and have filters to constrain the content to topics you're interested in. Slashdot does this a lot, where you can customize feeds and content, so you get the view you want at the start.


The other thing I'd like to see, is what game the mods are associated with somewhere prominent on the mod tiles. I love the idea of seeing what mods are in other games, but I'd like to know what the game is before I dig down into the details.


Thanks for all the work!


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In response to post #41277490. #41277685, #41278220, #41278890 are all replies on the same post.

Raum777 wrote: OK; I want to say something here. If I have many Typos it's because I can't see very well. I can still play the games.
1. No Author should post their mod on Nexus until all the bugs, issues, or Problems are worked out.

2 Authors are to tell you how to install their mod and NOT take for granted you know what you are to do with their mods.

3. If a mod is to be installed it should tell you that it is to be installed by Nexus Mod Manager, Manual, or something has to be changed and what to change it to, in the Game's ini. Authors are dropping the ball quite a bit lately on what to do with their mods or how to set up their mods to use.

You did a wonderful job of setting up NMM and is easy to use and not lose all your mods trying to open it up to download. I use to lose up to 40 mods at a time for the last 5 years. But not it's not taking my mods away any more. Thank you so much for fixing it. As for the work you have been doing on Nexus; thank you for all you've been doing to make it better for everyone.

vlainstrike wrote: While quality assurance is an important goal, asking authors to withhold mod release until ALL bugs & issues are worked out is an impossible demand - especially for large, complicated mods.
TheeDugster wrote: Exactly. my little tiny mods I take hours to make still have issues.
Thallassa wrote: All software inherently has bugs. If you expect mods to be bugfree, well... congratulations! No mods for you!

And it's not the authors job to tell you how to install mods. There are literally hundreds of guides teaching you how to do that. Have a little bit of wherewithal and learn to google.

Or just RTFM. Most mod authors *do* explain how to install mods.

Apply your rules universally if you truly believe them, not just to modders. No Bethesda game would ever be released, because there is no limit to human's stupidity and creativity. We can try forever to make a perfect game or mod, but all it takes is one mistake on the creator's part or one inconceivable set of coincidences by a player to create a bug. That's why Nexus Mods has bug reports. I have one mod I work on and have over a dozen hours invested in it, and it still needs some kinks sorted out.

Personally, my one mod is a lone esp, so I assume anyone coming to Nexus Mods is completely capable of installing it without my help. Plenty of that can be found with a google search.

Most mods I've seen do have detailed enough descriptions if they're more complicated than that, but maybe I'm just more picky about what mods I even look at in the first place. If you've seen it with recent mods, ask the author to fix it. Don't try and get Nexus Mods to force them to. Nexus Mods is so popular because it is just as friendly to mod authors as it is to mod users. Edited by Timmster
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In response to post #41271475. #41271555, #41271810, #41272480, #41275420, #41276945 are all replies on the same post.

mysticentity wrote: Looking really good.
I'm a bit hesitant about the download link right in the mod browsing section only because that could lead to more angry/confused/silly comments directed at the mod authors because the downloader didn't read the description to fully understand what he/she/they were downloading.
CreeperLava wrote: Agreed, I said the same thing a few posts below :).
Gribbleshnibit8 wrote: You say that as though anyone reads the descriptions even after clicking through to the mod page...
CreeperLava wrote: Having the description below is at least an incentive to read it, removing that incentive won't ameliorate the situation in any way... What would you propose ?
Sam Fisher wrote: +1 to this, even with red text disclaimers on the first line and clearly stated info people sometimes just ignore it, having direct downloads will only make this much much worse. If anything I'd add something to make it harder for people to download without at least going past the description. Annoying, but stupid comments are also annoying. On the other hand, I guess there will always be stupid people being stupid, but encouraging their stupidity won't make it any better.
BluePianoTwo wrote: I agree with this 100%.

I think that would be the best idea right now, making the user click on the mod and go to the mods landing page before downloading. Simple fix, nothing changes from how it is now. Currently that's what we're doing and at least now the full description is on that landing page. I'm sure there could be better designs, but this new design seems a step backwards. Having a quick button for favoriting, sure I think that's very nice, but a quick button for downloads...especially how some mods even have optional patch files that, without them would otherwise break the game to a user who has other mods or DLCs, just invites false bug reports, negative comments, and wasted time on both ends.
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In response to post #41280505.

dredlord45 wrote: Let us have as many favorites as we want. That is literally the only change you need to make.

I can understand some sort of limit to keep user data storage low on the servers. Just 8 is a bit low, hopefully will be increased once the new site is more fleshed out.
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To be honest I like what I have.....I like the Nexus the way it is.....But alas times change....Websites evolve like everything else I suppose.......and not always for the better, we shall see I guess.....Sigh!




Edited by nesbit098
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