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Site redesign - sneak peek - part 1


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In response to post #41271905. #41273550, #41273750, #41273885, #41275170 are all replies on the same post.

Supertin wrote: Looks very clean and professional! I like it for the most part.

The only thing I don't really like (at all) is that there is going to be an option to download mods without ever visting the mod page/description. People already have trouble reading description pages, so giving them even less incentive to read them is not a good idea I'd say.
stickbow wrote: I agree with Supertin - unless you are seeing a lot of abandon rates when people visit description pages that you think are not related to "I can't use/don't want to use that mod", I'd send people to the description page.

You also lose an opportunity for revenue from AdClick (or whoever you use) on the interstitial page before downloading.
ousnius wrote: I'm surprised so many other people don't like that idea as well. As far as I'm concerned, I've already told Paul about it when he first asked us for feedback, but it didn't sound like it was something they would be willing to change.

I remember something about it being possible to disable it for your mod, but I'm not sure anymore.
HadToRegister wrote: Endorsements for mods will drop exponentially as well.
And honestly, this looks too much like the Bethesda.net modding site
EnaiSiaion wrote: Well, the mod scene is going in the direction of catering to the lowest common denominator. Perhaps the Nexus wants to appeal to the kind of people who don't care enough to read a mod description.

I think they'd be better off letting those people go to Bethnet and keeping things here a *little* more highbrow.
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Simply put....IMPRESSIVE !!!! So, when does this go LIVE? Though I do agree with Nebulous12's comment:


"Only issue I have is with the ability to direct download without visiting the page. PLEASE remove this. Nexus should be encouraging responsible modding by forcing users to view the description page and download from the files tab. There is a lot of very useful information that I think users need to see on the description pages."


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It looks amazing! I am loving the changes so far.


I do wonder if maybe we could have a place to submit mod list's though? Being able to peruse ideas for setups and how to achieve them would improve the nexus for older and newer users. It might also help modders get an idea of how their mods are being used, which is sometimes really useful information.

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In response to post #41278080. #41278130, #41278440, #41278790 are all replies on the same post.

Nebulous112 wrote: I love the look of the new redesign.

Only issue I have is with the ability to direct download without visiting the page. PLEASE remove this. Nexus should be encouraging responsible modding by forcing users to view the description page and download from the files tab. There is a lot of very useful information that I think users need to see on the description pagess.

I figure this is kind of like you guys making news more visible in the redesign. It is important for us users to see the site news, so you make it far more visible. Please allow the description pages for mods to be as visible in the same sense.
Redfoxhastea wrote: This. People need to know what they're downloading before actually downloading it. Especially when it requires you to do something else to get it working.
Darole wrote: Exactly.
I know that I have seen a mod that *looked* like something I would like, but when reading the description I found I needed a bunch of other mods to make it work, or I found out that it actually did something I wasn't interested in.
Being able to download the mod without viewing the description might increase download count, but I think it could also increase complaints to the mod authors by people who now can directly avoid the description/instructions. They will complain it doesn't do "*this*", and while I know a few do that now (ie. download without bothering to find out what the mod actually does or doesn't do) it seems to me this will increase due to the intentional bypass of the description.
urielz wrote: This is a very good point. I agree with OP.

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In response to post #41278080. #41278130, #41278440, #41278790, #41279555 are all replies on the same post.

Nebulous112 wrote: I love the look of the new redesign.

Only issue I have is with the ability to direct download without visiting the page. PLEASE remove this. Nexus should be encouraging responsible modding by forcing users to view the description page and download from the files tab. There is a lot of very useful information that I think users need to see on the description pagess.

I figure this is kind of like you guys making news more visible in the redesign. It is important for us users to see the site news, so you make it far more visible. Please allow the description pages for mods to be as visible in the same sense.
Redfoxhastea wrote: This. People need to know what they're downloading before actually downloading it. Especially when it requires you to do something else to get it working.
Darole wrote: Exactly.
I know that I have seen a mod that *looked* like something I would like, but when reading the description I found I needed a bunch of other mods to make it work, or I found out that it actually did something I wasn't interested in.
Being able to download the mod without viewing the description might increase download count, but I think it could also increase complaints to the mod authors by people who now can directly avoid the description/instructions. They will complain it doesn't do "*this*", and while I know a few do that now (ie. download without bothering to find out what the mod actually does or doesn't do) it seems to me this will increase due to the intentional bypass of the description.
urielz wrote: This is a very good point. I agree with OP.
havoc7646 wrote: agreed

I agree with this as well. I know the idea is to make it more convenient for end-users, but in addition to causing massive headaches for mod makers it may also cause issues for users when a mod doesn't work properly and they cant figure out why because they never read the documentation. While that already happens a fair bit now, I think it will happen a *lot* more if users can avoid the mod page entirely. Edited by risingfire1
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All I need is a proper description editor that doesn't bring my browser to its knees, thanks :P


edit: and a proper notification system so I don't have to track my own mods to know if someone replied to posts

Edited by dAb
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