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[LE] Renovate your House with console


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I cant figure out the stand for the cooking pot,

anyone know the codes for the cooking pot stand yet? Like the one in whiterun house

Cooking pit is way too big for the house.

also if you have the codes for the vases that's holding the trees in Solitude house plz let me have it too thanks a bunch.

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has anyone found the code for campfires? i can find the campfire, but i cant find the fire effect. help, anyone?


If you're looking for the fire effect, go in the game and type "help fire 0". Where fire is you can change it up a bit but after that you'll get a long list, use your Page Up and Page Down keys to look for stuff, since your looking for the effect, try to find things like "LIGHT: FIRE (231as3f8)" <Just an example.

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So has anyone figured out how to add a quarter of one of those pillars in the Proudspire basement? Seems the only pieces involving these columns are the filler pieces, a piece that includes 4 arches and 4 quarter pillars (each quarter being from a differnt whole pillar), and a piece that includes 2 arches and 3 quarter pillars. Horrible descriptions, I know, but thats the best I got. Anyone who has played around with it should know what im talking about. I believe I have searched every single SMdA for the proper piece, and well as all the SMdBArch's, the SMdCArch's, and any of the other sections labeled "arch" that also have SMd in the name.


Actually, Chainsgore said it better I think:


Rounded. I'm trying to keep the esthetic authentic on the lower level. What I'm looking for is the corner of the Archway. You know how there are the pieces that have the pillar and also have a section of the ceiling. I'm looking for those with either a 1 or 2 Pillar base.




My head hurts. I've been at this for hours and still can't find the pieces I'm looking for so back here again reaching out for some assistance. Gonna be a little more descriptive so I'm sure I'm getting my question across properly. As it stands I have the codes for the Archways/Pillars on the lower floor of Proudspire Manor.


( Where X represents a Pillar * is spacing)

5b380 does 4 corners.



6395d does 3 corners.



I'm trying to find the code for any set of 2 corners.


X*** Or this ---> X**X


Or just a single corner.




I really would like to keep the look of the room as it is originally. If it's not doable this way I'll eventually break down and just redo the whole place, but I'd rather not if it can be helped.


Never thought it'd be this much of a problem to get rid of a few silly pillars.


I edited that second quote a bit to attempt to make it easier to understand, because until I actually fooled around with it, I had no f*cking idea what he was talking about.

And Chainsgore, if you figured it out, for the love of god, do share.



Im bumping this post because I know a lot of people are looking for answers on this one, and the more people that see it, the quicker it will be resolved.

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I've just about finished my Proudspire renovation. Still some furniture to add and I might add a dirt floor to the basement and rocks to the walls to make it appear to be built out of the rock that all of Solitude is built on. I especially like the trophy/library room. I had to build the floor out of castle support beams because all the pre-fab'd floors were either too big or too small to create the opening I wanted. Still looking for an appropriate rail for the stairs and hopefully find a rug which I can lay over the stairs as the wood on them looks old and crappy.




I also like the archery range in the basement. You can recover any arrow fired down the range. Feel free to ask for the IDs of any object you see. If I can remember which one it is I will gladly share it.


I cant even begin to get my head around the scale of what youve done there. Well done mate its awesome. Love the high ceiling sof the basement. I'd be happy just to be able to do that.

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I see some of you have problems to find ID's for things you find around the world that you want to use.

Just so you know, you can check the ID with the console, YES i know that ID can't be used to spawn things, but if you search FNVedit in "form id" you will find the right id on the right side, look for example: STAT, FURN etc the right ID should be in the brackeets full example:


i wanted to know the id of the floors in your whiterun home, so i searched with the form id "3ee2f" on the right side it said [sTAT:00061737]

i then targeted the floor in hjerim and typed "placeatme 61737" and then disable to remove the old floor. Done.


So i know some of you were looking for campfire and cookingpot, find the cookingpot you want and the campfire and have at it! :)

I used "35f4a" to get my fireplace craking! if you want the light effect i found "a56a9" If you want it to look even better place a "cb93b" at the bottom so you get glowing ashes beneath, make it look like the campfire have been up for a while and i personally think it looks better that way.

Just a small tip when placing light, as you may already know if you read the guide, light cannot be moved after you placed it, so be sure to quicksave before you do it, just incase.

I find it easier to place the light if i pick up a small object..say a goblet and hold above the place the light is supposed to come from then without dropping it i hit the console button, select the goblet and use "placeatme a56a9" Now the light has placed itself nicly under my goblet.


I also use that trick to get things up on the wall, sometimes it can be difficult to get the goblet to face the right direction, but thats what you have setpos/setangle for :)

Edited by Sk8on
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Hi there, first post for me i think, but i've been reeding you for a long time.


I've been browsing http://fusromod.com for the proudspire walls, archs, and whatever, this is what i found out :


They ALL start with SMDA. So i made a list of all of them, and tried them out. unfortunately, it's handwritten, i will not write them all down, but here are the most searched for (i've skipped the SMDA in front of the names to make it shorter) (also, i only modified the basement, so i skip every top and mid floor items) :


Walls :

5B381 WallSol

5DA23 WallSol03

5D92F WallSol02

5b382 WinSol01 (wall with WINDOW !)


Stairs :

5F5B9 Steps


Ceiling (Arched)

5b380 : archCon01 (normal arch)

5d7b4 : traCon02 (normal arch filler)

6e95d : archCon03 (CORNER ARCH !)

6e95c : archCap01 (corner arch center filler)

6e95b : archCon02 (corner arch side filler)


Floors :

57a1a : FloSol01 (normal stone + ceiling)

5b3c7 : FloSol02 (normal stone/dark stone)

5d794 : FloSol03 (mosaic + ceiling)

612f3 : FloSol04 (normal stone)

6c905 : FloSol05 (mosaic)


hope this helps you.


I wanted to point out something else that helped me a lot since I discovered it (i think no one mentioned it) :

I was trying to put the Azura statue from the loading screen (109512) with some candles around her (C842B/C841C). Her size is like 5 times the size of my house. setsize allows you to reduce her size, but not her collision object. I found out that once you size her, you can use disable and enable to make her collision object fit her. This works also for the candles, and the candle lights : if you place a lit candle, and move it, the light will stay where you placed the candle in the first place. select it, disable, enable, done.


Have fun modding your houses, and forgive me for my poor english ;)

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uhg... Trying to get fnvedit to run without having fallout is painful, apparently I need to add a fake registry entry which I have no Idea how to do. There is no information on how to do this, that I can find on the web, and any apps that claim to do it for me are on the shadiest of websites. The functionality to get the baseID with the formID is to good to pass up though I will get this to work.


If anyone can help me out that would be great, so far ive copied most of my skyrim registry key information into a new one with a different name but I dont know what random numbers to put as that folders title. Also I've read I need to make several fake fallout folders in various places and put renamed Skyrim files in them this would be easy except the one post I saw on this process seems to be by someone with different paths than me, this is his post;


Posted by Black Eagle elsewhere


I used FO3Edit. I had to create a Fallout3 key in the registry with an "Installed Path" that points to the Skyrim directory. I also had to create \AppData\Local\Fallout3 and place the \AppData\Local\Skyrim\*.txt in that directory. And I had to create \Documents\My Games\Fallout3, copy \Documents\My Games\Skyrim\*.* to that directory, and then rename Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini to Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini. Once I did all that, FO3Edit was effectively tricked into working with Skyrim. However, there were a ton of errors, so I could only see data types that are common between the games. Editing was also disabled. However, I think you can create an ESP/ESM from scratch using FO3Edit if you mimic the structure.


EDIT: I didn't use FNVEdit because a) I have New Vegas installed, and b) New Vegas was built on a modified engine by a very different team, so I assumed that Bethesda would more likely use the technology with which its own team was more familiar to develop the Creation Engine.


The appdata/local path looks familiar but I dont have those folders on my computer are those equivalent to steamapps/common? Anyway if I figure anything out ill post it here getting the other programs to work without fallout was much easier

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