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Why does everybody hate console players?


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Yes, Bethesda games get bogged down with some serious technical and design compromises in order to make the games more console-friendly. I guess some people misdirect their frustration and instead of venting against consoles and the companies that make them, they start hating the individuals who happen to play them.
IThis. But i wouldnt even say that its the fault of the platform itself.


The devs do the software, they decide for what they design it. Making a big production PC game isnt going to trow any big company to trash. They sell, they sell even more now that years before, with piracy, without piracy.


The only thing preventing a game for being PC friendly is that, developing cost for PC games are higher (not prohibitive, just higher), and that sales are potentially lower, depending on the game of course.


I really dont see this "between the sword and the wall" situation that lots of publishers trow up when they give a press release. I just dont see it. Grab every chart, i think that it was the Intel one that said that PC gaming made 2 billion in a year only in the US. They're selling more than ever before.


More ppl have PCs, more ppl have internet, more ppl have capable hardware, there arent 10 companies developing CPUs, GPUs, APIs and OS like in the 90 (considered ironically a golden age for PC gaming), just AMD, Intel and nVidia, Windows or... Windows, thats all. Developing a PC game was never easier than it is now.


So if the platform isnt the problem, if the quantity of users isnt the problem, if the potential sales arent the problem (as long as it is a good game of course, only good stuff sells, whatever the platform) the only thing i can blame is just the fictional "need" of the industry of making every lasting penny worth something by developing for another platorm, cuz they just cant trow a lil bit more time to do a PC friendly interface, if it just enough for PC, that will do. Develop for one platform? Nonsense! Develop for PS3, xbox 360, PC, in the same timeframe. And if you can put in a Wii version better. Making the game different depending on what platform you play it? so it takes advantage of each particular strenght of that platform? Madness! That costs money and time! Make all stuff to the lowes common denominator between all the platforms, even if it barely functions properly.


And so on. I'd say that the fault isnt the consoles, nor console players, nor devs in the end, its just the "maximizing profit, whatever it takes" mentality that gaming industry started to have when it became a major pulling force in the entertainment sector, not counting that generally more and more companies act in bad faith while dealing with the potential customer.

Edited by eltucu
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I really don't think anybody really hates console gamers. It's that nearly everybody hates the diehard fanboys which then gets trickled down to just console vs pc. I'm not even gonna get started one the state of gaming these days besides the fact I never had to worry about consoles not working and or catching on fire until Xbox360 and PS3.
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I don't think anyone hates people who plays consoles. That would be silly. I think pc gamers hate that games that used to be made for (the highest quality) systems are now produced for the technologically lowest common denominator of consoles. It sucks. But such is life. Despite numerous affronts to pc users, Skyrim is still a hell of a lot of fun. That's all that matters to me. But, given this scenario, I suspect that the future of hardcore gaming lies with the modders instead of the devs. I guess we'll see....
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YOu seem nice! You like to LOL... a lot!!! I am also a fan of the old !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can NEVER have too many! I add you to friends, is this ok? :wub:


But I will answer your questions first...

The XBOX360 version of Skyrim was available on torrent sites 3 days before the game's release... the PC version wasn't available until like 3 hours before release.... your comments are invalid, sorry.

I might be wrong here because I don't have your skilz but don't you need some kind of chip in the xbox to run a pirate game? I wonder if you had the figures for how many PC pirate copies were out there compared to xbox ones, what would one find?




OK, so you can import / export savegames on your xbox... and now you're telling me you can port PC mods to the xbox?



Is this forreal? Like would you have to have a cracked copy of skyrim for 360, install whatever mods you want, burn to DVD, ect. ect... then play the game, with mods?




honestly... since when can you mod xbox games like you can mod a PC? I'm not talking about transferring savegames here... i'm talking about ACTUAL modding.





otherwise... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I wasn't very specific but I never said you could MAKE mods on the xbox. yeah... !¬!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!!!! ( for emphasis)

I know you can also transport your xbox made and leveled character to the PC and then mod her the same as you would if you had started her on the PC you need both copies of the game of course, which i lucky have.

Some people have managed to mod their characters on the PC and then use them back on xbox. I don't know how this is done and haven't done it. We did make a fix like this though, I had the Abomb bug on my Xbox character, My BF transported the save game over to PC, fixed it with a programme, and then transported her back to xbox so I could complete the game.


I'm not a computer expert and don't pretended to be but thanx for your maturness in letting me know gently how much I fail!11!!! LO~L I promise I will try harder to be more better in this skils like you ... friend! :thumbsup:


I've been following this topic for awhile now, and would just like to swoop in and clear some things since there are some misunderstandings in your little argument you guys are having, here.

No, you cannot mod Xbox 360 copy of Skyrim, because you would need to access the game files on the disc, install mods there, get the files back into the disc, and make your Xbox still read it. You can, however, transport the save file to PC and do some editing in it, but that is not actually considered modding in the sense that PR4Y and most of others here in Nexus understand it; however, in the Xbox 360/console community there is indeed "savegame modding", but that has nothing to do with Skyrim Mods, Nexus, or Bethesda wanting to bring mods to consoles. (To be fair, PR4Y did further stress this in his last sentence that he was talking about actual modding, not anything related to savegames. Also, for the record, he was not saying anything about "making" mods on Xbox.)


Also, acting like the piracy on consoles isn't there, or is much smaller problem is foolish. It is there, even though there are more PC pirates (as far as I know, anyhow) there is still an increasing number of console pirates, and the actual numbers are big. It is a problem, and needs to be taken care of. Also, the mod chip you need for your console to play these pirated bootleg games, is quite easy to get, and install. Also, from what I've heard, you don't even need physical mod chip for PS3, there's a way of doing it with software only, or something.


Sorry for swooping in to your conversation like that, I don't usually do this. I blame the lack of sleep.

Anyway, carry on.


EDIT: On topic, however --

I don't know which ones to blame; the developers, who just after all are companies, who need to make the biggest monies possible, or the average console user, who buys their (decreasing in quality all the time) products. Console user's standards get lower by the minute, so the company lowers theirs, as well. It's a neverending cycle of crap, that I feel must be stopped since it's affecting the PC, too, in the form of crappier games and even crappier console ports. How can it be stopped, however? I have no idea, and that troubles me.

Edited by Xirifus
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Also, acting like the piracy on consoles isn't there, or is much smaller problem is foolish. It is there, even though there are more PC pirates (as far as I know, anyhow) there is still an increasing number of console pirates, and the actual numbers are big. It is a problem, and needs to be taken care of. Also, the mod chip you need for your console to play these pirated bootleg games, is quite easy to get, and install. Also, from what I've heard, you don't even need physical mod chip for PS3, there's a way of doing it with software only, or something.


Thank you!

This popped up on all the major gaming news sites that Skyrim was released 3 or 4 days before the official release.

I'm assuming that the only way it could've gotten released to the internet 3-4 days before the official release date is through someone in the industry,

or someone working at a software/game store where they sometimes get games early, and have to sit on them for a few days for a release date.


I really wish these anti-piracy companies would start looking at employees inside the industry.

They seem to be ignoring the fact that this could be happening 'right under their noses'


A website reported that one of the x-men movies was "pirated" a few years back, and they said it still had the "green screen" and didn't even have the Computer Animations/Effect added.


Now how the heck could a pirate get their hands on that? That would've involved a "Mission Impossible" setup, breaking in, sneaking into the building etc....

Again, that would've had to have been leaked/released to the public by someone inside the industry.


If I was a software manufacturer, or worked in a Duplicating Plant that makes the copies for the "GOLD" copies of a finished Game/Software

I'd require my employees to submit to a "Pat Down" or go through an Airport scanner before they left work.

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Because, the reason games are dumbed down and "worse" is because most sales come from consoles... thus, they stop caring about what PC gamers think. Also, it's a right pain in the tush when I go to Gamestop or someplace and see that, lo and behold, there are no PC games anywhere and, instead, shelves upon shelves of Xbox and PS3 games...


Forcing me to buy all my games online...

Edited by phantur
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Because, the reason games are dumbed down and "worse" is because most sales come from consoles... thus, they stop caring about what PC gamers think. Also, it's a right pain in the tush when I go to Gamestop or someplace and see that, lo and behold, there are no PC games anywhere and, instead, shelves upon shelves of Xbox and PS3 games...


Forcing me to buy all my games online...


That's nothing to complain about.


Steam and Amazon have the better prices on Gamestop or other gaming stores.

Edited by dwellufool
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I've been following this topic for awhile now, and would just like to swoop in and clear some things since there are some misunderstandings in your little argument you guys are having, here.

No, you cannot mod Xbox 360 copy of Skyrim, because you would need to access the game files on the disc, install mods there, get the files back into the disc, and make your Xbox still read it. You can, however, transport the save file to PC and do some editing in it, but that is not actually considered modding in the sense that PR4Y and most of others here in Nexus understand it; however, in the Xbox 360/console community there is indeed "savegame modding", but that has nothing to do with Skyrim Mods, Nexus, or Bethesda wanting to bring mods to consoles. (To be fair, PR4Y did further stress this in his last sentence that he was talking about actual modding, not anything related to savegames. Also, for the record, he was not saying anything about "making" mods on Xbox.)


Also, acting like the piracy on consoles isn't there, or is much smaller problem is foolish. It is there, even though there are more PC pirates (as far as I know, anyhow) there is still an increasing number of console pirates, and the actual numbers are big. It is a problem, and needs to be taken care of. Also, the mod chip you need for your console to play these pirated bootleg games, is quite easy to get, and install. Also, from what I've heard, you don't even need physical mod chip for PS3, there's a way of doing it with software only, or something.


Sorry for swooping in to your conversation like that, I don't usually do this. I blame the lack of sleep.

Anyway, carry on.

Swoop away, you are right and thanks for not being a knob.

If the general consensus is that piracy on consoles is just as big a problem as on PC then I concede to it, I don't know much about it, I just read/heard a few things on it and plonked this opinion here.


As for the xbox thing all I can say is.... :facepalm:

Sadly I think I have just been an excellent example of why you guys hate console players so much, because we don't know crap about computers.

I played Oblivion on xbox, found this site and saw some of the mods and just thought they were so great that I bought the PC version too and used them on this. I really want to learn how to mod my own though as I am an artist (I paint and sell miniature pictures) so I really think I could do something quite creative with mods, the problem is that it is MUCH harder than I thought it would be as you really need to understand A LOT about computers to do it, so while I know the basics of computers I am waaay out of my league here with anything beyond that. I won't give up on this though but I have a lot to learn. So maybe until then I will keep my opinions on this to myself. :yes: just one more thing on this topic though....


In some sort of defense to console/wannabe modders, there is some elitism here. Lots of it in this thread! There shouldn't be this divide, its stupid really. Most console players (even if they are annoying 12 year olds) just play games by whatever means necessary, whatever console or computer they have in the house or their parents own. They don't really think about it in any serious way like "If I buy this I am contributing to the dumbing down of games" etc. They just pay their money and play the game. The fact that consoles are marketed better and dare I say easier to play on, dare I say again.. eek.. cheaper in the short term *ducks* you can't blame them! This is going to have a huge effect on the PC market and so it follows the way these games are made. Its not fair, but developers arn't in it for charity. BUT!...


...The one little gem you have, the one shining star you have that has probably saved PC gaming is the ability to personalise the games with mods. So what is really needed to boost PC gaming back into the forefront where game development is concerned is an easier way to modify games, one that is accessible to ex console noobs (like me) who like this idea. I am not going to get into the whole Steam debate on this (just for the record, I am not a fan it has caused me many problems) but there must be something that would make this area a bit more user friendly? Speaking in a language that your average noob would understand. I know there might be an argument that goes, well if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen in otherwords if you don't understand how computers work to make mods you clearly have no business being here and shouldn't be doing it, but this attitude is not going to help you bring in new people to modding and in the long term this will not help PC games. Thickos like me are everywhere and make up the majority. Where mods are concerned it must be better to dumb things down (a little) for us than to become part of some small elitist sect that grumbles about how stupid everyone is for not understanding how to do it and then wonder why everyone buys consoles.


I am not very good at explaining things but in short what I am trying to say is Modding is the gem of PC gaming, if you want to see better PC games improve the modding system so the console noobs will become modding masters too then in 10 years time we will maybe have a thread "Why does everyone hate PC players" "They ruin xbox!! now the game is liek really complicated" etc.. ok unlikely but yu never know.

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If the general consensus is that piracy on consoles is just as big a problem as on PC then I concede to it, I don't know much about it, I just read/heard a few things on it and plonked this opinion here.



There are people in the industry wanting you to believe a whole lot of things.


It's usually the PR department trying to find ways to sell turds on silver platters. So if they don't want to admit that there's just more money to be made by catering to consoles, they tell you something about the pirates. If they don't want you to know that they dumbed down some game, they tell you tales about streamlining and about popular demand.


The list could go on, but it's always about the same empty phrases.

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Gaming companies put all their time and effort into console because its their biggest earner even though the PC is vastly superior and then they port games from the console to the PC (wtf lol??) thats why we hate consolololol noobs. Edited by Vallen87
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