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Why does everybody hate console players?


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Because a lot of you think you own a full-fledged computer that is more powerful than all the computers out there.


Because a lot of you claim you can't afford a PC to run games, but had no problem slapping down $799 for an Xbox360 when they first came out.

If console buyers would do their research they would find that they can upgrade their computers every 3-4 years or so for only about $300 tops.


Because every game Interface is now getting created for the console crowd and just lazily ported over to the PC, so even though we have nice monitors

we still get stuck with gigantic EZ-READER™ FIsher-Price Fonts, and stupid-to-navigate™ menu systems that are completely unnecessary on a PC.


Because a lot of you think buying a new Console every two years is cheaper than keeping your PC upgrade.


Because a lot of you don't see how the industry is ripping you off every couple of years coming out with a better, newer more expensive console

with an average support life of 2 years.


Because control and hotkeys for todays games are designed around a controller for consoles with a limited amount of buttons,

and PC users are forced to stick with 8 hotkeys because of that. We have 104 keys WITTHOUT modifiers we're able to use, add SHIFT, CTRL and ALT, and we're up to 416 hotkeys


The first couple of months WASTED on modding TES games is to make a useable interface for PCs and add extra hotkeys.

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I blame the Pirates because it is making it harder for games developers to make money from PC games, thats why we have Steam now and even tht didn't work properly. Apparently its getting pretty bad just hope it doesn't get to the point where they just cut out the PC entirely.


The XBOX360 version of Skyrim was available on torrent sites 3 days before the game's release... the PC version wasn't available until like 3 hours before release.... your comments are invalid, sorry.



2) You can also use mods on the xbox now, last year microsoft updated so you can use USB sticks, so you can put an xbox save game onto the PC. My partner fixed my xbox Abomb bug this way.







OK, so you can import / export savegames on your xbox... and now you're telling me you can port PC mods to the xbox?



Is this forreal? Like would you have to have a cracked copy of skyrim for 360, install whatever mods you want, burn to DVD, ect. ect... then play the game, with mods?




honestly... since when can you mod xbox games like you can mod a PC? I'm not talking about transferring savegames here... i'm talking about ACTUAL modding.





otherwise... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by PR4Y
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Yes, Bethesda games get bogged down with some serious technical and design compromises in order to make the games more console-friendly. I guess some people misdirect their frustration and instead of venting against consoles and the companies that make them, they start hating the individuals who happen to play them.
Indeed, why hating on the console players? After all, they do support the companies that makes these big games available for PC as well. Also with a game like Skyrim, the modding community takes charge of making the game more appealing to PC gamers : customization taken to the high heavens. I used to resent console players for resulting in dumbed down gaming overall, but after all... they're the cash cows, let's face it. :D Edited by totorox
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Indeed, why hating on the console players? After all, they do support the companies that makes these big games available for PC as well. Also with a game like Skyrim, the modding community takes charge of making the game more appealing to PC gamers : customization taken to the high heavens. I used to resent console players for resulting in dumbed down gaming overall, but after all... they're the cash cows, let's face it. :D


Because back in the day, games were made for PC and then ported over to consoles.

Now PC have to suffer with stupid to navigate inefficient menu systems, because they're really meant to be controlled by a Controller rather than keyboard and mouse,

also games are now being sold on "Graphics" alone, since consoles are closed systems, if a game developer makes the graphics better, they're going to have to make room for those super graphics,

so the gameplay and story get reduced to mindeless button-mashing.


DA1 took place in several cities over an entire countryside and had a long story

DA2 took place in one city, with some pathetic copy and paste dungeons that had the same exact map, just with different areas blocked off, the story was a lot shorter and had

annoying FInal Fanstasy type Cliche companions like the Elf with the Runes all over his body and a huge anime-like sword.


DA1 you could choose between different races

DA2 only human


ME1 long involved story, lots of choices for character customization/building/skills

ME2 shorter story, character skill reduced to 4 or 5 skills, from about 18.

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I'm 50 and I do, actually we were the first generation to really use them a lot in the working environment. I find a PC much easier to use than a console - the controller doesn't suit my arthritic hands.


So it is the consolisation of PC games that we hate, not console gamers.


Being the same age group, my experiences are the same. Started to use them in 1982 and by 1990 I learned to build my own rigs. I haven't touched a console since 1975 and then it was to play pong. And I wouldn't touch any console since the vanilla versions of games aren't that exciting anyway. And that's all you get with that stuff.


The irony is that now we're in an age of customer support and out of the box plug and play with less need of DIY geek dads. The kids today who think all dads are just old dogs who can't learn new tricks just don't realize that many dads were the ones who brought about this age of tech. Though I also give kudos to the young tinkers of today. We should all remember every generation as their techies.


Just one thing though; the reason I use a controller with my PC (don't actually own a console) is because I spend so much time using my keyboard and mouse. So I'm the opposite. I was having problems with my wrists and such from too much repetition but am all better now. So maybe consider trying a controller again if you're really having arthritic like problems.

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Indeed, why hating on the console players? After all, they do support the companies that makes these big games available for PC as well. Also with a game like Skyrim, the modding community takes charge of making the game more appealing to PC gamers : customization taken to the high heavens. I used to resent console players for resulting in dumbed down gaming overall, but after all... they're the cash cows, let's face it. :D


Because back in the day, games were made for PC and then ported over to consoles.

Now PC have to suffer with stupid to navigate inefficient menu systems, because they're really meant to be controlled by a Controller rather than keyboard and mouse,

also games are now being sold on "Graphics" alone, since consoles are closed systems, if a game developer makes the graphics better, they're going to have to make room for those super graphics,

so the gameplay and story get reduced to mindeless button-mashing.


I can't help but agreeing with you. As for graphics, it's a shame the people developing DirectX are having their products wasted because consoles are still stuck with 9. 11 and even 10 have HUGE potential to something we haven't ever seen in gaming. But unfortunately the developers that actually want to fully support DX 11 features are massively underfunded. Microsoft and Sony are definitely milking ever penny they can get. There's no reason a console should be on the market for 6 years (and with probably 2-3 years left).


What really bothers me though are some of the actual players. When I played (Halo 3, 2008) it was nothing but arrogant kids talking nonsense. Which is part of the reason why Call of Duty is the best selling series (which is shouldn't be for 100 different reasons). Because those games attract teens and children, who can pick up the controller and use what the game gives them to be a great player in 30 minutes. Which then leads to trash talking bigotry.You quick scoped with auto aim??..good for you! -.-


I stick to PC's for many reasons. But, the biggest is the community. I actually like joining a game in TF2, BF3, etc. without kids screaming in my ear and just enjoying myself. Which is why I buy games to begin with. Now, I'm not saying every console player is a kid but what sounds more realistic. "Hey mom, can you buy me this $300 console?" or "Hey mom, can you buy me this $1,000 gaming PC?" I know the biggest argument for console players are the prices. Realistically you could have a part time job at McDonald's and you could afford a good rig in under a month. Or if you're too young..do chores, save lunch money, sell lemonade. Take pride in what you've earned and built.

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YOu seem nice! You like to LOL... a lot!!! I am also a fan of the old !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can NEVER have too many! I add you to friends, is this ok? :wub:


But I will answer your questions first...

The XBOX360 version of Skyrim was available on torrent sites 3 days before the game's release... the PC version wasn't available until like 3 hours before release.... your comments are invalid, sorry.

I might be wrong here because I don't have your skilz but don't you need some kind of chip in the xbox to run a pirate game? I wonder if you had the figures for how many PC pirate copies were out there compared to xbox ones, what would one find?




OK, so you can import / export savegames on your xbox... and now you're telling me you can port PC mods to the xbox?



Is this forreal? Like would you have to have a cracked copy of skyrim for 360, install whatever mods you want, burn to DVD, ect. ect... then play the game, with mods?




honestly... since when can you mod xbox games like you can mod a PC? I'm not talking about transferring savegames here... i'm talking about ACTUAL modding.





otherwise... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I wasn't very specific but I never said you could MAKE mods on the xbox. yeah... !¬!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!!!! ( for emphasis)

I know you can also transport your xbox made and leveled character to the PC and then mod her the same as you would if you had started her on the PC you need both copies of the game of course, which i lucky have.

Some people have managed to mod their characters on the PC and then use them back on xbox. I don't know how this is done and haven't done it. We did make a fix like this though, I had the Abomb bug on my Xbox character, My BF transported the save game over to PC, fixed it with a programme, and then transported her back to xbox so I could complete the game.


I'm not a computer expert and don't pretended to be but thanx for your maturness in letting me know gently how much I fail!11!!! LO~L I promise I will try harder to be more better in this skils like you ... friend! :thumbsup:

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