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E-Cigarette and Vaping, For and Against


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The "No Smoking" signs in the parking garage are a requirement of Insurance companies who are concerned that some idiot with a cigarette will ignite the fumes from an uncapped gas tank. Kinda like what happened in Missouri.


The insurance company sued the smoker (who was violating the law by smoking in a no smoking area) to recover the several millions they had to pay, and won. Now the smoker pays the state a set amount each month, and they forward the payment to the Insurance company. If the smoker misses a payment, the state steps in and seizes all the smokers assets, and garners his wages, because he still has to pay.


So you go suck that butt in the parking garage. Maybe we'll get lucky.

A car backfiring is about as likely to ignite gas fumes from an open gas tank. Will the insurance company then sue the driver (owner??) for not maintaining his vehicle properly? (wouldn't surprise me.... this IS america after all, where we sue each other for the stupidest of reasons....) Was any action taken against the person that was allowing gasoline fumes into the atmosphere? Or did he get a pass on leaving off a federally mandated piece of equipment from his car?


That aside, my nose still works, and I understand the volatility of various fuels., so I don't really see that as much of a threat. However, you wishing me dead? That, I DO find a bit disturbing. Is your skin that thin, that you wish death on those that don't agree with you?? Wow. And you thought I was a bad person.......


Also, I am not finding ANYTHING about your claimed event....... Got a link?


Your interpretation of my comment is totally your own. But then, that is your stock in trade. Making assumptions and then claiming them as truth. You can't help yourself, can you? Do you lie awake nights thinking of new and ever more imaginative ways to prevaricate?


Oh, so backtracking now? How else would I interpret that?


Also, I note the distinct absence of anything to substantiate your claim on the Missouri man. As I can't find anything about that type of incident, at all, it leads me to believe that you are pulling a Trump, and inventing your own version of reality.


But that's ok. I am well aware that we don't agree on a few topics, and you seem to take that rather personally. I actually find it kind of amusing. Some guy on an internet forum can get that far under your skin?? I hope that you aren't considering a career in politics.......

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The "No Smoking" signs in the parking garage are a requirement of Insurance companies who are concerned that some idiot with a cigarette will ignite the fumes from an uncapped gas tank. Kinda like what happened in Missouri.


The insurance company sued the smoker (who was violating the law by smoking in a no smoking area) to recover the several millions they had to pay, and won. Now the smoker pays the state a set amount each month, and they forward the payment to the Insurance company. If the smoker misses a payment, the state steps in and seizes all the smokers assets, and garners his wages, because he still has to pay.


So you go suck that butt in the parking garage. Maybe we'll get lucky.

A car backfiring is about as likely to ignite gas fumes from an open gas tank. Will the insurance company then sue the driver (owner??) for not maintaining his vehicle properly? (wouldn't surprise me.... this IS america after all, where we sue each other for the stupidest of reasons....) Was any action taken against the person that was allowing gasoline fumes into the atmosphere? Or did he get a pass on leaving off a federally mandated piece of equipment from his car?


That aside, my nose still works, and I understand the volatility of various fuels., so I don't really see that as much of a threat. However, you wishing me dead? That, I DO find a bit disturbing. Is your skin that thin, that you wish death on those that don't agree with you?? Wow. And you thought I was a bad person.......


Also, I am not finding ANYTHING about your claimed event....... Got a link?


Your interpretation of my comment is totally your own. But then, that is your stock in trade. Making assumptions and then claiming them as truth. You can't help yourself, can you? Do you lie awake nights thinking of new and ever more imaginative ways to prevaricate?


Oh, so backtracking now? How else would I interpret that?


Also, I note the distinct absence of anything to substantiate your claim on the Missouri man. As I can't find anything about that type of incident, at all, it leads me to believe that you are pulling a Trump, and inventing your own version of reality.


But that's ok. I am well aware that we don't agree on a few topics, and you seem to take that rather personally. I actually find it kind of amusing. Some guy on an internet forum can get that far under your skin?? I hope that you aren't considering a career in politics.......



More of your assumptions published as facts. You really are pathological.


You assume that because you can't find something, it must not exist, and then publish your assumption as truth. Either out of deliberate or actual ignorance, you ignore the reality that events occurred before the internet and were recorded on sheets of paper. It is simply easier for you to assume others are like you and fabricate their own truth.


You assume that I wished you dead and published that as a truth. You never considered any alternatives, like I might want you so broke that you can't afford internet access. It is simply easier for you to fantasize a scenario and then publish your fantasies as truth.


But like I said, making assumptions and publishing them as truth is your modus operandi. And you continue apace. So, don't flatter yourself. I contend against you and your "assumptions as truth" so that others may see you for what you truly are.

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The "No Smoking" signs in the parking garage are a requirement of Insurance companies who are concerned that some idiot with a cigarette will ignite the fumes from an uncapped gas tank. Kinda like what happened in Missouri.


The insurance company sued the smoker (who was violating the law by smoking in a no smoking area) to recover the several millions they had to pay, and won. Now the smoker pays the state a set amount each month, and they forward the payment to the Insurance company. If the smoker misses a payment, the state steps in and seizes all the smokers assets, and garners his wages, because he still has to pay.


So you go suck that butt in the parking garage. Maybe we'll get lucky.

A car backfiring is about as likely to ignite gas fumes from an open gas tank. Will the insurance company then sue the driver (owner??) for not maintaining his vehicle properly? (wouldn't surprise me.... this IS america after all, where we sue each other for the stupidest of reasons....) Was any action taken against the person that was allowing gasoline fumes into the atmosphere? Or did he get a pass on leaving off a federally mandated piece of equipment from his car?


That aside, my nose still works, and I understand the volatility of various fuels., so I don't really see that as much of a threat. However, you wishing me dead? That, I DO find a bit disturbing. Is your skin that thin, that you wish death on those that don't agree with you?? Wow. And you thought I was a bad person.......


Also, I am not finding ANYTHING about your claimed event....... Got a link?


Your interpretation of my comment is totally your own. But then, that is your stock in trade. Making assumptions and then claiming them as truth. You can't help yourself, can you? Do you lie awake nights thinking of new and ever more imaginative ways to prevaricate?


Oh, so backtracking now? How else would I interpret that?


Also, I note the distinct absence of anything to substantiate your claim on the Missouri man. As I can't find anything about that type of incident, at all, it leads me to believe that you are pulling a Trump, and inventing your own version of reality.


But that's ok. I am well aware that we don't agree on a few topics, and you seem to take that rather personally. I actually find it kind of amusing. Some guy on an internet forum can get that far under your skin?? I hope that you aren't considering a career in politics.......



More of your assumptions published as facts. You really are pathological.


You assume that because you can't find something, it must not exist, and then publish your assumption as truth. Either out of deliberate or actual ignorance, you ignore the reality that events occurred before the internet and were recorded on sheets of paper. It is simply easier for you to assume others are like you and fabricate their own truth.


You assume that I wished you dead and published that as a truth. You never considered any alternatives, like I might want you so broke that you can't afford internet access. It is simply easier for you to fantasize a scenario and then publish your fantasies as truth.


But like I said, making assumptions and publishing them as truth is your modus operandi. And you continue apace. So, don't flatter yourself. I contend against you and your "assumptions as truth" so that others may see you for what you truly are.


You should take a long look in the mirror about that whole 'assumptions' thing.


And expecting me to take you at your word for an event that happened when? Before 1985 or so?? Yeah, right. Terribly sorry, when you make a claim of that nature, you should be prepared to back it up. That aside, citing an event that happen in the neighborhood of 40 years ago, as reasoning for the no smoking in parking structures, really doesn't work for me, considering those signs are a pretty recent advent, within the last ten years. (at least, around here anyway.)


Something else I noticed.... you didn't post in this thread until you responded to me, in your usual condescending, I-am-better-than-you way. Are you stalking me? :ohdear:

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The "No Smoking" signs in the parking garage are a requirement of Insurance companies who are concerned that some idiot with a cigarette will ignite the fumes from an uncapped gas tank. Kinda like what happened in Missouri.


The insurance company sued the smoker (who was violating the law by smoking in a no smoking area) to recover the several millions they had to pay, and won. Now the smoker pays the state a set amount each month, and they forward the payment to the Insurance company. If the smoker misses a payment, the state steps in and seizes all the smokers assets, and garners his wages, because he still has to pay.


So you go suck that butt in the parking garage. Maybe we'll get lucky.

A car backfiring is about as likely to ignite gas fumes from an open gas tank. Will the insurance company then sue the driver (owner??) for not maintaining his vehicle properly? (wouldn't surprise me.... this IS america after all, where we sue each other for the stupidest of reasons....) Was any action taken against the person that was allowing gasoline fumes into the atmosphere? Or did he get a pass on leaving off a federally mandated piece of equipment from his car?


That aside, my nose still works, and I understand the volatility of various fuels., so I don't really see that as much of a threat. However, you wishing me dead? That, I DO find a bit disturbing. Is your skin that thin, that you wish death on those that don't agree with you?? Wow. And you thought I was a bad person.......


Also, I am not finding ANYTHING about your claimed event....... Got a link?


Your interpretation of my comment is totally your own. But then, that is your stock in trade. Making assumptions and then claiming them as truth. You can't help yourself, can you? Do you lie awake nights thinking of new and ever more imaginative ways to prevaricate?


Oh, so backtracking now? How else would I interpret that?


Also, I note the distinct absence of anything to substantiate your claim on the Missouri man. As I can't find anything about that type of incident, at all, it leads me to believe that you are pulling a Trump, and inventing your own version of reality.


But that's ok. I am well aware that we don't agree on a few topics, and you seem to take that rather personally. I actually find it kind of amusing. Some guy on an internet forum can get that far under your skin?? I hope that you aren't considering a career in politics.......



More of your assumptions published as facts. You really are pathological.


You assume that because you can't find something, it must not exist, and then publish your assumption as truth. Either out of deliberate or actual ignorance, you ignore the reality that events occurred before the internet and were recorded on sheets of paper. It is simply easier for you to assume others are like you and fabricate their own truth.


You assume that I wished you dead and published that as a truth. You never considered any alternatives, like I might want you so broke that you can't afford internet access. It is simply easier for you to fantasize a scenario and then publish your fantasies as truth.


But like I said, making assumptions and publishing them as truth is your modus operandi. And you continue apace. So, don't flatter yourself. I contend against you and your "assumptions as truth" so that others may see you for what you truly are.


You should take a long look in the mirror about that whole 'assumptions' thing.


And expecting me to take you at your word for an event that happened when? Before 1985 or so?? Yeah, right. Terribly sorry, when you make a claim of that nature, you should be prepared to back it up. That aside, citing an event that happen in the neighborhood of 40 years ago, as reasoning for the no smoking in parking structures, really doesn't work for me, considering those signs are a pretty recent advent, within the last ten years. (at least, around here anyway.)


Something else I noticed.... you didn't post in this thread until you responded to me, in your usual condescending, I-am-better-than-you way. Are you stalking me? :ohdear:




"The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing." Joseph Goebbels, Nuremberg — 1934 Nice usage of an old standby in deflection. It isn't you, it's the people who call you out for your behavior.


And what you choose to believe is of no consequence. You believe your own assumptions are the only possible truth, so your perception of what is true or false is pretty skewed.


And I responded to you, because you are the only one here who was espousing behavior which was dangerous and potentially illegal.

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The "No Smoking" signs in the parking garage are a requirement of Insurance companies who are concerned that some idiot with a cigarette will ignite the fumes from an uncapped gas tank. Kinda like what happened in Missouri.


The insurance company sued the smoker (who was violating the law by smoking in a no smoking area) to recover the several millions they had to pay, and won. Now the smoker pays the state a set amount each month, and they forward the payment to the Insurance company. If the smoker misses a payment, the state steps in and seizes all the smokers assets, and garners his wages, because he still has to pay.


So you go suck that butt in the parking garage. Maybe we'll get lucky.

A car backfiring is about as likely to ignite gas fumes from an open gas tank. Will the insurance company then sue the driver (owner??) for not maintaining his vehicle properly? (wouldn't surprise me.... this IS america after all, where we sue each other for the stupidest of reasons....) Was any action taken against the person that was allowing gasoline fumes into the atmosphere? Or did he get a pass on leaving off a federally mandated piece of equipment from his car?


That aside, my nose still works, and I understand the volatility of various fuels., so I don't really see that as much of a threat. However, you wishing me dead? That, I DO find a bit disturbing. Is your skin that thin, that you wish death on those that don't agree with you?? Wow. And you thought I was a bad person.......


Also, I am not finding ANYTHING about your claimed event....... Got a link?


Your interpretation of my comment is totally your own. But then, that is your stock in trade. Making assumptions and then claiming them as truth. You can't help yourself, can you? Do you lie awake nights thinking of new and ever more imaginative ways to prevaricate?


Oh, so backtracking now? How else would I interpret that?


Also, I note the distinct absence of anything to substantiate your claim on the Missouri man. As I can't find anything about that type of incident, at all, it leads me to believe that you are pulling a Trump, and inventing your own version of reality.


But that's ok. I am well aware that we don't agree on a few topics, and you seem to take that rather personally. I actually find it kind of amusing. Some guy on an internet forum can get that far under your skin?? I hope that you aren't considering a career in politics.......



More of your assumptions published as facts. You really are pathological.


You assume that because you can't find something, it must not exist, and then publish your assumption as truth. Either out of deliberate or actual ignorance, you ignore the reality that events occurred before the internet and were recorded on sheets of paper. It is simply easier for you to assume others are like you and fabricate their own truth.


You assume that I wished you dead and published that as a truth. You never considered any alternatives, like I might want you so broke that you can't afford internet access. It is simply easier for you to fantasize a scenario and then publish your fantasies as truth.


But like I said, making assumptions and publishing them as truth is your modus operandi. And you continue apace. So, don't flatter yourself. I contend against you and your "assumptions as truth" so that others may see you for what you truly are.


You should take a long look in the mirror about that whole 'assumptions' thing.


And expecting me to take you at your word for an event that happened when? Before 1985 or so?? Yeah, right. Terribly sorry, when you make a claim of that nature, you should be prepared to back it up. That aside, citing an event that happen in the neighborhood of 40 years ago, as reasoning for the no smoking in parking structures, really doesn't work for me, considering those signs are a pretty recent advent, within the last ten years. (at least, around here anyway.)


Something else I noticed.... you didn't post in this thread until you responded to me, in your usual condescending, I-am-better-than-you way. Are you stalking me? :ohdear:




"The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing." Joseph Goebbels, Nuremberg — 1934 Nice usage of an old standby in deflection. It isn't you, it's the people who call you out for your behavior.


And what you choose to believe is of no consequence. You believe your own assumptions are the only possible truth, so your perception of what is true or false is pretty skewed.


And I responded to you, because you are the only one here who was espousing behavior which was dangerous and potentially illegal.


*snicker* I see there is absolutely no hope for you, so, I will leave you to it. Welcome to my ignore list. Ain't many folks on it, but, you shall have a place of honor there. Bye.

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The "No Smoking" signs in the parking garage are a requirement of Insurance companies who are concerned that some idiot with a cigarette will ignite the fumes from an uncapped gas tank. Kinda like what happened in Missouri.


The insurance company sued the smoker (who was violating the law by smoking in a no smoking area) to recover the several millions they had to pay, and won. Now the smoker pays the state a set amount each month, and they forward the payment to the Insurance company. If the smoker misses a payment, the state steps in and seizes all the smokers assets, and garners his wages, because he still has to pay.


So you go suck that butt in the parking garage. Maybe we'll get lucky.

A car backfiring is about as likely to ignite gas fumes from an open gas tank. Will the insurance company then sue the driver (owner??) for not maintaining his vehicle properly? (wouldn't surprise me.... this IS america after all, where we sue each other for the stupidest of reasons....) Was any action taken against the person that was allowing gasoline fumes into the atmosphere? Or did he get a pass on leaving off a federally mandated piece of equipment from his car?


That aside, my nose still works, and I understand the volatility of various fuels., so I don't really see that as much of a threat. However, you wishing me dead? That, I DO find a bit disturbing. Is your skin that thin, that you wish death on those that don't agree with you?? Wow. And you thought I was a bad person.......


Also, I am not finding ANYTHING about your claimed event....... Got a link?


Your interpretation of my comment is totally your own. But then, that is your stock in trade. Making assumptions and then claiming them as truth. You can't help yourself, can you? Do you lie awake nights thinking of new and ever more imaginative ways to prevaricate?


Oh, so backtracking now? How else would I interpret that?


Also, I note the distinct absence of anything to substantiate your claim on the Missouri man. As I can't find anything about that type of incident, at all, it leads me to believe that you are pulling a Trump, and inventing your own version of reality.


But that's ok. I am well aware that we don't agree on a few topics, and you seem to take that rather personally. I actually find it kind of amusing. Some guy on an internet forum can get that far under your skin?? I hope that you aren't considering a career in politics.......



More of your assumptions published as facts. You really are pathological.


You assume that because you can't find something, it must not exist, and then publish your assumption as truth. Either out of deliberate or actual ignorance, you ignore the reality that events occurred before the internet and were recorded on sheets of paper. It is simply easier for you to assume others are like you and fabricate their own truth.


You assume that I wished you dead and published that as a truth. You never considered any alternatives, like I might want you so broke that you can't afford internet access. It is simply easier for you to fantasize a scenario and then publish your fantasies as truth.


But like I said, making assumptions and publishing them as truth is your modus operandi. And you continue apace. So, don't flatter yourself. I contend against you and your "assumptions as truth" so that others may see you for what you truly are.


You should take a long look in the mirror about that whole 'assumptions' thing.


And expecting me to take you at your word for an event that happened when? Before 1985 or so?? Yeah, right. Terribly sorry, when you make a claim of that nature, you should be prepared to back it up. That aside, citing an event that happen in the neighborhood of 40 years ago, as reasoning for the no smoking in parking structures, really doesn't work for me, considering those signs are a pretty recent advent, within the last ten years. (at least, around here anyway.)


Something else I noticed.... you didn't post in this thread until you responded to me, in your usual condescending, I-am-better-than-you way. Are you stalking me? :ohdear:




"The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing." Joseph Goebbels, Nuremberg — 1934 Nice usage of an old standby in deflection. It isn't you, it's the people who call you out for your behavior.


And what you choose to believe is of no consequence. You believe your own assumptions are the only possible truth, so your perception of what is true or false is pretty skewed.


And I responded to you, because you are the only one here who was espousing behavior which was dangerous and potentially illegal.





*snicker* I see there is absolutely no hope for you, so, I will leave you to it. Welcome to my ignore list. Ain't many folks on it, but, you shall have a place of honor there. Bye.





Edited by ScytheBearer
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Also, I note the distinct absence of anything to substantiate your claim on the Missouri man. As I can't find anything about that type of incident, at all, it leads me to believe that you are pulling a Trump, and inventing your own version of reality.


It appears that you don't like the taste of your own medicine. You are objectively a serial offender when it comes to not posting sources to substantiate your claims, even when you are politely asked to and even when it would improve the quality of the discussion.


What's worse is that you routinely ignore or casually dismiss sources posted by someone else in support of their points if they contradict your opinion.





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Also, I note the distinct absence of anything to substantiate your claim on the Missouri man. As I can't find anything about that type of incident, at all, it leads me to believe that you are pulling a Trump, and inventing your own version of reality.


It appears that you don't like the taste of your own medicine. You are objectively a serial offender when it comes to not posting sources to substantiate your claims, even when you are politely asked to and even when it would improve the quality of the discussion.


What's worse is that you routinely ignore or casually dismiss sources posted by someone else in support of their points if they contradict your opinion.








Right. You seem to have missed this reply, or are deliberately ignoring it. It still applies.




You assume that because you can't find something, it must not exist, and then publish your assumption as truth. Either out of deliberate or actual ignorance, you ignore the reality that events occurred before the internet and were recorded on sheets of paper. It is simply easier for you to assume others are like you and fabricate their own truth.



And please, point to any sources which was quoted in that exchange which I ignored or dismissed. Or are you just making s#*&#33; up? You and HeyYou must be sisters and students of that lying little < expletive deleted >, Donald.

Edited by ScytheBearer
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Reading comprehension fail.


I was not addressing you, I was replying to HeyYou and you can clearly see this from the quote I excerpted.

*Ahem*... this is a public forum, not Private Messenger,

where any viewers can and may reply, so he has every right.

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