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E-Cigarette and Vaping, For and Against


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I'm a vapor mostly due to the best taste you can get compared to an e-cigarette. There are way too many advantages when it comes to vaping. I love the different flavors you can get with vapors compare to cigarettes. Just recently menthol cigarettes were found to be carcinogenic, so I'd rather not. On top of that all you have to do when vaping is find some cheap smoke coils from https://www.vapetown.co.uk as they have a big variety to choose from which really suits my needs. I have friends who buy these coils for double and triple of what I spend. Crazy isn't it?

Edited by Enyain
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I support smoking and vaping. Because Adults should be allowed to make their own life choices.


Now I also believe that they should be granted public assistance based on the choices they make. Meaning if they get lung cancer from smoking or Liver Cancer from drinking, they should not be allowed to have their medical expenses paid for with public funds. I also feel the same way about people who don't wear motorcycle helmets.


I fully support smoking because it enables me to judge a persons intelligence with just a single sighting of a cancer stick.

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I support smoking and vaping. Because Adults should be allowed to make their own life choices.


Now I also believe that they should be granted public assistance based on the choices they make. Meaning if they get lung cancer from smoking or Liver Cancer from drinking, they should not be allowed to have their medical expenses paid for with public funds. I also feel the same way about people who don't wear motorcycle helmets.


I fully support smoking because it enables me to judge a persons intelligence with just a single sighting of a cancer stick.

Einstein smoked a pipe how does your rating system adjust for that? :laugh:

FYI..I don't smoke but did and I don't mind if others do so as long as it is not inside my house.

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I support smoking and vaping. Because Adults should be allowed to make their own life choices.


Now I also believe that they should be granted public assistance based on the choices they make. Meaning if they get lung cancer from smoking or Liver Cancer from drinking, they should not be allowed to have their medical expenses paid for with public funds. I also feel the same way about people who don't wear motorcycle helmets.


I fully support smoking because it enables me to judge a persons intelligence with just a single sighting of a cancer stick.

Einstein smoked a pipe how does your rating system adjust for that? :laugh:

FYI..I don't smoke but did and I don't mind if others do so as long as it is not inside my house.


Fair points all.


Also to address MrJoseCuervo,

McDonalds, KFC, Coca-Cola and Pepsi are at least partially to blame for Hundreds of thousands of deaths every year, and Hundreds of Billions of dollars in medical expenses on top of that. Should the people who partake of their products also be refused medical care? Would you then also question the intelligence of anyone you see eating take-out food? It strikes me that this is a less than empathetic world view.

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I support smoking and vaping. Because Adults should be allowed to make their own life choices.


Now I also believe that they should be granted public assistance based on the choices they make. Meaning if they get lung cancer from smoking or Liver Cancer from drinking, they should not be allowed to have their medical expenses paid for with public funds. I also feel the same way about people who don't wear motorcycle helmets.


I fully support smoking because it enables me to judge a persons intelligence with just a single sighting of a cancer stick.

Einstein smoked a pipe how does your rating system adjust for that? :laugh:

FYI..I don't smoke but did and I don't mind if others do so as long as it is not inside my house.


Fair points all.


Also to address MrJoseCuervo,

Should the people who partake of their products also be refused medical care? Would you then also question the intelligence of anyone you see eating take-out food? It strikes me that this is a less than empathetic world view.



The Obese would fall under this, yes. I don't think it does us any good to encourage such behavior.


Yes I would question Einstein's intelligence if he lived in this day and aged and smoked.

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People do all sorts of things that are inherently bad for them. Smoking, over eating, drinking soda, doing various drugs. My guess is, if you dug deep enough, you could come up with a reason to deny pretty much anyone of medical care.


How about folks that were speeding when they wrecked their car? Or weren't wearing their seatbelts? :) Maybe someone ate too much bacon, clogged up their arteries, and had a heart attack.


Everyone does stuff they shouldn't. It would be pretty much impossible to draw the line of wear to discontinue care. Though, I think folks that OD on drugs regularly, should have a limit..... Like the guy that had EMS out to his house 3 times in ONE DAY. That's excessive. If you are going to be that stupid, then you deserve the consequences.

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People do all sorts of things that are inherently bad for them. Smoking, over eating, drinking soda, doing various drugs. My guess is, if you dug deep enough, you could come up with a reason to deny pretty much anyone of medical care.


How about folks that were speeding when they wrecked their car? Or weren't wearing their seatbelts? :smile: Maybe someone ate too much bacon, clogged up their arteries, and had a heart attack.


Everyone does stuff they shouldn't. It would be pretty much impossible to draw the line of wear to discontinue care. Though, I think folks that OD on drugs regularly, should have a limit..... Like the guy that had EMS out to his house 3 times in ONE DAY. That's excessive. If you are going to be that stupid, then you deserve the consequences.


Very True. But you must also understand I am of the belief there are too many people on the planet. So with that in mind, my Darwin-esque approach to healthcare makes perfect sense.

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People do all sorts of things that are inherently bad for them. Smoking, over eating, drinking soda, doing various drugs. My guess is, if you dug deep enough, you could come up with a reason to deny pretty much anyone of medical care.


How about folks that were speeding when they wrecked their car? Or weren't wearing their seatbelts? :smile: Maybe someone ate too much bacon, clogged up their arteries, and had a heart attack.


Everyone does stuff they shouldn't. It would be pretty much impossible to draw the line of wear to discontinue care. Though, I think folks that OD on drugs regularly, should have a limit..... Like the guy that had EMS out to his house 3 times in ONE DAY. That's excessive. If you are going to be that stupid, then you deserve the consequences.


Very True. But you must also understand I am of the belief there are too many people on the planet. So with that in mind, my Darwin-esque approach to healthcare makes perfect sense.


I wholeheartedly concur. Way too many folks on this little planet. Some would argue that the entire population could be packed into the state of texas. Of course, I think we would have to take turns breathing..... But, that isn't really the point. We still have large populations living in areas that really don't lend themselves to habitation. But, those places seem popular, and the population continues to increase, even though the area is already short on resources to support those that are there already. Or countries that are overpopulated, yet still encourage their citizens to breed like rabbits. (or at least, they don't DIScourage folks from breeding.....)


All in all, as I see it, humans are pretty much idiots. We consider it our God-Given RIGHT!!! to do stuff that is inherently bad for everyone...... Some variety of population control really would be in everyones best interests... but, in most countries, (especially here in the US) it would never fly.


We are our own worst enemy, and humans will cause their own destruction.

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People do all sorts of things that are inherently bad for them. Smoking, over eating, drinking soda, doing various drugs. My guess is, if you dug deep enough, you could come up with a reason to deny pretty much anyone of medical care.


How about folks that were speeding when they wrecked their car? Or weren't wearing their seatbelts? :smile: Maybe someone ate too much bacon, clogged up their arteries, and had a heart attack.


Everyone does stuff they shouldn't. It would be pretty much impossible to draw the line of wear to discontinue care. Though, I think folks that OD on drugs regularly, should have a limit..... Like the guy that had EMS out to his house 3 times in ONE DAY. That's excessive. If you are going to be that stupid, then you deserve the consequences.


Very True. But you must also understand I am of the belief there are too many people on the planet. So with that in mind, my Darwin-esque approach to healthcare makes perfect sense.


I wholeheartedly concur. Way too many folks on this little planet. Some would argue that the entire population could be packed into the state of texas. Of course, I think we would have to take turns breathing..... But, that isn't really the point. We still have large populations living in areas that really don't lend themselves to habitation. But, those places seem popular, and the population continues to increase, even though the area is already short on resources to support those that are there already. Or countries that are overpopulated, yet still encourage their citizens to breed like rabbits. (or at least, they don't DIScourage folks from breeding.....)


We are our own worst enemy, and humans will cause their own destruction.


Complete rubbish. The problem is NOT the number of people on the planet, the problem is the proper distribution of resources. Wealthier countries like the US throw away MILLIONS of tonnes of food every week! The contents of the rubbish bins at your average McDonalds in 1 day could feed a family of 4 for a week. THAT is the problem.


I also don't know of any country that "encourages" their citizens to "breed like rabbits".

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