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E-Cigarette and Vaping, For and Against


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I'm going to add insult to injury here. I quit smoking in 1968. Cold turkey and no regrets, Why? Not because I thought it was bad for me, both of my parents were heavy smokers. My mother still smokes at 91. I quit because they raised the price. From 25 cents to 30 cents a pack. At the time I could buy a beer at the base enlisted club for fifteen cents.


Now, after over 48 years of not smoking I have lung cancer. :whistling:

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Extremely sorry to hear that you are ill. Since I don't believe in losing I'll wish that you recover through whatever treatment possible.

I'll also say a prayer or two for you....never hurts to ask the Big Guy for a favor.

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I'm going to add insult to injury here. I quit smoking in 1968. Cold turkey and no regrets, Why? Not because I thought it was bad for me, both of my parents were heavy smokers. My mother still smokes at 91. I quit because they raised the price. From 25 cents to 30 cents a pack. At the time I could buy a beer at the base enlisted club for fifteen cents.


Now, after over 48 years of not smoking I have lung cancer. :whistling:


I am so sorry to hear that Ben..and it just makes me all the more concerned about myself and the second-hand smoke I was exposed to with my childhood issues.


Jesus...if you need anything.. I can't....gak...


*flails ineptly*

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I'm doing fine. The meds I am on are working very well for the specific cancer I have. The side effects can be aggravating, but so far nothing I can't handle. Mostly a bad rash that looks like acne, itching scalp and heartburn. I have been feeling much better lately and have started exercising again to build my stamina back up.


I'll be going to Myrtle Beach for 4 days starting tomorrow with a bunch of old friends and their wives. :dance:

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Wow really sorry to hear that bben... it is sad to be so common now, and with people who do all the 'right things', but there is a lot of truth in what you say and that life must be lived while you can live it. Living it can be tough though, I too have complicated health problems that are very debilitating at times, but exercise is really starting to help me too. Getting 'out' is also a good medicine, and I wonder how many of our ailments are somehow connected to 'modern life' and our environment. I hope you enjoy your holiday, relax and just have a good time :)

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> I am going to die from something else stupid anyway, so, not really worried about cancer.


My grandma never smoked, drank alcohol or overate, but suffered horribly for 15 years before passing away. So lesson learned. As Denis Leary once said, 'smoking takes ten years off your life -- the wheelchair/adult diaper/kidney dialysis years'.



My Grandma was never a smoker either.... But, she was a farmer.... she died of emphysema at age 94. I don't think I want to live that long, as the last decade or so will consist of me being confined to a bed, and having someone feed me, and change my diapers..... Been thru that once, no desire to do it again. Just put a bullet in my head, and call it a day. (I have MS.....)


I'm going to add insult to injury here. I quit smoking in 1968. Cold turkey and no regrets, Why? Not because I thought it was bad for me, both of my parents were heavy smokers. My mother still smokes at 91. I quit because they raised the price. From 25 cents to 30 cents a pack. At the time I could buy a beer at the base enlisted club for fifteen cents.


Now, after over 48 years of not smoking I have lung cancer. :whistling:

Here's wishing you a speedy, and complete, recovery.

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  • 1 month later...


I'm going to add insult to injury here. I quit smoking in 1968. Cold turkey and no regrets, Why? Not because I thought it was bad for me, both of my parents were heavy smokers. My mother still smokes at 91. I quit because they raised the price. From 25 cents to 30 cents a pack. At the time I could buy a beer at the base enlisted club for fifteen cents.


Now, after over 48 years of not smoking I have lung cancer. :whistling:


I am so sorry to hear that Ben..and it just makes me all the more concerned about myself and the second-hand smoke I was exposed to with my childhood issues.


Jesus...if you need anything.. I can't....gak...


*flails ineptly*


Your inept flailing made me chuckle :laugh: Reminds me of this guy...




I'm going to add insult to injury here. I quit smoking in 1968. Cold turkey and no regrets, Why? Not because I thought it was bad for me, both of my parents were heavy smokers. My mother still smokes at 91. I quit because they raised the price. From 25 cents to 30 cents a pack. At the time I could buy a beer at the base enlisted club for fifteen cents.


Now, after over 48 years of not smoking I have lung cancer. :whistling:


Best wishes to you.



On the subject though, I'm a happy vaper. Went from heavy smoking, to vaping 3 years ago, and I'm at 6mg Nic now down from 18mg. Reducing at my own pace. :ninja:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was a heavy smoker for about 11 years, started with 14 as well. I stopped smoking for about a year in 2013, but started smoking again due to a lot of stress, passive smoking and a lack of willpower. This April I switched to "vaping". It took me a while to get used to, as it feels slightly different compared to smoking, but nothing too bad. Now I breathe much, much better, have a lot more stamina, and don't cough anymore.

I started on 12 mg nicotine, now I'm down to 9. I don't think I'll completely stop, as I enjoy it quite a bit, but I plan on further reducing the nicotine concentration step by step, and finally getting rid of nic altogether. Since I mix my liquids myself, I'm down to about 10% of the cost of smoking (I always rolled my own cigarettes - if I hadn't, the cost decrease would be far more dramatic).

I'm doing fine. The meds I am on are working very well for the specific cancer I have. The side effects can be aggravating, but so far nothing I can't handle. Mostly a bad rash that looks like acne, itching scalp and heartburn. I have been feeling much better lately and have started exercising again to build my stamina back up.


I'll be going to Myrtle Beach for 4 days starting tomorrow with a bunch of old friends and their wives. :dance:

I admire your attitude. Best of whishes to you and your loved ones!

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I'm a non-smoker/non-vaper and from everything I've seen, vaping seems like a much better alternative to smoking. I can't agree with the prohibitionists who seem hard set on demonizing vaping and getting it banned. The fact that I can be in a closed room with a vaper and not feel like dying is a huge improvement, especially in the music community.


In the early 2000s I was singing quite a bit with bands at concert venues around Detroit where smoking was still legal. After 30/60 minutes of heavily inhaling second hand smoke I would develop flu like symptoms over the following days, making back to back performances impossible. Several band members would smoke at rehearsal which made it hard to breath in an enclosed space and our gear was constantly getting ash/residue on it.


Currently I rehearse at a space in North LA and both the keyboardist and drummer vape in our room, there's no problem, no coughing, no bad smell or residue. I don't mind it at all. No more flu like feeling after a gig.


The one downside is that sometimes during performances half the crowd will be out in the smoking section :/ All the more reason to allow vaping in public spaces.

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