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Maces, Swords or Axes?


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swords - swing faster but do less damage than axes/maces

axes - swing faster than maces, but do less damage. do more damage/slower than swords

maces - slowest 1h weapon, but most damage


Yes, but I mean do any of them stand out as the better choice, better perks or whatever?

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sword is an all rounder (good speed, and critical strikes with perk, this is a fave on many fast attacking and dual wielding players, since the more hits the more chances of critical strikes)

axe is you block like a boss (with the perk making them bleed to death, i think the bleed doesn't stack but just reset the timer)

mace for heavy armors and high level enemies but slower, making shield bash as your fast attack (ignore armor with perks, even high level monsters have armor too even if they are not wearing)


Yahoo answer full




My opinion...funnest is duel wielding forget the shield..but overall I wanted to keep it simple so I chose two-handed swords. In the end...it just depends what your standers are and play style. :psyduck:

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After playing through the game using axes, I tested swords and maces, found maces to be rather slow and the bleeding damage almost unnoticeable when compared to a sword. On my second playthrough I use swords, and the longer reach, faster speed and higher finisher chance as well as a perk that is always useful make it the best type without a doubt for me.

As for the Optics, the drawing animation for one-handed swords is the most awesome one, though I miss that special feeling repeatedly power-attacking someone with an axe in stereoscopic 3d gives me. :devil: Swords feel much more elegant in comparison.


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unless you dual-weild, or put a spell in the other hand if you equip a single one-handed weapon (mace, axe or blade) you can block. as for which is better, i personally perfer swords, in the long run its better then the axe and mace. the faster you can attack, the quicker they will fall.
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After playing through the game using axes, I tested swords and maces, found maces to be rather slow and the bleeding damage almost unnoticeable when compared to a sword. On my second playthrough I use swords, and the longer reach, faster speed and higher finisher chance as well as a perk that is always useful make it the best type without a doubt for me.

As for the Optics, the drawing animation for one-handed swords is the most awesome one, though I miss that special feeling repeatedly power-attacking someone with an axe in stereoscopic 3d gives me. :devil: Swords feel much more elegant in comparison.


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Swords don't have a longer reach. Axes swords and maces all have a reach of 1.

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