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What monsters will be added in Beyond Skyrim?


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It's a HUGE project alright. Frankly, I'd be surprised to see it released in any less than 2 or 3 more years.

It not a one project, it just many groups grouped up together and try to make it easy. They also teach each other.




Is there any info on this?

In the facebook (that posts news.) on the main website. http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/forum/119-beyond-skyrim/


but the past monsters shall all be there. Oblivion has goblins, trolls, wolves, zombies, all already made. etc.





When is this mod even coming out?

It up to each province, Burma should be sometimes next year since it the most far ahead and the rest after. Hammerfell being steady.

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It's a HUGE project alright. Frankly, I'd be surprised to see it released in any less than 2 or 3 more years. They might change their minds and elect to release a portion of it (like the way Shadow of Morrowind has been released in an incomplete state) but there's been no indication of that from what I can see. I'd like to see more updates at their site but -I guess you can't write much about what you haven't completed yet.


I am very curious to know whether the impending release of 64-bit Skyrim will make them consider altering course and re-coding for it instead of continuing down the old engine's path. What exactly would be involved in doing so? I'm completely ignorant on engine issues...

They are expecting easy conversion from old Skyrim to new one and in the new one they would be working on far better lighting.



Good to know. Thanks for the info!





Ow, my ears! Heh, okay seriously, -repost your request in the Mod Request sub-forum. You're much more likely to get an answer. (And don't shout when you re-post...)

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Well no actual ideas, but I imagine they would take ideas from the previous games (maybe Online?)


So Guar, Kagouti, Alit, Nix-Hounds, Cliff Racers, Kwama, Shulks in Morrowind.

Giant Scorpions, Giant Bats, Lamia, Harpies, Wereboars in Illiac Bay.

Dreughs turn up pretty much anywhere with water.


And a whole slew of Daedra if its still in the lore to include them, not knowing how strict they are going to be (Ogrim, the above poster was thinking of I believe). A few of these have already been modded in, while others might not be easy to incorporate.

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Why do you think you would need to own both Morrowind and Oblivion to be able to download Skywind and Skyblivion? It's because they are using assets from the older games and they cannot have them into a mod that is theirs because it's illegal. Differently to play Beyond Skyrim you will not need the other games because the assets are made by the mod developers.


Exactly it is illegal to use asset from Morrowind in Skyrim Game Engine, Beth give it Blessing to Skywind because they don't use any assets from Morrowind, they simply copied not port the story, then made Morrowind a requirement for Copywrite issues. It is totally the same as Beyond Skyrim. All Original Assets. (Meshes & Textures & Music) they simply copied the original music too. That why the Nexus will host it if & when it ever is released.


https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3909622-skywind-is-coming-to-nexus-mods/?hl=%20skywind' class="bbc_url">Skywind is coming to Nexus Mods

Edited by PeterMartyr
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