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I'm not of the correct place to post this but I have a problem with a mod of mine Smart No More Stupid Dog Comments the "Upload new version" button is non-functional on any of the files listed there. I wish to upload some new versions but its impossible to do so. Click the button and nothing happens. I've tried it with both Firefox and Chrome with the same result, nada.


n.b. I tried uploading a bug report to the git hub nexus issues page but its decided to flag my account and has hidden the post apparently! It says to "contact admin" but its not clear exactly who that is.


  On 2/13/2018 at 4:18 PM, Dark0ne said:

Clicking that button will auto-fill the text fields below, making it easier to upload a new version, soupdragon. I agree it's not very intuitive, as the least it could do is move your screen focus to the form itself.


D'oh! I didn't even notice it had changed underneath, thanks, its off the bottom of my screen.

Edited by soupdragon1234
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Clicking that button will auto-fill the text fields below, making it easier to upload a new version, soupdragon. I agree it's not very intuitive, as the least it could do is move your screen focus to the form itself.

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This one wants to know how to add an image for a signature via UCP. I tried a couple of times and every time I got a message saying that the dimension for the image couldn't be recogonized.


I checked my image and it's within the dimension of 450x300 since my image is 400x100 px. Perhaps hotlinking is not allowed here, I dunno.

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I'm not sure if this is the proper place to report an issue I've experiencing for the past two or three days. When I load any page on the Nexus (front page, specific mod page, latest mods, etc), the site goes into some sort of refreshing loop that basically makes the site impossible to navigate and use. I'm using Firefox Quantum 58.0.2 (Windows 10 64-bit) - I've already tried downgrading Firefox to 57.0.4 and 56.0.2, but I'm still seeing the same behavior. I am not seeing this behavior in Firefox on the forums or on other sites, and I am not seeing this behavior in Microsoft Edge at all.


When I check out the console in Firefox's Developer Tools, the same set of warnings pop up a couple of times:


Navigated to https://rd.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/newrecently

unreachable code after return statement[Learn More] BBoC-1518703013.js:2362:771
unreachable code after return statement[Learn More] BBoC-1518703013.js:2362:827
unreachable code after return statement[Learn More] BBoC-1518703013.js:2362:892
unreachable code after return statement[Learn More] BBoC-1518703013.js:2362:948
And then this just keeps repeating:
Navigated to https://rd.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/newrecently
An unbalanced tree was written using document.write() causing data from the network to be reparsed. For more information https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Optimizing_Your_Pages_for_Speculative_Parsing newrecently:46


I'll use Edge as the immediate fix, but there may be an issue with how Firefox sees your site.

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To confirm, are you trying to navigate to rd.nexusmods.com or is the site sending you/requesting things from rd.nexusmods.com, but you're on nexusmods.com?


I ask because rd.nexusmods.com no longer exists and should be redirecting to nexusmods.com.

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