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Hi R0ckfan - and any others that look in - the problem was my Bullguard antivirus blocking that ONE tab in only Skyrim in all of Nexus. Oblivion and other games worked fine. I put Nexus onto Bullguard's white list and this resolved the problem.

Hope a similar action works for you!

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I use bullguard aswell i shall do this thank you BlueGunk it is odd that it just stopped letting me view skyrim pics


EDIT: To whitelist with bullguard go to the settings then advanced then whitelist and type in nexusmods.com and that will clear it up thanks to BlueGunk for the advice

Edited by r0ckfan
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Yes - it is not easy to spot the Whitelist. I found it in Settings / Advanced / Antivirus / Safe Browsing - and open the lists in the "Manage Lists" button over on the right page of that section.

Hope it works for you!

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I use bullguard aswell i shall do this thank you BlueGunk it is odd that it just stopped letting me view skyrim pics


EDIT: To whitelist with bullguard go to the settings then advanced then whitelist and type in nexusmods.com and that will clear it up thanks to BlueGunk for the advice



Yes - it is not easy to spot the Whitelist. I found it in Settings / Advanced / Antivirus / Safe Browsing - and open the lists in the "Manage Lists" button over on the right page of that section.

Hope it works for you!


Just adding my two cents for other BullGuard users that doing this also solved a problem I was having whereby NMM was massively restricted in download speed, and was also misreporting that speed. In my case, it was reporting speeds of 130k, but was only actually downloading anywhere between 7 and 50k. As soon as I added nexusmods.com to the Safe Browsing whitelist, NMM hit the speed cap. NMM versions this occurred on were 0.60.14 and 0.61.4. Weirdly, this happened on this machine, but not another with the same OS and AV, so I don't know what the trigger is.

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Interesting discovery and thanks for adding it. I had no download speed problems with Bullguard but then I am using Mod Organizer, I had only the pictures problem.

Anyway, I will be ditching Bullguard and returning to AVG. I have a new PC and Bullguard was shipped with it but I actually subscribe to AVG and find it a lot nicer to use.

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Do I need to do something different to change my profile picture on the Nexus website? I changed it on the forums and figured the change would carry over but it didn't. When I go to user area on the nexus site and click change photo it just brings me back to the forums to change the picture there. Which I've already done, just wondering if I'm missing something or if it takes time to update, though it's been about a day or two now.

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I tried to do some searching in this thread for my suggestion, with no luck.

Pardon me, if this has been up for discussion before.


At Nexus, we have a large number of active, brilliant modders, and even larger group of skilled users. The we have the millions of common users.

With this we have an increasing number of mods, that are insanely advanced and/or huge.

This demands countless of hours to create, and even larger amount of hours to maintain. And in the end, modders are still only humans (I think), and too many are burned out, and stop/scaling down their excellent work.


And here comes the idea;

What if a mod-author can recruit nexus members to be "support-staff" on a mod-page? Nexus provides several levels of access to a mod-page, and the author can delegate to a user certain tasks, like "Keep Description page up to date", or "help out sorting bug-reports into forums/subjects", or "Write articles/how-to" or "Upload pictures/videos" (I know of the User-possibility to add media). This "staff" is not directly under Nexus-staff, but maybe Nexus could have some sort of oversight? I find it natural that mod-staff must follow "good behaviour"-rules, or get banned from Nexus.

  • The author need a "admin-panel" for the mod-page staff he/she recruits, to keep track of what staff does with mod-page.
  • Maybe a Panel oversight if a author has several mods active
  • Possibility to instant revoke access to a any given "staff-member"
  • Author have the opportunity to review any changes done by staff, before it goes live
  • Some other level of fail-safe mechanisms, to prevent any wrongdoing with the mod-page, Nexus or its users.

I'm no modder my self, but I do like to contribute to the community, in any way I can. Haven't spoken with any mod-authors, but I see them struggle every day. With users not following instructions, blaming the wrong mod for ruined save-games, "demanding" more development and/or patches to other mods, etc. So positions like, "Page-designer", "Customer Service Representative", "Bug-report handler", etc could strengthen the solid Nexus even more?

So if Nexus reached out to some well known modders, to test it out/get some feedback?


Maybe with this we have more creations with the same amount of modders?

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I tried to do some searching in this thread for my suggestion, with no luck.

Pardon me, if this has been up for discussion before.


At Nexus, we have a large number of active, brilliant modders, and even larger group of skilled users. The we have the millions of common users.

With this we have an increasing number of mods, that are insanely advanced and/or huge.

This demands countless of hours to create, and even larger amount of hours to maintain. And in the end, modders are still only humans (I think), and too many are burned out, and stop/scaling down their excellent work.


And here comes the idea;

What if a mod-author can recruit nexus members to be "support-staff" on a mod-page? Nexus provides several levels of access to a mod-page, and the author can delegate to a user certain tasks, like "Keep Description page up to date", or "help out sorting bug-reports into forums/subjects", or "Write articles/how-to" or "Upload pictures/videos" (I know of the User-possibility to add media). This "staff" is not directly under Nexus-staff, but maybe Nexus could have some sort of oversight? I find it natural that mod-staff must follow "good behaviour"-rules, or get banned from Nexus.

  • The author need a "admin-panel" for the mod-page staff he/she recruits, to keep track of what staff does with mod-page.
  • Maybe a Panel oversight if a author has several mods active
  • Possibility to instant revoke access to a any given "staff-member"
  • Author have the opportunity to review any changes done by staff, before it goes live
  • Some other level of fail-safe mechanisms, to prevent any wrongdoing with the mod-page, Nexus or its users.

I'm no modder my self, but I do like to contribute to the community, in any way I can. Haven't spoken with any mod-authors, but I see them struggle every day. With users not following instructions, blaming the wrong mod for ruined save-games, "demanding" more development and/or patches to other mods, etc. So positions like, "Page-designer", "Customer Service Representative", "Bug-report handler", etc could strengthen the solid Nexus even more?

So if Nexus reached out to some well known modders, to test it out/get some feedback?


Maybe with this we have more creations with the same amount of modders?

There already is an ability similar to what you describe. The mod author can add other users to their project and grant the ability to maintain the page(s) in the same manner they would.

Each page can, and some do, have multiple modders with that access to the page(s) to allow any of them to make changes as necessary.

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