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Announcing our newest staff member, Jim, aka Terrorfox1234


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In response to post #43150430. #43170285 is also a reply to the same post.

afonik wrote: Outstanding signing.
Nexus 1 - Reddit 0
Congrats Terror.
TerrorFox1234 wrote: Thanks! I'll still be around the subreddit though (maybe not as much but I'll be there)


But you are stepping down from a mod position right? Otherwise it comes off as a conflict of interest. One that I at least am not comfortable with.
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In response to post #43165340. #43165770, #43165845, #43168310, #43168830, #43169260, #43169370, #43169465, #43169760, #43170605, #43170890, #43174080, #43186765 are all replies on the same post.

Autoclock wrote: Congrats on being enough of a douchebag to please the king of douchebags.

BTW, mentioning GTKYMA? The series run by DDPrpductions83? Really, Robin? Really?
Ethreon wrote: You sound salty. Why so salty?
Dark0ne wrote: Can't all us douchebags just get along?
Autoclock wrote: Clearly not, as Darren's departure, followed by his being banned two weeks later, demonstrates quite well.
Dark0ne wrote: Are you upset that Darren was banned, or are you upset he wasn't banned sooner? I'm confused.

Feel free to come in to Discord and ask him, we're currently having a lovely discussion together, as we do most days :) (obviously lying about the "lovely" part, it's impossible to have a "lovely" conversation with Darren).

So we do get on...
Autoclock wrote: I'm not upset about anything. Though he should have been banned much sooner, yes. Unfortunately, though, you're stupid enough to let people make a fool out of you if they publish enough mods/generate enough site traffic. f*#@ing shameful.
Dark0ne wrote: Haha, OK then. You certainly seem upset.
Autoclock wrote: Way to not actually address what I said. You should consider a career in politics.
Dark0ne wrote: You didn't actually say anything for me to respond to? You're being silly now. It's "shameful" really.
Autoclock wrote: Yeah, actually I did. I called your meritocracy dumb. Because it is.
Dark0ne wrote: That's not actually something for me to respond to, though. That's just silly, salty, bait.

You started off badly and it went downhill from there. You're raining on Jim's parade so you can just get your puerile jibes in, so I think we can leave it there (and we will).

Don't bother responding, it will just be removed.
Autoclock wrote: All you do with that removal is prove that you suck.
Autoclock wrote: Yep, you suck. f*#@ you.

what angry little man- gee, someone call the local asylum Mr. clock needs some downtime.
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In response to post #43150430. #43170285, #43184720 are all replies on the same post.

afonik wrote: Outstanding signing.
Nexus 1 - Reddit 0
Congrats Terror.
TerrorFox1234 wrote: Thanks! I'll still be around the subreddit though (maybe not as much but I'll be there)

livnthedream wrote: But you are stepping down from a mod position right? Otherwise it comes off as a conflict of interest. One that I at least am not comfortable with.

Agreed. Despite assurances to the contrary, it would be construed as a bid for Nexusmods to take over r/skyrimods. That would be some bad PR on the eve of a resurgence in modding.
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In response to post #43132390. #43137955, #43140015, #43141260, #43141455, #43141635, #43144950 are all replies on the same post.

DocDoBig wrote: First /r/skyrimmods, now nexusmods, when will his reign end???

Just kidding, welcome Tf1234!
TerrorFox1234 wrote: >when will his reign end???

Never. Never is the answer you are looking for.

Bloodyspearz wrote: Something something reign of terror.
DocDoBig wrote: Now that you ... infilt... I mean happily joined the nm team could you and the rest of the staff take care about pesky Skyrim follower mods taking over the hot files there all the time?
The Vampire Dante wrote: The hotfiles is the literally a list of the most endorsed files at the time.

So if it's full or follower mods, then that means more people are endorsing them compared to other files present at the same time.

If you want something else up there, then either vote for other mods or make one people will endorse instead. You could also use the tag blocking system to filter out files/file types you do not wish to see.
janlevkoff wrote: Unfortunately Dante, NMM hasn't let me endorse anything for a long time. I try to endorse everything regularly, but I almost always get a message telling me I haven't downloaded that mod yet. Even after months.
ShiroEinherjar wrote: Welcome Aboard :)!

Go to the files drop down, then to download history. You can endorse all of the files you've downloaded by clicking on the thumbs up icon, instead of waiting for the reminder pop up which hardly ever comes up.
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