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In response to post #43549745. #43549900, #43569515 are all replies on the same post.

shinji72 wrote: I feel Arthmoor, Kris Takahashi, Elianora and Chesko are either very popular and still active in the community.
As a personal suggestion, please consider CEO. His OSA Ascendancy Engine really has a lot of potential. At the moment is mostly exploited for adult content, but can grow to become a huge Skyrim modding asset.
Toft wrote: > "... Arthmoor, Kris Takahashi, Elianora and Chesko ..."


Also Gopher, but that goes without saying (even though I "say" it above).
endgameaddiction wrote: I bumped this comment as it was one of the last ones, I think that speaks for itself.

I second this ;)
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In response to post #43565645. #43567045 is also a reply to the same post.

rightfuture wrote: Inspiring and uniting the community:

Modding and playing may still be mostly an individual effort, but we all can help each other accomplish more.

The players, and the modders are essentially 2 teams.
1. the players - are enjoying and supporting content. They need the easiest ways to provide actual support to the modders.
2. the modders - are creating content and helping others do so. They need to reach out to the players to inspire and lead players to become budding modders and improve things.

Both groups are a vital part of this growing community.

Cooperation and coordination is what is going to lead this community to greater and greater heights.
As the community matures we see more and more mod teams looking to tackle and actually finish DLC type epic mod projects. The desire to accomplish something even better, even if it not necessarily something bigger.
Even a team of a beginning and a veteran modder working on a single good idea moves the community forward.

I believe the community needs to come together to coordinate and the teach the ease of the modding process.
We need to show players how easy it is to edit a simple damage value in tes5edit, or how to merge plugins, or fix load order correctly. This leads to people wanting to fix or create mods themselves.

The community needs to have purpose and the leadership of veteran and great mods can move the community forward to the next level. The more we focus on doing that together as a team, the more progress gets made.

The Nexus has a unique opportunity at this time to inspire momentum and direction for all of us.
Just how far can we all explore and create as a team?
Siletrea wrote: brilliant! I don't think I could have said it better myself!

exactly what the community should do!

I am new to nexus (a month or 2) so I don't know how to give "Kudos" to you

so I shall give my thanks in written comment!

THANK YOU! for saying this!

@Siletrea, you give kudos by clicking on the persons name and in the upper right hand corner there is a button named kudos.

Click that and you've successfully given a kudos to that person ;)
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In response to post #43562570. #43562700, #43562890, #43564045, #43564600 are all replies on the same post.

Pelopida wrote: 2 things.
1) Let's merge the account of the Nexus site and the forum. I always found it totally pointless and really unpleasent (and unpractical) to have these 2 separated.
2) At this point, i believe a lot of people, aswell as me, have a nearly-infinite list "tracked" mods, in the apposite nexus tab. Yet there is no real search button for that tab. Can you implement the same "categories" filter for the "tracked mods" tab? That would be so sweet.

Thank you for all your work.
mfeile1974 wrote: I second this
Knarrow wrote: Sounds like a great idea.
captangan wrote: +1
zanyoutlaw wrote: Me too.

That idea I proposed some time ago
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In response to post #43547550. #43553880, #43556180, #43562575, #43562815 are all replies on the same post.

fredlaus wrote: Hi, Judge. Thanks for the invitation.
This seems like you are less productive on regarding what you do, your perspectives, visions and you know I guess.
I am talking about the entire staff.
You have become some blubb that doesn't dare do anything without asking if it is OK with everyone?
I really look forward to some bravery in the nearest future.
This is boring.
BlindJudge wrote: It's more the fact that we are very community orientated, this site is here for our users and we want to do right by them. Unlike larger sites that are run by their overseeing corporations, we are a tiny independent team who are here to build a site that you all enjoy to come to.

We already have a number of features and interviews lined up, but with a community this big, we really want to produce content that is going to have the largest interest and asking for peoples opinion really isn't less productive - but actually the opposite.
fredlaus wrote: My english is not good enough to debate with you. All my time in advertising I have had discussions with customers excusing their defensive strategies. Why, they wouldn't cause problems or stir up their markets too much. Maybe they even had to answer questions on the News - on the television even.
But I wish you all the best with whatever you do. If you are not heroes, why are we even here?
urielz wrote: I actually really like how nexus staff is trying to reach the community for feedback. Keep it up.
elmetnuter wrote: I understand your feelings here as I deal with clients myself in a communication company.
The good news is that Nexus is not a communication company and we are not clients.

Cheer up ;)

He, he, love your points. I wish I was better in english than I am. I will stop it there because there is no point in bringing up this stuff and it has never been on nexusmods. What about all the modders not speaking out? We are talking millions.
Love you all.
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In response to post #43562570. #43562700, #43562890, #43564045, #43564600, #43570665 are all replies on the same post.

Pelopida wrote: 2 things.
1) Let's merge the account of the Nexus site and the forum. I always found it totally pointless and really unpleasent (and unpractical) to have these 2 separated.
2) At this point, i believe a lot of people, aswell as me, have a nearly-infinite list "tracked" mods, in the apposite nexus tab. Yet there is no real search button for that tab. Can you implement the same "categories" filter for the "tracked mods" tab? That would be so sweet.

Thank you for all your work.
mfeile1974 wrote: I second this
Knarrow wrote: Sounds like a great idea.
captangan wrote: +1
zanyoutlaw wrote: Me too.
rayquaza94 wrote: That idea I proposed some time ago

1) Let's merge the account of the Nexus site and the forum. I always found it totally pointless and really unpleasent (and unpractical) to have these 2 separated.

Can you explain this one more? You only need one account, and they are linked across the sites and the forum so if you login to one, you're logged in to the other.
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In response to post #43562570. #43562700, #43562890, #43564045, #43564600, #43570665, #43570905 are all replies on the same post.

Pelopida wrote: 2 things.
1) Let's merge the account of the Nexus site and the forum. I always found it totally pointless and really unpleasent (and unpractical) to have these 2 separated.
2) At this point, i believe a lot of people, aswell as me, have a nearly-infinite list "tracked" mods, in the apposite nexus tab. Yet there is no real search button for that tab. Can you implement the same "categories" filter for the "tracked mods" tab? That would be so sweet.

Thank you for all your work.
mfeile1974 wrote: I second this
Knarrow wrote: Sounds like a great idea.
captangan wrote: +1
zanyoutlaw wrote: Me too.
rayquaza94 wrote: That idea I proposed some time ago
Dark0ne wrote:
1) Let's merge the account of the Nexus site and the forum. I always found it totally pointless and really unpleasent (and unpractical) to have these 2 separated.

Can you explain this one more? You only need one account, and they are linked across the sites and the forum so if you login to one, you're logged in to the other.

+1 ;) for these propositions. :)
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In response to post #43562570. #43562700, #43562890, #43564045, #43564600, #43570665, #43570905, #43571205, #43572610, #43573445 are all replies on the same post.

Pelopida wrote: 2 things.
1) Let's merge the account of the Nexus site and the forum. I always found it totally pointless and really unpleasent (and unpractical) to have these 2 separated.
2) At this point, i believe a lot of people, aswell as me, have a nearly-infinite list "tracked" mods, in the apposite nexus tab. Yet there is no real search button for that tab. Can you implement the same "categories" filter for the "tracked mods" tab? That would be so sweet.

Thank you for all your work.
mfeile1974 wrote: I second this
Knarrow wrote: Sounds like a great idea.
captangan wrote: +1
zanyoutlaw wrote: Me too.
rayquaza94 wrote: That idea I proposed some time ago
Dark0ne wrote:
1) Let's merge the account of the Nexus site and the forum. I always found it totally pointless and really unpleasent (and unpractical) to have these 2 separated.

Can you explain this one more? You only need one account, and they are linked across the sites and the forum so if you login to one, you're logged in to the other.
Dragonetti wrote: +1 ;) for these propositions. :)
NeoH4x0r wrote:

Can you explain this one more? You only need one account' date=' and they are linked across the sites and the forum so if you login to one, you're logged in to the other.
I can confirm that being logged into www.nexusmods.com does not mean that you are also logged into forums.nexusmods.com.

I was logged in while looking at a user's profile on www.nexusmods.com and clicked the link to see their forum profile -- when I did this I got this message "Sorry, you don't have permission for that!" -- because I was not logged into the forum site.

Once I logged into the forum's site I could see their profile.

powerchimp1 wrote: YES! Another vote for this.

And for the love of Talos, the ability to see all your posts / comments so you can click straight to them and see if anyone's replied.

Oh, really? Damn... so i guess it's bugged for me... whenever i'm logged in (or im not, doesn't matter) on the site, it doesn't connect me automatically to the forum. Like, in this very moment i'm logged to the site but not logged on the forums (i don't even remember the password lol). It was always like this for me, so i guessed it was meant to work this way.
Edited by Pelopida
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