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To be clear - I am one of the main developers behind the script extenders. But we are few in number, and have a lot to investigate with the Special Edition (and Fallout 4). No ETA at all on when we might have something. Just that we are looking at it.

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i am just glad it is being worked on at all. thank you behippo and tell your partners i said thanks too. must be a massive tedious undertaking to get those working.

i only hope somebody with your level of expertise takes over SkyUI since its developer has already stated that they are not going to work on it anymore. i suspect some one like you guys or arthmoor will take over that tho.

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SKSE depends upon hundreds of addresses inside the Skyrim binary. It depends upon knowing the internal class layout of the engine code and leveraging functions from Bethesda that we have uncovered. It also needs to patch the binary and functions so that our code is invoked properly- and this is a massively different process on 64-bit. Simply taking a look at the differences in what our code looks like between SKSE and F4SE will tell you that there is a huge amount of work to do.

Hey, since you probably have it disassembled already, would you mind telling us if SSE is really FO4 engine with Skyrim assets or its just 64 bit compilation of old Skyrim with some modifications like some people say? It would clear a lot of misunderstandings we see these days.

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SKSE depends upon hundreds of addresses inside the Skyrim binary. It depends upon knowing the internal class layout of the engine code and leveraging functions from Bethesda that we have uncovered. It also needs to patch the binary and functions so that our code is invoked properly- and this is a massively different process on 64-bit. Simply taking a look at the differences in what our code looks like between SKSE and F4SE will tell you that there is a huge amount of work to do.

Hey, since you probably have it disassembled already, would you mind telling us if SSE is really FO4 engine with Skyrim assets or its just 64 bit compilation of old Skyrim with some modifications like some people say? It would clear a lot of misunderstandings we see these days.


The truth is that this is somewhere in between Skyrim and Fallout 4. Parts of the engine have been updated to match Fallout 4 (graphics engine, 64-bit, etc.) Basically all of their games are the same core engine which gets improved/modified with each release. But where Fallout 4 used ActionScript 3 and an updated Papyrus scripting engine, Skyrim SE uses the old UI and Papyrus engine from Skyrim (to do otherwise would require rewriting all the scripts and the UI.)


In either case there is a lot of work to do for us. Even within a single game there are lots of things to update with each new build. Memory addresses and offsets change, functions can behave differently, classes can get data added or removed, classes and form types can appear or disappear. Between games you don't even have the basics you can depend upon. With each new game we have to find all of the relevant and important bits and update our internal code to match the new realties.


The jump to the F4 64-bit engine was really big. We haven't really got real script extending working for F4SE yet (in part due to real life concerns). We are expecting there to be a similar big jump for the Special Edition. While in general we have a sense for the large subsystems are which ought to be closer to Skyrim and F4, until we look at the nitty gritty details we simply won't know.


Add to this the fact that Bethesda again released the game in a psuedo-debug mode with a big extra jump table in between all of the functions, and anything we do right this moment will have to be redone as soon as they release a fix. They know about this - but who knows when they will have an update. Next week? Next month?


We'll start investigating, but this is going to take some serious effort and time to get done. There is a ton of functionality in SKSE. We won't get it all implemented at once for the Special Edition. Expect early versions for the Special Edition to have a lot less functionality. And no ETA at all for when we'll have anything to show.

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I appreciate the hard work the Extender team does for these games. I know a lot of people won't even touch Skyrim now without SKSE for the modding power it adds, I can enjoy the default game (and who knows, maybe actually finish the DLC content for once) with only slight modding while I wait. Your team deserves all the credit it gets for these extenders, and I wish you all the luck in getting SKSESE up and running in whatever time it takes you to do it. I'm ok with waiting however long it takes. :)

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Yet there will be at least that one person complaining they are taking too long. Guaranteed.

Isn't that the truth. I decided NOT to use mods until whenever. Mainly because of NMM. If I can't install manually, it won't go in my game. Plus, I'm already having issues with achievements WITHOUT mods, let alone with my try at using mods. No rush for me to toss mods in.

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Has the SKSE developers released any information if it will be converted over and if so, how long do they think it will take? I couldn't find any information.

Ok, and I guess it's not allowed for any other modder to convert it themselves? It has to be the original developer?



Unwarranted sarcasm. He asked a simple question and not everyone here is a modder themselves but merely avid fans of mods.


Frankly while its fine for others to convert it if they so please, for the general user base its better if the original author does it due to them having the most experience with said specific mod.

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