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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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Hehehe. Actually, found something else to fix for Wynne, which I'm happy about. Didn't think there was anything much to actually restore, but I was wrong!



4. (v3.0) Restored a very long and previously inaccessible dialogue with Wynne about Connor. The conditions for this dialogue are: Wynne has actually been present in the party when Connor has been spoken to, the party is in the outdoor area of Redcliffe village or anywhere in Redcliffe castle, and the demon situation has not yet been resolved.


Also, two more for Morrigan:


39. (v3.0) Fixed a bug that could let you get Morrigan's first discussion about the Black Grimoire twice.


40. (v3.0) Fixed a bug where, if you told Morrigan to wait to tell you about the Black Grimoire and her approval was at Neutral, the conversation could abort prematurely.

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Hey Qwinn!


Great stuff you've been doing! I have a question about Wynne's personal quest, but I might be remembering wrong. When you go to the elf camp, without Wynne there is a quest marker above the elf guy's head in the camp circle, but you can't talk to him unless he is in your party. My question is whether the quest marker is supposed to be there even if Wynne isn't in your party. I might be mis-remembering though. Thanks!

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Hiya squareinc - I assume you meant if *she* is in your party, and yeah, that's intended. Can't really turn those plot markers on and off dynamically based on who is in the party. I did fix a bug with that specific quest marker though - if you talked to Aneirin before talking to Sarel (the elf you're talking about), that plot marker would be stuck on Sarel permanently. Taken care of.


Here's a new one for Leliana:


25. (v3.0) When asking Leliana to tell stories, your request and her response were always the same, as if you'd never asked her to tell stories before. Restored the intended request and her response that should have played after she's established as the party storyteller.


I'm sick as a dog (again) today, so stayed home and will see if I can't get anything done.


EDIT: Fixed the numbering for Leliana fixes - she's up to 25, not 17.

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8. (v1.0) "Change in Leadership" (Final Blackstone Irregulars Quest): You will no longer meet Taoran in a random encounter before talking to Raelnor in Denerim. That you could do so was definitely a bug, and could easily make this quest uncompletable. (v3.0) Made some improvements to this fix - if you don't resolve the quest the first time you encounter Taoran (e.g. "No business for now"), he can be encountered again in the future until you do, otherwise the quest became uncompletable and stuck in your journal forever.


23. (v3.0) "Change in Leadership" (Final Blackstone Irregulars Quest): Intimidating Taoran was always successful, despite him having a pretty formidable force backing him up. It will now require passing a high intimidation skill check. This restores a previously inaccessible line of dialogue (when failing the check).

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25. (v3.0) City Elf Only: If you were having a conversation with a romantic interest about your wedding in the Origin story, and you had a second romantic interest back in camp, a disembodied version of that second romantic interest could interrupt the conversation.


26. (v3.0) City Elf Female Wardens Romancing Leliana or Zevran Only: When you tell Leliana or Zevran that "He died" (regarding the wedding in the origin story), the only informative reply option to their reaction was actually the reply to a male warden's version of the story.

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Okay guys, now that I've really gotten the hang of working with the sound files, I've decided to try enhancing some of the "Alistair-Isn't-King-Damnit" fixes. I would like your opinions on if this works. If you don't care about what's there originally and just want see if you like what I'm ending up with, skip down to the TL;DR.


First, the problem. At the city gates, when Alistair is trying to convince you that he should be the one to kill the archdemon, there is no "Alistair Isn't King" dialogue. Here's how I did it in Fixpack 2.0. First, your response to him, and his reply back. Note that all of Alistair's replies here are snipped out of his real replies. I'm putting the bit that was snipped in parentheses.


"We're not friends, Alistair. Why sacrifice yourself?" -> "It's not for you. This is my duty(, as the king of Ferelden)".

"Why would you sacrifice yourself, Alistair?" -> (this has a hardened version too, I snipped from the unhardened) - > "You know why. (I didn't want to become king, but now I am.) This is my duty."

"You would sacrifice yourself for me?" -> "I would sacrifice myself for Ferelden. (If I'm going to be king, I want to be a good king."

"This is my duty as much as yours. We're both Grey Wardens." -> "But I got one up on you. (I'm not just a Grey Warden, I'm the king. And I want to be a good king.)" (I added "I want to do it" from another line).

"I can't let you do that." -> "Why not? This is my duty. (If I'm going to be a king, I want to be a good king."


Now if you read the non-king replies, they're really short and IMO kinda lame, but they at least fixed the problem. Now, most of the king lines lead to this:


"And this right here is the best king I could be, my first and last act being to stop the Blight before it really starts. No one could blame me for that, could they?"


This leads to a few replies like "That's not the only reason and you know it." (for romanced/love), "That sounds like a coward's way out", "I think you would be a good king, Alistair", and "No, they probably couldn't". My non-king version skips all these, and goes straight to a series of "But it's not the only reason" lines, where he says he doesn't want you to die either, basically.


So in my v2.0 fixes, if you're not king, the conversation is like half the length of the king version. Well, after scouring through the dialogues, I think I've found a way where I can retain most of that king dialogue, by setting it up as a *hypothetical*, as in, even if he were king, he should sacrifice himself here anyway.



TL;DR version:



Tell me if this works. You'd still get all the very short little lines I snipped out (mostly "Blah blah. This is my duty.") but then I'd follow with this:


If not hardened: "You didn't make me king. You know I never wanted that."

If hardened: "All my life I didn't want to be king, and now that I do, you didn't make me king."


"But what would be the point of being king if I didn't do my duty for my country?


"And this right here is the best king I could be, my first and last act being to stop the Blight before it really starts. No one could blame me for that, could they?"



What I'm working toward here is that the initial two lines set up the next lines about being king as a *hypothetical*. As in, even if he were king, he should sacrifice himself here anyway.


(Almost all of this is culled from Riodan's dialogue file, btw. And those bits are in dialogue that *should* just be for kings (it isn't, but I fix that), so a player shouldn't see these bits twice in one game.)


Do they work? Both the hardened and unhardened versions? Is it good enough that I could even leave in "I think you would be a good king, Alistair" as a reply to all that for both paths?


EDIT: I would make the "That sounds like a coward's way out" player reply king-only - doesn't make sense the other way.

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While I wait on the answers to that, moving on. Greatly enhanced a v2.0 fix (I think you'll like this one, LadyHonor):. I've reworded the v2.0 fix for clarity.


17. (v2.0) If the player initiated a breakup with Alistair while he was in love and before the Landsmeet, later on at the City Gates and elsewhere, you would see several dialogue references to a different possible breakup that didn't actually happen - Alistair initiating the breakup after the Landsmeet if he becomes king (and this could happen even if Alistair didn't become king). Also, several fixes to the logic regarding whether Alistair remains STILL_IN_LOVE with the player following a breakup. (v3.0) Greatly improved this fix. When Alistair breaks up with the player after the Landsmeet, a number of lines meant to be seen only if Alistair was IN_LOVE at the time could never appear because the ROMANCE_ACTIVE flag was cleared prior to the romance status checks on those lines (IN_LOVE is always false if ROMANCE_ACTIVE is false). I've simplified and streamlined the various flag sets in this conversation so that you should always get the intended dialogue based on the true romantic status at the time of the breakup. The improved sets of STILL_IN_LOVE (which doesn't require the romance to be active) should greatly improve the quality of the dialogue on the Fort Drakon rooftop as well.


So, if you were avoiding making Alistiar king because you didn't want to break up with him and have all the dialogue with him go bland, if you do so now, he can still be in love with you and the dialogue for that circumstance will now play properly.


EDIT: RETRACTED, see a few posts down.

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Coming out of "lurking mode" to say thumbs up on all of the work you have done with this mod! :thumbsup: Also digging the changes you are planning for the city gate dialogue with Alistair. None of his responses at the gate made any sense to me (I keep Alistair as a Warden more than I make him king)!

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