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I Got Banned


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A chat kick is not a ban. You can get back on chat, but it does give you a chance to read the chat rules before immediately jumping back in. If a moderator has kicked you, Think twice before just going back and complaining as that can lead to a full ban.

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You were banned from the Chat Room because the first words when entering where "shithead" in Italian, IE trolls action especially after the warning you would have seen about swearing in other languages prior about 4 lines up before you joined.
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Aloha Nexus staff,

I hope that I am not out of place here. The author of two of my favorite cannot-live-without mods "general Stores" & "craftable Cloud Storage" has been banned. I have tried to locate his ban post on the appropriate forum, but none is listed around that time period (about 30 pages).

If you do not mind, and I am not out of place, I am just curious as to the reason of the ban. I should surely miss the author and his work.

The person in question is : Harvey2112



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You can search his user name and restrict the search to the Forum Rules and Strikes forum. If there is a ban notice it will come up.


- Edit - Hmm ... all that comes up is this post, are you sure you got the user name exactly right?

Edited by Striker879
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