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The worst thing, and i bet it will come so, is, that big mods will be SOLD OFF as DLCs on steam. And sorry, but no...i don't wanna pay for betas anymore. That i am fed up with since ...well...all games since ten years, but especially with Hellbug London, Bug of Warcraft, Buggyfield 3, etc...
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The worst thing, and i bet it will come so, is, that big mods will be SOLD OFF as DLCs on steam.

LOL. I don't think so. The moderation and legalities surrounding it would be too problematic to ever work. How can Bethesda know if such-n-so modder really created that model? What happens if an asset that was used in a pay-for DLC was ripped from another game? Or stolen from another author and presented as their own? Was the model created using a non-commercial version of 3ds Max...which any works made from it cannot be sold? There is a VERY long laundry list of all kinds of problems that have no easy answers when it comes to custom content. If anything were every to be made for sale, it would probably be confined to just .esp plugins using stock assets. Even those have a laundry list of potential gotchas but it is far less than custom assets.


I don't really know anything about SteamWorks. Are there custom-made community assets being sold through it right now?



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Got a link for me to read up on this? I cannot find it via google searches due to my search words being too commonly used.

the only game that uses Steam Workshop is TF2. You can submit your content to them and they do sell hats.

Exhibit A http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Lucky_Shot Notice Community created content

Exhibit B http://www.teamfortress.com/ on the right hand side of the page, price tag of $9.99.

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