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Advertising on Nexus Mods. The how, what and why, and what to do when it goes wrong.


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In response to post #45662050.

zarrazee wrote: I've read this article and it makes sense.

However, I hate adverts and do my utmost to avoid them
1) They are intrusive
2) They waste my time
3) They are unnecessary
4) They are annoying
5) I do not buy newspapers
6) I do not use web sites where adblock doesn't work
7) I delete all spam email without reading it
8 ) I close my eyes at cinemas when the ads come on
9) I skip ads on youtube after 5 secs
10) I do not have a facebook account
11) I throw away junk post without reading it
12) I don't answer phone calls from any number that is not on my contact list
13) I usually only watch BBC (no ads) and listen to BBC radio (no ads)
14) When I watch "live" TV which have ads, I pause the box when an advert comes on. I go make a cup of tea then fast forward through them.

The older I get, the more I see materialism everywhere and adverts just fuel societies' "I want" mentality.

No, I'm not a grump, fuddy duddy, tight-wad, kill-joy, fun police or any of these things. I am happy go lucky guy, But adverts? No thanks Nexus, I'd rather remain a premium member and pay to disable them. Take care.

Even if you drop premium adds will be disabled for you as you will go to"supporter" which has no adds.

PS Agree with you on the add issue in society I had to write a small paper on it.
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In response to post #45637070. #45640620, #45643730, #45658050 are all replies on the same post.

soupdragon1234 wrote:

What gives you the right to show us ads? Because you own the site? It is an open internet and you've made this site as a free resource. Some people pay for their bandwidth (such as mobile internet), and would probably not want to pay for the advertisements themselves given the choice. Is it right to push advertisements on them? And if we have the magic switch that says "no thanks", is it right for others to slander them because they don't give out money instead? Should we be expected to hand out cash for sites in exchange for ad-free nature? Ads that they push themselves.


Yes, because he owns the site. Secondly, it has to be paid for. What you think stuff like this comes for free? Really? The mobile argument might have some value if they paid for this site as well as their internet service but they didn't, and since when did you last contribute anything towards this site, its maintenance or its content?


Because from where I'm sitting you're a freeloader and I'll tell you this, when the balance of costs vs. advertising reaches a tipping point that more people use adblock than not, when those expenses can no longer be covered, it'll mean either the end of free sites like this or they'll become a paid up subscription model membership only. Its only the ads that pay for peoples free membership and the hosting costs of free mods and the law of ever diminishing returns applies here. :ermm:

memlapse wrote: edited: I should have read the whole post. I took it out of context.

MrJohn wrote: I see your point. I know the site has to be paid for, but again. Sure he owns it, but he has opened it freely to the community. Running ads is a way to monitize, and I don't have a problem with it per se. I have not contributed to the site in any sort of way (other than trying to be a helpful mod user), but then again I am not hired by the site for any sort of job.

And we are not taking advantage of Nexus by "Being freeloaders". I never imposed on Dark himself asking for it. Thereby calling us freeloaders for going to a page open for all without giving back is sort of what I have a problem with.

Your concern about paid membership and restrictions are valid, and you could use your argument as "we helping, you freeloading", but expecting people who aren't directly involved to contribute is, well. Ludacris sorta. You could drive people around who need it for free, and someone might give you a few bucks. But then turning on those not giving you cash would be quite unreasonable.

And is the site really free if you have a hidden payment every time you visit? What of those on restricted, mobile or otherwise paid broadband who directly pays for the bandwidth used, including the ads they wouldn't take if they chose? Ads are already the end of a "free site".

Consider the ads donations, and premiums are paid products. Not everyone donates, and trying to pressure someone to donate because "it's the right thing to do" or to "help out" is really not the way to go.
lux113 wrote:
"Ads are already the end of a "free site"."

Seriously man.. the site costs money. It also takes work. Lots of it. What are you not getting about that?

If there were no ads, there would be no site.

Here's your choices:

1) Paid membership only - no ads
2) ads
3) no nexus.


It IS the right thing to do. You use the site for personal means and don't provide for any of its maintenance or requirements. Every site costs money, and has to be either sponsored or generate revenue to exist. Wikipedia survives off donations, and they frequently have to beg for them to get a MINIMAL amount. Nexus does not ask for donations. You can freeload and criticize a site manager all you like, but when ads no longer support a site and it becomes a paid service, you'll be the first to complain.
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In response to post #45658465. #45658735, #45659580 are all replies on the same post.

jimmulvaney wrote: Jus so yall know, I turned off ABP a long time ago, and have not had any issue with intrusive ads. Besides turning off ad blockers, what exactly can we do to help out?
CreeperLava wrote: Buying premium or support (2€). It removes ads for you, for life and gives them more money than they'd ever get from ads shown to you. So a win-win situation.
Edit : Should have seen that you're already a supporter :). Still, the above is still true for other users.
jojohnon wrote: Hello i have been a member for quite some time but i have never really participated much in the forums or comment sections. I do not use adblockers on this site but i have some advice for those who do because they dislike certain ads. My memory is not the best so take what i say with a grain of salt. If i remember correctly many adblockers lets you block specific ads. You can also in many cases find a settings page on many ad networks that lets you to some extent set what ads you want to see.

No problem. I actually did not notice that I was listed as a supporter because I forgot all about when I subbed long ago. This has made me rethink my sub and I think I will be opting for the $3 / month one. I do realize that $50 is the better deal for lifetime and that after 16 mo. it will have paid for itself, but I am more than willing to share $3 monthly as long as possible jus to support them. Cheers!

Now, If there was only a way to find which mods I downloaded that are also taking donations too... Edited by jimmulvaney
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In response to post #45655310.

Motherfudger666 wrote: I had Adblock turned off for this site for a good while. Then there was an ad on every time that was enlarged and BLOCKED all the link buttons and made navigating the site almost impossible. I reported the ad several times and it still kept coming up for a week or two. So I turned Adblock back on. I might turn it off again and see how it goes, but if I can't actually use the site then back on it'll go...

If you use the site very extensively, the upgrade to premium is worth it. Not only does it get rid of ads, it allows you access to premium servers which are orders of magnitude faster than the cdn. If you don't care about the faster servers (are you insane?) you can just drop a two dollar donation, become a supporter, and have ads disabled forever.
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In response to post #45653830.

Kalell wrote: There's something I've wondered ever since I became a supporter. Is the $2 I paid worth more than the ad revenue that would have been generated during the time I've been using the site? $2 seems like an awfully small amount, but the ad rev is even less. However, the ad rev adds up over time so it's possible that in the long run it may be more. It would be nice to know which is the better way to support the site.

"Typically, most sites will have an eCPM between $0.10 and $0.50."
This means that, at best, you generate about 50 cents for every thousand ads you see on the site. There are 4 ads per page view, so 250 page views is the requisite amount to generate those 50 cents. 2 dollars divided by 50 cents is 4 increments, so you'd need to visit the site about 1000 times to generate the two dollars you spent to remove the ads.
Now, this is very shaky math, but 1000 visits is a lot (Think of it as 3 visits a day for a continuous year for perspective.), and it should at least give you an idea of how valuable your ad dollars were compared to your supporter dollars.
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In response to post #45655310. #45669470 is also a reply to the same post.

Motherfudger666 wrote: I had Adblock turned off for this site for a good while. Then there was an ad on every time that was enlarged and BLOCKED all the link buttons and made navigating the site almost impossible. I reported the ad several times and it still kept coming up for a week or two. So I turned Adblock back on. I might turn it off again and see how it goes, but if I can't actually use the site then back on it'll go...
lued123 wrote: If you use the site very extensively, the upgrade to premium is worth it. Not only does it get rid of ads, it allows you access to premium servers which are orders of magnitude faster than the cdn. If you don't care about the faster servers (are you insane?) you can just drop a two dollar donation, become a supporter, and have ads disabled forever.

I'm insane because I don't pay a cent and my downloads are perfectly fine. Derp maybe I shouldn't say that, it's bad for business. Edited by Guest
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In response to post #45653830. #45670050 is also a reply to the same post.

Kalell wrote: There's something I've wondered ever since I became a supporter. Is the $2 I paid worth more than the ad revenue that would have been generated during the time I've been using the site? $2 seems like an awfully small amount, but the ad rev is even less. However, the ad rev adds up over time so it's possible that in the long run it may be more. It would be nice to know which is the better way to support the site.
lued123 wrote: "Typically, most sites will have an eCPM between $0.10 and $0.50."
This means that, at best, you generate about 50 cents for every thousand ads you see on the site. There are 4 ads per page view, so 250 page views is the requisite amount to generate those 50 cents. 2 dollars divided by 50 cents is 4 increments, so you'd need to visit the site about 1000 times to generate the two dollars you spent to remove the ads.
Now, this is very shaky math, but 1000 visits is a lot (Think of it as 3 visits a day for a continuous year for perspective.), and it should at least give you an idea of how valuable your ad dollars were compared to your supporter dollars.

I come here at least 10 times a day. No idea how many pages I view while I'm here (it varies), but just the initial page loads from logging on would put me at 3,650 page views a year (but it's much higher than that). If my math is correct the site probably would have earned more from ads during the time I've been a supporter. That makes me kinda sad. :(
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Since I love this site so much I have never turned on my adblocker on this site. And to my very surprise I never encountered any type of ad that was getting on my nerves ever. I rarely even notice the ads. That is just how I like a well done site :)
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