Schattenu Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 I was doing that Rise in the East quest, and toward the end, after I killed the mage and my allies were pretty much bombing the island, I got into a fight with another Blood Horker mage, this one a Khajiit, right outside the fort. Now I'm a sword and shield guy, magic's not really my thing, so I was zigzagging around spells trying to reach him, and I landed a couple blows and got him down to about half his health. He starts to say a taunt, then in mid-sentence a flaming boulder from my ship's catapults lands right next to him and cuts him off, sending him spiraling through the air to his death. I was a little irked that my kill was stolen, but I couldn't help but laugh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedRavyn Posted March 25, 2012 Share Posted March 25, 2012 I have a very sad story. I know a lot of people have found the giant mourning his dead mammoth in the hot springs area near Mistwatch, east of Darkwater Crossing. I always pay my respects to him when I'm in the area, ever since I found him on my first walkthrough, since I just can't bring myself to kill him for a giant's toe. He really needs a hug, but the game won't let you interact with him. Anyway, as luck would have it, the game decided, perversely, to spawn a random dragon just as I was approaching the last time. I attempted to lead the dragon back to Mistwatch and managed to do so, where he (with a little help from me) wiped out the bandits, there, and then he got distracted with the local bear, attacked it once and then went for the giant, luring the bear over to the giant. This attracted the attention of the two local wolves, and the giant was beset by the dragon, wolves, and bear all at the time before I was able to recover my health enough to run over and help him. To make a short story even shorter, the giant killed the wolves and the bear (predictably), but then got killed by the dragon, who was down to his last thread of health (a single firebolt took him down). The giant fell right next to his mammoth. I felt really bad about all this, since the only reason I went there in the first place was to see him on my way to Northwind to mine the iron ore veins that are there. All that, just for three iron ingots. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
landy8 Posted March 30, 2012 Share Posted March 30, 2012 I just placed that horn Elisif gave me to the shrine of Talos and decided to take a little walk. I was on my way when I saw a dead wolf and a dog walking away. I came closer and looked at the mutt. He was called "Stray Dog". I tried to talk to him, he started to follow me. Well, I thought, the choice was yours. I made my way to the Halted Steam Camp (you know, the one where that Transmute spell tome is located), entered the sneak mode, took my bow - wanted to have some archery practice - and shot one bandit. It was a simple Bandit, so a single shot killed him. Then that Stray Dog run directly to the camp barking fearlessly. S...t, I thought, that's why I hate followers. If you've ever completed the Thieves Guild line, you know what I mean - you try to sneak past that falmers when that Karliah or Brynjolf start fighting them (What the F..., I thought in that cases, are you guys thieves or some f...n bersekers?!!) Well, I thought, maybe that puppy will manage to bite some bandit once. Or even twice. Imagine my surprise when that dog killed all bandits (and there were four of them) and returned to me barking joyfully. I entered the mine, killed only one bandit inside - the mutt cleared the rest. Hey, guy, I asked him, are you a dog or some dremora in disguise? Bark was the only answer. Well, we travelled together for a while and finally met a dragon. I shot the creature several times and then watched an epic battle. Dragon versus Dog. What can I say... The dog died valiantly. Dragon was beaten (or should I say bitten) fiercely. It took only two arrows to finish him off. I've left the Dog's body in front of that dragon's remains thinking: what a pity I can't make some kind of a monument! I hope to see that Dog in Sovngarde. By all the Divines, that mutt deserved his place among the greatest heroes of Skyrim! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shotgun188 Posted March 31, 2012 Share Posted March 31, 2012 On 3/30/2012 at 6:20 PM, landy8 said: I just placed that horn Elisif gave me to the shrine of Talos and decided to take a little walk. I was on my way when I saw a dead wolf and a dog walking away. I came closer and looked at the mutt. He was called "Stray Dog". I tried to talk to him, he started to follow me. Well, I thought, the choice was yours. I made my way to the Halted Steam Camp (you know, the one where that Transmute spell tome is located), entered the sneak mode, took my bow - wanted to have some archery practice - and shot one bandit. It was a simple Bandit, so a single shot killed him. Then that Stray Dog run directly to the camp barking fearlessly. S...t, I thought, that's why I hate followers. If you've ever completed the Thieves Guild line, you know what I mean - you try to sneak past that falmers when that Karliah or Brynjolf start fighting them (What the F..., I thought in that cases, are you guys thieves or some f...n bersekers?!!) Well, I thought, maybe that puppy will manage to bite some bandit once. Or even twice. Imagine my surprise when that dog killed all bandits (and there were four of them) and returned to me barking joyfully. I entered the mine, killed only one bandit inside - the mutt cleared the rest. Hey, guy, I asked him, are you a dog or some dremora in disguise? Bark was the only answer. Well, we travelled together for a while and finally met a dragon. I shot the creature several times and then watched an epic battle. Dragon versus Dog. What can I say... The dog died valiantly. Dragon was beaten (or should I say bitten) fiercely. It took only two arrows to finish him off. I've left the Dog's body in front of that dragon's remains thinking: what a pity I can't make some kind of a monument! I hope to see that Dog in Sovngarde. By all the Divines, that mutt deserved his place among the greatest heroes of Skyrim!Something similar happened to me, I had just found Meeko on the way to a Thalmor base(not a quest related one)(also, I had gotten confused and lost when I found him, if I hadn't read my compass wrong, I would never have found him). When I was fighting in the base, I tried to protect hi, from the Thalmor. Because of this, I had to wait and heal myself everytime I cleared a room or two. In one of the rooms I was dying and there were still several Thalmor left so I stopped protecting him and I went back to me usual fighting tactics. To my utter amazement, Meeko killed almost every single Thalmor in the room by himself and then he finished off the few I was fighting afterwards. This kept on happening in each room and he saved my life A LOT. By the time I had cleared the dungeon, he had killed about 30 Thalmor(I killed around 20 and I wasn't even letting him have any action until about halfway) and saved my life around 10 times. He kept on leading the way through other dungeons after this and I thought he was essential until I read it on the forums. I'm so glad I got lost now, he's really helping out! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cipherthe3vil Posted March 31, 2012 Share Posted March 31, 2012 On 3/30/2012 at 6:20 PM, landy8 said: what a pity I can't make some kind of a monument! I hope to see that Dog in Sovngarde. By all the Divines, that mutt deserved his place among the greatest heroes of Skyrim! You can Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mewness Posted April 4, 2012 Share Posted April 4, 2012 (edited) So like many of you, I like to do things in the game that make sense in terms of story and character, even it doesn't make any real difference to the game. I had two quests open that involved the Thalmor: one was the Embassy quest (part of the main storyline), and the other was the sidequest where you rescue the Greymane fellow from the Thalmor fort. I'd already determined that there was no peaceful way to free the Greymane guy, so I decided to do the Embassy quest first, since the doing the rescue quest had, in theory, the capacity to expose me as an enemy of the Thalmor, which could lead to my not being allowed in as a party guest. (In metagame terms I felt pretty confident that it wouldn't make any difference, of course, but it was still important to me to do the quests in logical order.) However, while I was in the general vicinity of the Thalmor fort doing something else, I COMPLETELY forgot about this decision, and unthinkingly invaded the fort, killed everyone, and rescued the guy. Then I suddenly remembered that I still had that party to go to, and what if someone had escaped and reports had already reached Solitude?!? So then I thought, "In all likelihood, I have the fastest horse in Skyrim." (I'm using Better Horses, which makes palominos faster than other kinds of horses, and my character was riding Frost, who is a palomino with even better stats than normal.) "If I gallop back to Solitude--" (so my thinking went) "--I will arrive ahead of any news about me, and I can still go to the party." So I get on Frost and gallop back to Solitude as fast as my horse's endurance will allow. Just outside Solitude, I am greeted by a guard who says something like "I hear you're the one who gave the Thalmor a black eye." ------ Someone else has already mentioned Aela coming back to life in Jorrvasskr. Along those lines, I visit Jorrvasskr one day looking for work. (I'm harbinger. I'm also traveling with my wife, Borgakh the Steel Heart.) I hear Aela talking to someone, and realize from the substance of her side of the conversation that the person she's talking to is Skjor. But Skjor is dead--he was killed by the SIlver Hand! Then Skjor himself comes into view, looking as hale and hearty as ever. I can't resist: I ask him for work. He tells me that there's an escaped criminal I need to hunt down. Then I look across the table. My wife, Borgakh, is walking slowly BACKWARDS around the table. And it's a huge table! She walks backwards all the way around it. I'm mesmerized. I can't figure out what she's doing. I watch her moon-walk all the way around. Shuddering in horror at this surreal scene, I leave, and attempt the find the escaped criminal that perfectly-healthy-looking-ghost-Skjor has sent me after. But whenever I consult the map looking for the criminal's location, he has teleported to some wildly out-of-the-way place. First he's at Battleborn Farm. Then suddenly he's near Solitude! Then.... I really should have taken the backwards walking as a sign. Edited April 4, 2012 by Mewness Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
magiii Posted April 4, 2012 Share Posted April 4, 2012 Jorrvasskar is really a haunted mead hall. beware of it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnaiSiaion Posted April 28, 2012 Share Posted April 28, 2012 I was testing something, alt-tabbed, forgot about it. An hour later I notice Skyrim is still open, so I tab back in and immediately a bear falls on my head. If only I knew what I did to make that happen. :whistling: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Perraine Posted May 11, 2012 Share Posted May 11, 2012 Sometimes it's the unintentional moments created by mods that make Skyrim so cool ...I installed the BDO mod which gives you many more options with your followers and also allows you to have multiple followers, and having finished the game several times I decided to add some NPC's with the NPC Editor.I created 2 'clones' of everyone's favourite housecarl and placed them in various taverns throughout Skyrim, and after picking up all three of the "Sworrun" sisters, Lydia, Lodia, and Ladia (yeah, yeah i know!) I went traveling. So anyway, I recently installed the "New Tolucan" mod which adds a truly epic new player home to the game and the author has gone into a HUGE amount of detail with it, inside the 'castle' is a 'man room/bar/kitchen' area and just outside is a Skyrim Shrine and Statue of Talos ... So to the moment ... Wanting to explore without the girls following me, I used the dialogue option to tell them to relax for a while ... Now, the redhead Lodia immediately heads for the nearest keg placed on the bar and starts quaffing tankard after tankard of Skyrims finest, which made me chuckle watching her poor herself a drink, and the blonde Ladia was calmly sitting at one of the tables nibbling on a sweetroll, but I couldn't see Lydia anywhere .. Curious I went looking for her ... Well to my utter astonishment I found Lydia near the alter/statue outside the 'bar' ... There she was reverently kneeling and praying in front to the Shrine to the Dragon Born, it was just one of those 'moments' the lighting almost "haloing" Lydia, the music and the fact that that's where she went when I told her to relax ... It was a "YHTBT" moment, but it was priceless and a testament to the (sometimes) quirky AI of Skyrim and also the talent of a modder who actually took the trouble to program the triggers into his mod so that moments like those can happen Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StayFrosty05 Posted May 14, 2012 Share Posted May 14, 2012 (edited) My Dovahkin having just bought down a Dragon with his 'Dragonrend' Shout and dispatched it, turns around to find Maiq standing close behind him...M'aiq's line: "M'aiq does not understand what is so impressive about shouting. M'aiq can shout whenever he wants".....Timing perfect.... :D I also have a stark naked Courier running around in my game....just seems to be the one Courier, he shows up randomly..... o_O Edited May 14, 2012 by StayFrosty05 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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