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Worst part in dark brotherhood?


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The worst quest for me was, I don't remember it's name but it's when you had to drink that stuff with those bad dudes before going on a mission and then you're told tokill those bandits or goblins (I forget what they were exactly) at the farm house somewhere and later on you find out that they were'nt bandits or goblins at all but an innocent family. What you drank before you went on the mission messed up your head and you only thought you saw bandits/goblins.

When I went back and saw the innocent dead family but the father, I think, was still alive. OMG, I felt so horrible. I kept trying to hide the dead bodies so I wouldn't have to see them every time I went past the house. I drug them all out into the water and they just floated around for the longest time. Then finally one day, they just disappeared.

That was the most heart breaking mission for me.

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Yeah that quest is so awful, worser than any Dark Brotherhood quest. But unfortunately that's Fighters Guild quest. But it's awful.


But my worst part in DB is to have to visit the night mother statue every week, than have to travel way back to Cheydinhal.

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Hated being reduced to Listener after everything was over. I wanted the chance to still go on jobs. Usually I could find something the targets had done to justify the "cleansing." I knew Rufio had done something heinous, I usually talked to them first. Didn't mind him. Kind of felt bad for the Nord. I thought the Minotaur head was challenging, so I liked it. I must be having a serious lapse in memory, because I can't for the life of me remember killing the skooma addict. It may be possible I didn't get that quest.


Killing the DB in Purification was torture, with the exception of Maar. I didn't mind killing his suck up butt! Also hated to see Lucien dead. Not enough hideouts either. It's a big organization, so why only one hideout and all the orders from the Nite Mother never happen in Cyrodiil?


Seems to me a lot more could have been done with this quest line. I gotta look into the resurrect code. I would have brought back everyone in the Cheydinhal house, except the two faced Khajitt, lol

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  • 8 months later...
The saddest part was seing Lucien dead. :sad: he was my favorite Npc. Also I was sad when I had to kill all family members (even that Khajiit) I mean they were all so nice to me ( except that Khajiit in the beginning).
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  • 2 months later...
I hated the second time you went to Applewatch and found LaChance's corpse. Made me want to kill all the Black Hand guys there for killing the coolest voice actor.
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I think worst part was while killing of the black hand when I figured out that something is wrong. When I found out about the reasons of the traitor and so on I was like "Shi*! He's nuts and close to the rest of the black hand! Screw his dead mom it's not a reason to go on a killing spree! Revenge against Lucien alone oka...DAMN! LUCIEN!" *Fast travel back to applewatch* "OH NO! ARE YOU ALL DUMB? THE TRAITOR IS ALIVE AND YOU KILLED LUCIEN!" I never went to the statue of the mother afterwards, I feelt like the dark brotherhood was destroyed, no use giving missions to those beginners and talking to them is also a waste.

Oh. And just for information: When you get the mission to kill that guy in Bravil after which lucien finds you and talks about the traitor, you should never try to assasinate that guy from one of the roofs! I used my acrobatic skill to get on one of the roof, shoot him down with my bow and lucien never reached me and just keept running into a house wall with me unable to move.

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I hated doing the purification and Lucien's death. I put it off for a while at one point before deciding to finish the questline.


Also, it wasn't so much Faelian (the Skooma Addict) who I felt bad for (he murdered a guy just to use his house for drinking Skooma, for cryin' out loud!), it was Faelian's girlfriend; Atraena. She seemed so sad that Faelian was addicted to Skooma and she even mentioned that the drink was going to be the death of him... she didn't know how right she really was. =/ I felt sorry for her, having to be so concerned that something might happen to her boyfriend and then her boyfriend gets murdered by the DB.

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