AceParadox Posted January 17, 2017 Share Posted January 17, 2017 I thought SE was cool for a while...then I realized I missed all the mods from my old playthroughs :P I have a feeling the modding of SE will just be abandoned anyway since a few graphics mods can recreate what SE can do anyway, right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
saurusmaximus Posted January 17, 2017 Share Posted January 17, 2017 SE will get there eventually, it just needs a working SKSE and improved ENB binaries; after that, it will be golden. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeddBate Posted January 18, 2017 Share Posted January 18, 2017 Yeah, I think a lot (possibly the majority) of us have gone that route. If you aren't aware, there's a pinned thread in the Skyrim SE sub-forum where behippo (one of the coders of the silverlock team) is giving us regular updates on the production of SKSE and SkyUi for SE. It's (tentatively scheduled for a beta around March.) No promises on that schedule of course, but it looks very encouraging. What's really nice is that all the great mods in Oldrim that rely on SKSE and SkyUI (MCM menus, for example) will most likely get ported over rather quickly. Once that happens, and like saurusmaximus says; the popular ENBs get ported, then there will be virtually no reason not to switch back to SE. Well... You'll have to build your new mod list, of course. But really, how many of us are constantly tweaking anyway? Yeah, me too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thomriis Posted January 18, 2017 Share Posted January 18, 2017 I haven't even bothered buying the SE Edition as i clearly remember how immensily boring vanilla Skyrim was and there's not a lot of mods for it yet. And it will probably be the same when TES VI comes out. Thanks modders for giving me the chance to alter the crap out of Skyrim and make it interesting again,Keep up the good work :thumbsup: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
twiztedmongoloid Posted January 21, 2017 Share Posted January 21, 2017 I have 2 hours of playtime with special edition. I am excited for it to finally get up to par mod wise and also mod manager wise (tannin and the new manager hes working on with nexus) Until that happens tho classic will continue to be what i play. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iXenite Posted January 21, 2017 Share Posted January 21, 2017 I went back to Vanilla and decided it was too ugly to keep playing, so I went back to Special Edition. My PC can't run ENB's and I wasn't satisfied with the sweetfx presets available, so I went back to Special Edition. The only reason I have Skyrim still installed on my PC is for Enderal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thomriis Posted January 21, 2017 Share Posted January 21, 2017 Can you still play Skyrim if Enderal is installed?? Or do you need a seperate installation of Skyrim modded with Enderal?? Nehrim at fate's edge was really awesome and as soon i'm finished with Skyrim Enderal will be next. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iXenite Posted January 21, 2017 Share Posted January 21, 2017 Can you still play Skyrim if Enderal is installed?? Or do you need a seperate installation of Skyrim modded with Enderal?? Nehrim at fate's edge was really awesome and as soon i'm finished with Skyrim Enderal will be next. You cannot play Skyrim while Enderal is installed. There is a convaluted way you can have two installations of Skyrim, one for Enderal and one for the based game, but for normal installations of Enderal you will not be able to play Skyrim. Gopher has a videos on how to install Enderal, and one of them shows you how to have to installations if you're curious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thomriis Posted January 21, 2017 Share Posted January 21, 2017 Can you still play Skyrim if Enderal is installed?? Or do you need a seperate installation of Skyrim modded with Enderal?? Nehrim at fate's edge was really awesome and as soon i'm finished with Skyrim Enderal will be next. You cannot play Skyrim while Enderal is installed. There is a convaluted way you can have two installations of Skyrim, one for Enderal and one for the based game, but for normal installations of Enderal you will not be able to play Skyrim. Gopher has a videos on how to install Enderal, and one of them shows you how to have to installations if you're curious. Allright i'll give it a go,Love hearing gopher explaining things Thanks for the answer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moksha8088 Posted January 23, 2017 Share Posted January 23, 2017 I think my SE game is visually superior. I do however miss some of the enhancements that can only be provided once SKSE64 and whatever SkyUI successor will restore the MCM menu. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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