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MMORPG Virgin requests advice


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Am feeling rather sheepish....


Having checked out the suggestions made, I realize that I just wont have the spare time to spend on any of them to do justice. Many thanks for the suggestions and advice. Sorry to anyone who feels they have wasted their time


BTW, just as a help to anyone else who may be interested in this, what is the difference between a MMO and a MMORPG?


Cheers, and ... baaaaa.

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I strongly recommend you try eve online.

... and if you decide to carry on playing, I can point you to a few corporations dedicated to helping newer players get the hang of things.

would appreciate the contacts


Started playing Eve day before. Am taking some notes- and I'll put them online for you Chesto. Will post the link here later.


Edit: have posted the notes at the Wormhole- check if you can access them or not


Edit edit: have removed the link above. Will try and make these visible. Have posted the notes in post #24 in this thread


Edit edit edit: Try this place (nexus)


Edit edit edit edit: Visible now at the wormhole, where the updates will be more regular

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Thanks again, sam.... That site requires that I register. Tempted to do so, but wont because it will be yet another 'drain' on rapidly depleting spare time.


OK. ( 16:30 hrs ) So I'm a blancmange. Have reg'd to Worm. Unfortunately, there was an 'error' when I clicked on your link, sam....


Hope The _Terminator reads this so that he may help you out.


OY! The _Terminator! SEE ABOVE. ( No expenditure of precious fishy sticks required )

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Can't recommend EVE Online highly enough. I've been playing it for nearly 2 years now, and if there's such a thing as a 'maxed out' character I'm nowhere near it yet.


For the first few months I was doing PvE - running missions, ratting in high sec. Then I joined a pirate corporation, and got my introduction to PvP.


I was part of an alliance that worked together to build an outpost in one of the then newly opened up regions, an alliance that shortly after the outpost was completed stabbed my corporation in the back, eventually leading to the corporation leaving the alliance altogether.


Joining a new corporation made me a member of the most despised and universally hated alliance in EVE - Privateers. We were at war with about 70% of EVE at the time - it was the last big Privateers campaign before the game developers changed the game mechanics. After the 0.0 political game, being in Privateers was like playing EVE on speed - it was a constant adrenaline rush and undocking from a station pretty much guaranteed a fight with one of our many war targets.


Once the game mechanics change took effect my corporation left Privateers and joined another alliance. And although I only was in Privateers for 10 days it still causes quite a reaction when I mention my career history. :D


After a while my corporation decided to move to a different region of 0.0 space, and our small pvp gangs of about 5 - 10 people were some of the most fun I've had in EVE. With our gangs being led by very experienced PvPers we were taking a lot of risks - sometimes we won, sometimes we had to run, sometimes we lost our ships. But we had fun.


For the last few months I've been in alliances involved in the 'Great War' in the south. This involves a different kind of PvP - being a member of large battleship fleets attacking strategic targets, capturing or defending stations, protecting the capital ship fleets. Watching a whole fleet all use a jumpbridge at once, using a titan's jump portal - those must be among the most spectacular sights in EVE. And there's a lots of behind the scenes politics - temporary truces, shifting alliances etc.


And there's so much more to EVE yet - I've only dabbled a bit in trading, I haven't looked much at all at the industrial aspects (other than building ammunition), I haven't even started training to fly capital ships, there's dedicated roleplaying corporations...


It can be a bit daunting it first because there is just so much to it - but it's so worth persevering

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