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Mass Effect 3 Will Require Origin on PC


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dunno. i dont read EULAs to be honest.but how do YOU know there arent other EULAs that say they scan your system how do you know you dont already ave program that does more then what Origins does?


and i didnt read anything in theirs that said they could give that information to anyone else. (doesnt mean its not there, im just saying i didnt see it)


as i said. personally. talking about just me....idc. when i read something about how everyone who has Origins has had (insert incident here) happen to them, because of them having Origins, then i just wont care, and by that time, it will probably be to late for me. but w.e



are you from the US Vagrant?

Edited by hoofhearted4
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I am of the opinion, that this whole debate can be resolved by the simple adopting of a 'live and let live policy'. Is it really necessary to fight tooth and nail to change a persons opinion so firmly rooted in what they believe?. A person who wants to use 'Origin' will use it, a person that won't... won't.


I do believe that these allegations of spyware should be discussed, but all this arguing is unnecessary. People can read this thread, take it as they will, and make their own decision as to whether to use Origin. It's no-one else's business but their own.

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dunno. i dont read EULAs to be honest.but how do YOU know there arent other EULAs that say they scan your system how do you know you dont already ave program that does more then what Origins does?

Because I monitor my own system. If I see a dozen outgoing connections being made to the same group of IPs throughout the day, I track it down, see what it's doing, and usually stop it. I have a dual monitor system specifically so that I can have diagnostic tools readily available. I've already looked thoroughly at Steam, and not found any evidence that it tries to access anything outside those games and programs which are linked to Steam. Even then, I usually have Steam blocked from connecting unless I am looking to update a game or play online. Valve has a reasonably good reputation once you get beyond the usual haters; they support independent gamers, hold regular sales so people can get games dirt cheap, and connect gamers with other sources related to the games they own. EA on the otherhand has been repeatedly making bad decisions, penalizing customers, refusing statements, and have been solely responsible for driving several good franchises straight into the ground (Madden, Sim City, Spore, just to name a few) by watering them down or nickle-and-diming customers.


Yes, I know Steam can ban you, but nearly every reported case has been related to someone trying to make fraud payments for games or similar, and usually these get worked out. For anything done in actual games (VAC) that usually just bans you from using that game online, rather than your whole account. EA bans you from the whole service for making a bad forum post, and refuses to contact you about restoring your account.

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Everyone is all hating on EA here it seems. So what will happen if EA were to buy over and publish Elder Scrolls 6?

I'd predict rage, and people buying it anyway


I'd find something else to play if it required Origin.

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Everyone is all hating on EA here it seems. So what will happen if EA were to buy over and publish Elder Scrolls 6?

I'd predict rage, and people buying it anyway


I'd find something else to play if it required Origin.


What the man says.


These are just games. We shouldn't have to sell our souls for the privilege of playing a freaking game no matter how good it is supposed to be.


Anyhow being entitled to a modicum of privacy shouldn't be such a big deal. Private information shouldn't be relevant when it comes to gaming and hobbies. We can understand that big companies have an incentive in collecting data about customers but that is simply going too far.

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Although I was going to write another long and boring reply, suddenly I simply lost the heart to try again :(


To each one aware not only of the present situation but mainly of the road being built and where it is leading, dozens can't sense the danger despite looking at it and the almost complete majority is just... oblivious.

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What annoys me is the oblivious and worse, the people who know about it but don't care, are being selfish. Even if I didn't care about my private data being collected and sold or published or freely accessible, I would still recognise that this is over stepping of privacy bounds and would not support it, because if I did, joining the ranks that does condone the practice means I am ultimately screwing over the people who do have a problem with it. And what happens if I changed my mind later? Once I relinquish rights to privacy I doubt I can get them back.
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