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NMM2 - Update and recruitment


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In response to post #47380435. #47380720, #47383350, #47383740, #47385610, #47399210 are all replies on the same post.

indycurt wrote: I'm sorry, but I'm one of "those people" that like NMM the way it is. It works perfectly and always has for me. It's easy, comfortable, uncomplicated and snug like a favorite blanket. Why you have to go and screw with it is beyond me. New is not always better.
lued123 wrote: If you like NMM the way it is, then... stick with it maybe? It's in a finalized state, so you can safely turn off automatic updates and never use this.
matortheeternal wrote: The application they're making is totally separate. You can keep using old NMM, though you aren't going to get any new functionality that way.
cracktfly wrote: I used MO briefly to play with an Oldrim install and found it to be pretty slick though it wasn't the most intuitive. Definitely a learning curve but that's not a bad thing. I gave it up in place of going with a new SE install and NMM. When I heard they were working together on a new MM I got really excited. I imagine that the new app will give you all the same easy-to-use experience of NMM with a lot of really deep and handy features that are there if you want them. New isn't always better but I have a sneaking feeling this will be.
HomicidalGrouse wrote: Those averse to change are doomed to be left behind.
DFiNo wrote: Double post, sorry...

"Those averse to change are doomed to be left behind."

Luddites! Edited by DFiNo
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In response to post #47380435. #47380720, #47383350, #47383740, #47385610, #47399195, #47399210 are all replies on the same post.

indycurt wrote: I'm sorry, but I'm one of "those people" that like NMM the way it is. It works perfectly and always has for me. It's easy, comfortable, uncomplicated and snug like a favorite blanket. Why you have to go and screw with it is beyond me. New is not always better.
lued123 wrote: If you like NMM the way it is, then... stick with it maybe? It's in a finalized state, so you can safely turn off automatic updates and never use this.
matortheeternal wrote: The application they're making is totally separate. You can keep using old NMM, though you aren't going to get any new functionality that way.
cracktfly wrote: I used MO briefly to play with an Oldrim install and found it to be pretty slick though it wasn't the most intuitive. Definitely a learning curve but that's not a bad thing. I gave it up in place of going with a new SE install and NMM. When I heard they were working together on a new MM I got really excited. I imagine that the new app will give you all the same easy-to-use experience of NMM with a lot of really deep and handy features that are there if you want them. New isn't always better but I have a sneaking feeling this will be.
HomicidalGrouse wrote: Those averse to change are doomed to be left behind.
DFiNo wrote: "Those averse to change are doomed to be left behind."

DFiNo wrote: Double post, sorry...

To each their own, I am eagerly awaiting NMM2 because I much prefer Mod Organizer to NMM and it'd be great to have the best of both worlds. Also NMM isn't on Linux.OSX.
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Maybe name it after a design goal not achieved in previous mod managers. Such as, "Fluid Mod Experience," or FME.


Actually I really like the "Experience" part of that, personally. I'm terrible with names as a whole though.

Edited by ColdHarmonics
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In response to post #47380435. #47380720, #47383350, #47383740, #47385610, #47399195, #47399210, #47400490, #47400500 are all replies on the same post.

indycurt wrote: I'm sorry, but I'm one of "those people" that like NMM the way it is. It works perfectly and always has for me. It's easy, comfortable, uncomplicated and snug like a favorite blanket. Why you have to go and screw with it is beyond me. New is not always better.
lued123 wrote: If you like NMM the way it is, then... stick with it maybe? It's in a finalized state, so you can safely turn off automatic updates and never use this.
matortheeternal wrote: The application they're making is totally separate. You can keep using old NMM, though you aren't going to get any new functionality that way.
cracktfly wrote: I used MO briefly to play with an Oldrim install and found it to be pretty slick though it wasn't the most intuitive. Definitely a learning curve but that's not a bad thing. I gave it up in place of going with a new SE install and NMM. When I heard they were working together on a new MM I got really excited. I imagine that the new app will give you all the same easy-to-use experience of NMM with a lot of really deep and handy features that are there if you want them. New isn't always better but I have a sneaking feeling this will be.
HomicidalGrouse wrote: Those averse to change are doomed to be left behind.
DFiNo wrote: "Those averse to change are doomed to be left behind."

DFiNo wrote: Double post, sorry...
sw1n3flu141 wrote: To each their own, I am eagerly awaiting NMM2 because I much prefer Mod Organizer to NMM and it'd be great to have the best of both worlds. Also NMM isn't on Linux.OSX.
sw1n3flu141 wrote: To each their own, I am eagerly awaiting NMM2 because I much prefer Mod Organizer to NMM and it'd be great to have the best of both worlds. Also NMM isn't on Linux.OSX.

Kinda like cockroaches, eh. Haven't changed much in - what - 150 million years?
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In response to post #47378955. #47379635, #47380245, #47380310, #47380615, #47380650, #47380665, #47380780, #47381010, #47381020, #47381085, #47381190, #47381300, #47381380, #47381760, #47388285, #47391065, #47392075, #47393425, #47395985, #47396020 are all replies on the same post.

ShmooZ wrote: I say name it Nexus Mod Organizer!
Elianora wrote: +1
ThatDirtyShisno wrote: +1
TacticalAce wrote: NMO sounds like MMO when spoken, just saying..
nappilydeestructio wrote: +2
lued123 wrote: +1 because we can call it NeMO.
azraal wrote: Nah, the most important feature of mod organizer, the virtual file system, won't be here anyway, or so i read somewhere.
So it can't really qualify to be called in a similar way... :)

So instead, to make sure that even if Tannin is in the team, people don't get the wrong idea, how about NNMO which means NNMO is Not ModOrganizer (what? At least some of you will understand the joke. And maybe the joke inside the joke. But this one is common knowledge now).
lued123 wrote: I don't think we've heard anything about whether it will have a variation of MO's file system. I imagine it will, at least as an option. The whole point of this merger is to take the best bits of both, not to dumb down MO by removing its main advantage.
opusGlass wrote: +1 the community has already been calling it this anyway

And yeah I definitely expect a virtual file system, they did hire MO's developer to make it after all...
Dark0ne wrote: Just to nip this one in the bud so we don't get spammed with +1s, we won't be calling it Nexus Mod Organizer.

Mainly because I simply don't like the name "Mod Organizer". Nothing against Tannin at all!

So, consider that name vetoed.
opusGlass wrote: Darn okay. Any confirmation for/against a virtual file system, Dark0ne?
Dark0ne wrote: As far as I know, and don't quote me on this, we plan to allow you to pick how you want the file management to work from a number of options, but some might not be done by launch.

Similarly, we're making the software as open source and as easily extendible/extensible as possible, so if we don't do something, some devs could. Modding the mod manager, in essence. Modception.
inawe wrote: +1 My thought exactly.

Didn't see Dark0ne's answer before posting. Nexus Mod Organizer made the most sense to me. Oh well... as long as it is able to use a virtual file system like MO, I'll use it, regardless of the name.
Gribbleshnibit8 wrote: Seriously. This is the only thing that matters to me. While FOMM and NMM's installation method were OK, they were also awful, left (for Bethesda games) the game folder cluttered with files, and made it incredibly difficult to really get a handle on load order and precedence of loose files. Please do not steal from us the only good mod manager that has ever existed and replace it with something that isn't any better than the much older offerings.
Kitchensnk wrote: How Bout

Mod Commander or ModCOM
TinyManticore wrote: Adding +1 anyway for NEMO.

It has community support, it's short, it's memorable, and it's meaningful.

Sublimate your personal bias and pick a name that is the best for your *business* ...
ArtaiosGreybark wrote: A few people posting +1 does not mean the name has community support. I trust Robin knows best what is and is not good for his business.
pintocat wrote: I have to second the virtual filesystem part... that's the best part of Mod Organizer
Arthmoor wrote: @Gribbleshnibit8:

Wrye Bash would have made your life so much easier since it was doing proper loose file installs a year before there even was FOMM.
RopeSander wrote: The people have spoken... Nexus Mod Organizer.
RopeSander wrote: The people have spoken... Nexus Mod Organizer.

Edit: Ugghhh double post.

Yuuup +1
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In response to post #47378955. #47379635, #47380245, #47380310, #47380615, #47380650, #47380665, #47380780, #47381010, #47381020, #47381085, #47381190, #47381300, #47381380, #47381760, #47388285, #47391065, #47392075, #47393425, #47395985, #47396020, #47403750 are all replies on the same post.

ShmooZ wrote: I say name it Nexus Mod Organizer!
Elianora wrote: +1
ThatDirtyShisno wrote: +1
TacticalAce wrote: NMO sounds like MMO when spoken, just saying..
nappilydeestructio wrote: +2
lued123 wrote: +1 because we can call it NeMO.
azraal wrote: Nah, the most important feature of mod organizer, the virtual file system, won't be here anyway, or so i read somewhere.
So it can't really qualify to be called in a similar way... :)

So instead, to make sure that even if Tannin is in the team, people don't get the wrong idea, how about NNMO which means NNMO is Not ModOrganizer (what? At least some of you will understand the joke. And maybe the joke inside the joke. But this one is common knowledge now).
lued123 wrote: I don't think we've heard anything about whether it will have a variation of MO's file system. I imagine it will, at least as an option. The whole point of this merger is to take the best bits of both, not to dumb down MO by removing its main advantage.
opusGlass wrote: +1 the community has already been calling it this anyway

And yeah I definitely expect a virtual file system, they did hire MO's developer to make it after all...
Dark0ne wrote: Just to nip this one in the bud so we don't get spammed with +1s, we won't be calling it Nexus Mod Organizer.

Mainly because I simply don't like the name "Mod Organizer". Nothing against Tannin at all!

So, consider that name vetoed.
opusGlass wrote: Darn okay. Any confirmation for/against a virtual file system, Dark0ne?
Dark0ne wrote: As far as I know, and don't quote me on this, we plan to allow you to pick how you want the file management to work from a number of options, but some might not be done by launch.

Similarly, we're making the software as open source and as easily extendible/extensible as possible, so if we don't do something, some devs could. Modding the mod manager, in essence. Modception.
inawe wrote: +1 My thought exactly.

Didn't see Dark0ne's answer before posting. Nexus Mod Organizer made the most sense to me. Oh well... as long as it is able to use a virtual file system like MO, I'll use it, regardless of the name.
Gribbleshnibit8 wrote: Seriously. This is the only thing that matters to me. While FOMM and NMM's installation method were OK, they were also awful, left (for Bethesda games) the game folder cluttered with files, and made it incredibly difficult to really get a handle on load order and precedence of loose files. Please do not steal from us the only good mod manager that has ever existed and replace it with something that isn't any better than the much older offerings.
Kitchensnk wrote: How Bout

Mod Commander or ModCOM
TinyManticore wrote: Adding +1 anyway for NEMO.

It has community support, it's short, it's memorable, and it's meaningful.

Sublimate your personal bias and pick a name that is the best for your *business* ...
ArtaiosGreybark wrote: A few people posting +1 does not mean the name has community support. I trust Robin knows best what is and is not good for his business.
pintocat wrote: I have to second the virtual filesystem part... that's the best part of Mod Organizer
Arthmoor wrote: @Gribbleshnibit8:

Wrye Bash would have made your life so much easier since it was doing proper loose file installs a year before there even was FOMM.
RopeSander wrote: The people have spoken... Nexus Mod Organizer.
RopeSander wrote: The people have spoken... Nexus Mod Organizer.

Edit: Ugghhh double post.
RedLeviathan wrote: Yuuup +1

"the people have spoken"

And the guy that owns the site has too, and he said no. Cut it already with this.
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I think Dark0ne should call it anything he wants, he's paying the bills. What i wish is that they are building in a way for those of us saddled with a slow internet connection (3.2 mbs) to bypass the requirement to let the manager download all our mods. I use 348 mods in my game (counting texture mods)) and from what I can determine, that would take about 2 days to get everything downloaded. So far I am stuck with version 56.1, not because I am in love with that version but because I have to. Hope the team is listening.
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